Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1047: The final war-purification

Saratoga didn’t have the firm obsession with Xeon. She was wearing mischievous glasses with William D Porter’s thick-bottomed glasses all day long. She probably didn’t spend her spare time to enrich herself. Standing on the battlefield relies on talent and the supervision of your sister, so the honor is relatively thin. It depends·1k·

But this does not mean that she will be indifferent after her most proud field is violated by everyone. Seeing that the attack of the carrier fleet representing Super Sarah is blocked, Saratoga completely throws out the idea of ​​consulting Veneto at the moment. At the back of the head, the desperate control of the carrier-based aircraft group's attack must be separated from Akagi and Kaga and their accomplices before they stop.

No one can distinguish the situation in the aerospace battlefield like a swarm of swarms except for those who personally participate in it. The ship's mother will be irritated when her own anti-scale is challenged, and then show a more powerful strength, that is because After all, they have a perseverance in the victory and defeat. In the case of a star field with Chester William sitting in the a star field, the ship's mother has not yet grown to the point of being truly unique. Sometimes they can't let that face down.

But Chester William’s thinking is different from that of enterprises and Saratoga. Any opportunity to bring victory to the war should not be missed as a qualified admiral. Saratoga has no contact with Veneto. Her thoughts and perseverance, but Chester William can not let the other party so unscrupulous.

a The central area of ​​the star field has been completely reduced to the control area of ​​the abyssal fleet, and no information can pass through it, so Chester William’s communication request goes from the top of the star gate node of the Pacific Ocean to the South American galaxies. Rantek sea. Read a book·1k·

The pretty silver-haired girl president is dealing with the news from the a star territory capital star. The new and old g star territory confrontation there made her see the scene she wanted to see in her heart. The battle between Bismarck and Hindenburg Relatively not at all the kind of battle for the survival of the species, both of them are persistent, obsessed with protecting and winning the only glory.

Veneto believed that Bismarck had not forgotten her glory. Hindenburg's provocations clearly inspired this point. In order to enable her to further find her own truth, Veneto can continue to wait, even if every One day, dozens of ship mothers are sacrificed because of this, and thousands of human soldiers fall under her delay, but this is for the final victory, Veneto still have to wait.

The white shirt is paired with a black strappy skirt, and the red and white tie is tight, but the short black thin cloth shawl was replaced by a plush half-length shawl. The longer you sit in the high-weight position, Veneto The majesty of her is also increasing day by day. In order to adapt to her new identity, she is also changing her dress style.

Now Veneto is calm like a calm lake in an ancient mountain, and nothing can change her calm.

"Big sister, news from Admiral A." Andrea Doria brought the communication request.

Veneto raised his eyes and nodded, "Connect."

Chester William had never met Veneto before. When Yue Zhong was still there, he only felt that Veneto was a more powerful ship mother under Yue Zhong’s men, but he was backed by the entire a star domain, Chester William. Never thought about Veneto.

It was only after a sudden change in the situation that Yue Zhong gradually retreated behind the scenes, the world knew that he was blinded by his horrifying scam, and Veneto, who had come out at this time, was already at a position that was even or even higher than them, Chester William could not decide to sacrifice himself to adapt to the new era as early as Zhu Zhongxue, so his ship's mother was still being suppressed, and no one was qualified to talk to Veneto.

Now that the rise of the Flame Alliance is inevitable and growing stronger, even if he is the admiral of the astral navy, he appears to have insufficient momentum in the face of Veneto.

"Please tell me what happened." Veneto raised his hand steadily, such as Corporal Lixian.

The situation on the battlefield changed rapidly, and even if Chester William did not like the attitude shown by Veneto, he had to accept it, and even felt that there was no violation.

He briefly explained the way of fighting beyond technology that Akagi and Kaga showed. Veneto only frowned slightly, thinking for a moment and then said: "The expected thing, the abyssal fleet and I fought in the Europa Galaxy. For a long time, how much can learn something."

Chester William asked calmly: "The performance of their carrier-based aircraft is too obvious. Sooner or later, the left-wing battlefield will collapse under its impact. I need effective restraint... Since Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan let you show With this power, I can surely think that the Abyssal Fleet will make a fuss on this. I need that coping method."

Veneto gave a meaningful smile, and Chester William's scalp was numb: "Will I give you the solution to me, Mr. Admiral."

Chester William felt the chill in the Veneto discourse, as he always thought, Yue Zhong never intended to really let them go, and Veneto was the one who inherited his will and mantle , How can I tolerate myself?

"Did the San Francisco star fall, the astral navy, the combined fleet, and even the liberated fleet of Liaoning bury you all?" Chester William tried to use the trend to suppress Veneto, just like she used the ship mothership era The general trend is to force yourself to make unwilling decisions.

Veneto shook his head indifferently: "The Abyssal Fleet has never been a real opponent in my eyes. Humans have their own weaknesses and defects, but when they enter the material world as a void life, they must also abide by the laws of a species. It is not Impeccable, the power in front of you is just a castle in the sky, so don’t be alarmist. The development of this war is better than anyone else’s. The only thing that can be sacrificed is some bad luck ship mothers, maybe there will be your wife ?"

"Isn't it impossible to want me to all, I am also a member of the human coalition, but does the Admiral think this is another equivalent exchange?" Veneto raised his head slightly. The flames burned deeply, "Takayuki used his death in exchange for the independence of the joint fleet and Liaoning and my goodwill. I will definitely help the joint fleet as much as possible, at least not let their inheritance be cut off, but a star domain navy Seems to have never paid anything."

Veneto finally left a sentence, cold like the cold lake where the soul of the Nine Serenities asleep: "My request is very simple, Mr. Chester William, please commit suicide."

It’s Veneto’s ingrained idea that the age of the ship’s mother does not need an admiral. To achieve this, she does not matter even with some mean means. Admirals in the seven galaxies must be purified, like Chester William has a huge influence Is the most important thing.

Chester William never thought of suffocating death, Veneto's domineering attitude completely aroused his original arrogance. Since Veneto did not want to help at this time, he did not need to whisper. 'S pleading: "Is Yue Zhong teaching you to fight internally? If so, you'd better not dream."


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