Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1046: The final war-Sara

"What is this?" Faced with a new type of carrier aircraft that has never appeared and disrupted its strategic deployment, its shape looks like flames and water, and the shape of the alloy becomes illusory, especially the increase in flight speed. It completely surpassed everyone else's carrier-based aircraft, and companies and others trying to pursue them couldn't even see the traces of fire and water left behind along the way. Read a book·1k·

The perfectly integrated new carrier-based aircraft broke into the local theater and immediately put it into the suppression of the human coalition battle line, because to recalculate the speed, all the previous presets were completely overturned. Absolute advantage, the original solid front line of the human coalition was stirred up.

Relying on the protection of the carrier aircraft, the aircraft carrier cluster can still barely contend, but the battle line that originally took advantage of the local superiority of the battle line has been severely suppressed. Their shooting route is in this special carrier aircraft. Disturbed by disturbance, half of the flame and half of the sea, like a supernatural element. In addition to the absolute speed advantage, their aggression is also several times higher than before. The energy shield extended by the battleship is frozen. Under the staggered rays, it becomes as fragile as paper. After hitting the armor layer, it not only penetrates well, but the remaining energy is like continuing to corrode the high-strength alloy.

Chicheng and Kaga suddenly joined forces to fight, not only gave the astral navy a great embarrassment, the ship's mother of the joint fleet also did not see this look like Akagi and Kaga.

"The structure of the shield is designed according to all attack methods, and it can be easily penetrated by the attack. Only one person can do it before the seven galaxies." The safflower decoration on the hair of the ship carrier Tiancheng straightened, while matching As the company waited for a star carrier carrier to readjust the rhythm of the red, blue and blue carrier aircraft, he said, "That is the only Veneto with supernatural modules. Will Akagi and Kaga be the same?"

The enterprise did not hurry to judge, and the trouble caused by the absolute enemy on the battlefield was the most important thing she thought, but Saratoga, who was very familiar with Veneto, replied: "Veneto has Xiaoyan The help has only a lot of supernatural ability modules, and a lot of data samples have been collected in different worlds. Akagi and Kaga should have no such experience?"

"Don’t forget that behind them is the abyss admiral. The creatures from the void can’t be judged by the logic of the physical world. The technology of the abyss fleet is very different from ours. They just have no mature technical system. Imitate our battles. If we say that this is an imitation of Veneto's combat method?" Tiancheng really feels a little tricky, especially after the enterprise has spent a lot of effort and finally intercepted the ships of Chicheng and Kaga on the local battlefield. After loading the aircraft and attempting to attack, conventional guided explosive weapons actually did not have any effect. Only relatively weak energy weapons could cause damage.

This means that the airborne firepower of the human coalition aircraft has been greatly weakened, but it is a bit deadly on the battlefield that is evenly matched.

"Saratoga, aren't you familiar with Veneto, can you contact her to see if she has any solution?" Tiancheng was impressed with Veneto's power. At first she took the fleet across the hundreds of stars When Zuo arrived at the P Star Field battlefield, forcing the joint fleet to shake hands with the Liaoning fleet, she was already invincible in the heart of Tiancheng. Now seeing a similar scene, Tiancheng naturally couldn't help thinking of seeking Veneto's help. .

Saratoga hesitated a little, because the company has allowed the aircraft carrier to switch the attack mode and organize the attack again. She knows how proud the company’s generous and energetic girl is. If she doesn’t believe her, she is looking for peace. With the help of Neto, will this take a heavy blow to the pride of the company?

"Wait a minute..." Saratoga is not a weak person. Since the company has chosen to find a solution to the special carrier aircraft, she must also try to see if it can directly cause damage to Chicheng and Kaga.

"Tiancheng, Yunlong, Canglong, Feilong, hey sister, don’t run, try with me to give priority to killing the abyss Chicheng and Kaga. The two shameless and shameful guys wear them so exposed Together, we must not run fast!" Saratoga’s carrier aircraft took the lead out of the group formation and moved towards the depth of the abyssal fleet. The joint fleet warrior called by her did not want to go directly to Akagi and Kaga, but now They couldn't help but soften their hearts. As for Lexington, her performance on the battlefield was more to help Saratoga and enterprises improve their combat efficiency, but it didn't have much shining point.

Just hearing that Saratoga was going to stage Super Sarah’s rhythm, Lexington only asked if the company could hold it alone, and after affirmative answer, he assisted his sister in the attack.

The more aircraft carriers cooperate, the more terrifying Saratoga's fighting power will be. Unfortunately, companies also need many aircraft carrier companions to contain her opponent's attacks, so Saratoga can only move with the other five. The mother of the aircraft carrier launched a super Sarah attack.

Saratoga’s Super Sarah combat is not a strategic weapon, but the deterrent in the decisive battle is undoubtedly comparable to the nuclear bomb of the earth age. She relies on the cooperation of other aircraft carriers, but it is not fighting against other aircraft carrier mothers. The suppression of her ability to increase herself, she just broke away from the overall offensive ~ ~ with absolute girl intuition to grasp all fleeting fighters.

No one of the seven galaxies can ignore Super Sarah’s attack, even the abyssed Akagi and Kaga can’t fight together. They have to weaken the attack on the human coalition and focus more on Saratoga. Their offense.

The battle started the fiercest confrontation in the shelling of the two armies. Saratoga relied on the perfect control of the timing, coupled with the effective attack methods that the enterprise had already tried out. There was a large-scale damage once, but it was also based on the heavy losses of Saratoga and others.

After each ice-fired carrier-based aircraft was hit, it turned into blue smoke as if it had lost its balance. The core structure part had a conventional burst of the carrier-based aircraft, but only one ice-fired carrier-based aircraft was sunk each time. Saratoga, they often have to pay more than three times the loss, and the enemies are obviously not only Akagi and Kaga, the flying crane Ruihe whose light is temporarily suppressed by their performance, and the ordinary aircraft carrier mother of the Abyssal Fleet are also in Participate in war.

Fighting at this rhythm, Super Sarah is likely to encounter the first time that she will fail to return without touching the enemy's body.


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