Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1050: The final war-the old grudge

"After the abyss of the human warship is the ultimate combat strength of the abyssal fleet...they are indeed very powerful, but how can a void life body give the most powerful power to alien creatures?"

"Their combat experience and consciousness, their thinking patterns and stories are all just a reference for the Abyssal Fleet to move towards a new evolution. This is the core combat power that the Abyssal Admiral really masters. This is what he dares to launch the final battle. Hole card."

"I haven't seen the real combat power of the special ship girls of the Abyssal Fleet. I thought that they could block the ordinary ordinary offensive and wait for the arrival of the reinforcements to gain victory. It's really a big mistake..."

Bai Shi firmly believes that the thought of tens of millions has passed in his mind, and the abyssal admiral is close, then he can't command any warship, it took over this battlefield, and brought a thunder-like offensive to the main force of the human coalition.

Each of the abyss ship maidens from the depths of the dead Xinghai has a completely different posture from the ordinary abyss ship maiden. Every ship maiden here has its own name like the little north, and the battleship-level battleship Qiji , Xia Ji, Shui Gui, Zheng Hang Ji's air carrier Qi Ji, Hai Yue Ji, as well as base-level northern and northern Qi Ji, other shore Qi Ji and so on.

Their names are all taken from themselves after awakening the individual's will after being detached from the mother. The reference object is nothing special, and the degree of repetition is also very high, but after all, it means that they have their own names. It’s not that the ordinary abyss has only one number.

The body of the special abyss seems to carry some kind of desperate sorrow, and the personal consciousness that only awakened into the material world. The first contact was the unwillingness of the ship’s mothers who had been sleeping in the history of human civilization and war. Crazy.

The **** journey of the vast territory of the s star field, the thousands of remains that sank under the colonization and struggle of the northern Melaka galaxy, such as the battle between the c star field and the j field before the establishment of the Great Wall, to the battle of the Europa Galaxy Jutland In every corner touched by the abyss, countless long-sleeping English souls were awakened and plundered, pouring the deepest despair and stern fighting intentions on the special abyss warship.

Each of them is deeply influenced by the resentment and unwillingness of the ship's mother who fell or died for various reasons in human history before death, and the independent will formed under such circumstances not only has the legendary ship mother The rich experience of war also has a natural hatred of this world.

The desire for mixing and emptiness of life engulfing all matter, the transformed bloodthirsty light at a glance is enough to make the mind lost and mad.

According to the reference and evolution of the human warship and its abyss, today's special abyss warship finally has complete combat power. The other abyss fleets are just consumables that can be discarded at will. It is the real core and foundation of the abyss fleet.

Each of the ship’s parameters is much better than the human ship’s mother. Ji and Ghost rushed into the San Francisco star line with a sick smile, before they were still on the solid line of defense under the command of Chester William. Although the battle of the type ship mother did not surpass the abyss Yamato and Chicheng, but their group number was even larger. Forty-six individuals are their accurate numbers. Imagine that forty-six abyss Yamato or the abyss Chicheng launched an attack. What a terrible horror, despair that can't rise up to courage.

The main flame of the abyssal fleet is pale and possesses the characteristics of destruction. They have firmly grasped the initiative of the battlefield in the first time of the attack. The sky and the sea are all their figures. The crisscross bombardment and navigation are completely absent. There is room for human resistance.

That kind of power is too powerful. The astral navy and the ruined joint fleet that have been fighting for a long time are not opponents, and the temperament carried by the abyss special warship is the desperate will to shock the soul. Every ship-owner facing them seems to see the fear, helplessness and resentment that countless ship-owners face when they retire from dismantling or destructive experiments.

All these are the sins that human civilization once committed on the ship's mother. They were fortunate to usher in the best era, but they spent their lives in the darkness, encountered countless misfortunes, and clearly made outstanding achievements. Or the predecessors who were cruelly dealt with after the war, why have they seen such hope?

Gong Gongzhenzhen, or heresy exists, this is the reason why human beings will dispose of the ship's mother when necessary. Why did they ever ask the opinion of the ship's mothers who were all of the same kind but paid everything for their home country? How difficult was it for them to survive in that dark age?

It has never happened, even if a few people have sympathy and compassion, but they are overwhelmed with no residue under the general trend.

Mankind used the general trend and era to suppress the ship’s mother like a machine. Yue Zhong also used the general trend and the era to lift up the human rights and glory of the ship’s mother on one hand, and to suppress the imprisonment of humanity for thousands of years with one hand, until I saw this as a calendar In the history of blood and tears of purpose, the ship mother of a star domain and the joint fleet really understood that he was really great.

The heart of the human warship was trembling, and even the armor of the ship was bombarded under the attack of the abyssal fleet. The seniors' silent but fierce questions seemed to be in their ears. They looked at themselves bitterly, why they and others have a possible future, and they can only face hopelessness and boundless fear.

The slightly weakened ship mother has begun to collapse. Even the ship mother who can keep herself awake is also struggling to support in the chaotic situation, but at the moment when the main force of the abyssal fleet appears, the battle of San Francisco has been fixed. It is impossible for them to persevere while defending against shocks. Even if they can survive this war and fail to prepare to compete with this will, they will never win this war.

Chester William ordered the whole army to because he can also see the thick and substantial complaints on the abyssal special ship mother, they are not like they came from the void, they are more like From the Nine Yin Nether, return to this world to revenge the old ship mother.

Under the gaze of hatred, Chester William's hand was trembling slightly.

He is the admiral of mankind, and at the same time can understand the suffering of the ship’s mother and the filth of human politics. He can only use his own power to protect as much as possible from the ship’s mother, but he never thought of changing anything because of the change. In this situation, all powers and positions possessed by his advisor will also be lost. How can a person betray his own class and position? Moreover, he still has considerable ambitions in this position.

Operation Crossroads, which is still in the making, is also a large-scale cleansing of the ship’s mother. It is also a continuation of the sins that humans have imposed on the ship’s mother. Chester Williams has already guessed this, but he never dared to tell anyone. A ship mother, even his wife Lexington.

Therefore, Veneto had to get rid of himself at all costs, one day for the Admiral for his life as Admiral, although he was still very young and vigorous, he was set the tone of life early.

He was in front of the ship's path. rw

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