Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1049: : The final war-the beginning

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The paladin’s girl once again set foot on the battlefield, this time there were fewer people around her, but Richelieu, who was called from allies, could not sit back and watch after all. The arrival of the star from the astral capital was only a short time before the battlefield. For a voyage, she could reach quickly without even a space jump. When she once again saw Bismarck and Tilbitz in the abyssal fleet, they already interspersed with familiar faces such as the wolves-like u submarine, Richelieu rushed up bravely.

Fang Cai still had other thoughts in her mind, but when the battlefield was fully devoted to the battle, all unrelated matters no longer troubled Richelieu.

"Veneto should have arrived..."

The real main force of the human coalition from the Europa system should have appeared on the defense line of the astral capital star at this moment. However, no one has arrived, whether it is the Heavy Flame Fleet or the Royal Navy, if they are in Alan. Ke Xinghai encountered the same situation of the United Fleet at Parkfield Xinghai. It is understandable that the lovely Lantec Xinghai is very calm, which is inevitable.

The warship ladies in the Royal Navy not only asked Veneto to speed up the march, but she was steadily advancing. After each supply point, it was necessary to confirm that the entire fleet was fully supplied before giving the order to continue to advance.

Some clever ship mothers began to speculate that this was a deliberate delay by Veneto, but could not understand why Veneto did it for what purpose.

Ulster made the Royal Navy always follow the Blaze Fleet, insisting on obeying the orders of the Admiral to protect his current status and safety. The Prince of Wales and others have carried out uncompromising execution, but the dissatisfaction in his heart is constantly growing. Until the verge was about to erupt, Veneto finally ordered the whole army to rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

This relieved everyone, at least the astral capital star won't fall, and Veneto didn't really want the astral land to fall, in order to retaliate all the actions they had done to her admiral. Or pave the way for your own future.

As long as their main fleet arrives, whether it is an excellent main battleship in the Royal Navy, or a transcendent existence such as Veneto, or two super battleships such as Sukhbaatar and Odin, hold a Star field capital star is no longer a problem, even if the abyss admiral comes with its special abyss ship mother, they can compete with one, this is the real strategic battle.

After Richelieu joined, the fighting power of the astral capital's star defense line is still stretched, but everyone has an expectation in their hearts. The time of Veneto's arrival has been clear and close, they only need to block the abyss before then Just the fleet.

The darkness before dawn is difficult and cruel. When it comes to the most critical thing, every ship mother and every soldier must devote 100% of their energy to the war. Any slackness is likely to cause humanity to pay. The heavy price only persisted until today’s achievements were paid off, and those who caused this will naturally become sinners of all mankind. No one is willing to bear such a crime. The huge pressure is for these elites who have survived for hundreds of years. Just inexhaustible motivation.

The dawn of victory seemed to be close at hand, within reach.

However, in the last hour countdown of Veneto and their arrival on the battlefield, a huge change occurred in the battlefield of the San Francisco star that crossed the territory of the a star territory.

Chester William, who was unable to obtain the combat methods of Akagi and Kaga's joint flight from Veneto, was far from defeating, he said that the finer art of command was expressed on the entire battlefield, just like the best commander in Coordinating the melody of the whole world, exerting the role of an admiral to the extreme, trying his best to help the fleet build a foundation for victory. Alster can’t do better in everything he does, the seven galaxies Of all the admirers from ancient times to the present, no one would do better than him.

Chester William used all his strength to prove his worth, and proved that his life will always be more valuable than the meaning of sacrifice, because Veneto’s words deeply stabbed his proud heart, and He subverted the way he used to treat people.

In such a critical period, Veneto believes that his suicide is more important than anything. Although he attaches importance to his identity, it is also a denial of his ability. Chester William exists in human confrontation. The battlefield of Void invasion is really worthless?

This is the indifference that the proud blonde teenager will never admit. From another point of view, he had no hatred with Yue Zhong, but instead had a life-saving grace towards him, but Yue Zhong had a more ambitious plan and was unwilling to compromise. They will eventually part ways, but in Chester William's heart, there has never been any plan to make Yue Zhong looted.

He thought he would have a friend, but his self-righteous friend threw him into a **** battle vortex, in order to just let a ship mother complete the epic rise.

This negates Chester William's personality charm, but the way is different, he can still understand it, but Yue Zhong is completely reckless and wants to put himself to death, even if he has been apprehensively arrested, Veneto, who inherited his will, must also implement this principle, which is to trample on his gold-hearted sincerity and kindness.

The once-sunny boy always thought that there will be a bright rainbow in the darkness of the But the world gave him a cold and cold answer, Chester William’s previous road was full of light and glory, led It was a glorious honor to destroy the United Fleet with a Starfield Jedi counterattack, but fate seemed to feel that he had given him enough gifts, and now he began to show him the cruelest side.

Together in the paradise of the seven most galaxy most intoxicated with gold, they have a clear spirit and fighting spirit, thinking that the past decay will be turned into dust in front of their young spirits, but Yue Zhong has always been clothed, never really accepted After the friend Chester William, did he betray the words of that time, or was this a one-time use?

Chester William has never figured out Yue Zhong’s position. He is not like a young man full of blood and hope. He has experienced hundreds of years. Under a young man’s skin, there is no young man. factor.

The only one who can best understand Chester William’s current mood is Lexington. Even though there have been many differences between their husbands and wives, there is always something in common in their minds, but now the gentle wife can’t withdraw to appease the soul. The traumatized husband, because in front of them, the most terrible enemies have appeared, they disappeared for a few days, and always came out.


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