Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1068: The final war-turn the fire

"Operation of the Wolf Slaughter is completed, and the line of defense is re-opened. []" The order of the Prince of Wales came immediately, and the Royal Navy small ship mother who had just completed the feat of the U-submarine was re-completed, and the abyss ship remained in the starry sky. Outside, it seems that nothing has happened.

The failure of the Abyssal Fleet did not have much effect on their combat status. Even the abyss Bismarck and Tilbitz, who were more bitter and hatred because of the loss of their companions, interpreted the **** military soul to the extreme. Witnessing the sacrifice, the more their fighting enthusiasm increased, the more determined their will was.

Gold and verdant cannonballs still exist on the battlefield. The Prince of Wales facing Bismarck is very cautious. She does not want the tragedy of the Danish war to repeat itself. She also does her best to command and dispatch the fleet. However, The intensity of the war reached this point but it was not her will to do it.

She was the person who had the most contact with Yue Zhong. Although it was unpleasant to get along during that time, Yue Zhong taught the Prince of Wales the way of thinking independent of the Admiral in a subtle way. From then on, the Royal Navy quietly began a new In the chapter, and the lion is the ship's mother who is most affected by this kind of thinking, it is obvious in her eyes that her own glory and glory are more important than the meaning of the admiral.

The Prince of Wales could not do this. The brotherly friendship between her and Ulster made it impossible for her to ignore Ulster, but independent of him, the Prince of Wales also embarked on the road of liberating herself early.

In the entire Royal Navy, Hood used to have the strongest individual combat command ability. However, in the period when she fell, the Prince of Wales has silently completed the surpass of Hood when Ulster was not in the fleet. The flagship of the Royal Navy is still Hood, but the real commander has become the Prince of Wales.

The Royal Navy under her command issued a temperament that was very different from that of the Hood period. They began to pursue not the speed of advancing and retreating, nor the high level of play in glory duel regardless of their own safety, but gradually became more efficient. Offensive and fully deployed fire control capabilities have increased the hit rate to a new height in the hands of the Prince of Wales.

The majestic and overbearing Prince of Wales’ only one-eyed pupil always bloomed like a flower, and her physical imperfection not only did not affect her determination, but also highlighted her unique temperament. The Royal Navy of the Hood period was attacking It must be more fierce, but it is easy to be caught by opponents for its bold maneuver mode. The battle against the abyss cannot tolerate such mistakes. This is also an important reason why Hood decided that the Prince of Wales will command the Royal Navy in this war. Her character is not strong enough and sometimes melancholy and melancholy, and she is not as domineering and stable as the Prince of Wales when facing important battles.

When the formation of the Abyssal Fleet was readjusted and the center of gravity was placed on the First Fleet of the Allied Forces, the situation at Veneto had not changed. After all, the width of the main battlefield of the decisive battle could not accommodate more Abyssal Fleets, so it was really facing The great test is the Royal Navy, which is attacking on both wings.

Veneto has already attracted one-third of the abyssal warship mothers, but they still have two-thirds of them can be put into battle, and most of the abyss special warships are equipped with aviation and artillery warfare. At the same time, the Royal Navy, with Hindenburg, Sukhbaatar and Odin, can barely maintain the battle line, but the aviation front supported by Zeppelin, the Royal Ark and others is not Nothing could be comparable to the twinkling Allied Second Fleet. The main attack direction of the Abyssal Fleet changed, and the Royal Navy's aviation front immediately showed signs of collapse.

Chicheng and others in the abyssal fleet continued to play strategic combat capabilities, and countless abyssal carrier fleets struck by the sun like a grand glory easily tore up the air lines of the first fleet and split them, Suherbato They yelled for Odin's support, but the two of them were responsible for the core of the two wings, and they were too far away from each other. It was almost impossible to support each other.

Facing the crumbling air front, the Prince of Wales can accurately determine that the abyss fleet is investing almost all of the troops except the battlefield of Veneto. What the **** is William doing? A star domain navy, joint fleet and liberation fleet are all dead?"

No wonder the Prince of Wales will be angry. Although the Second Fleet of the Allied Forces has experienced more than a hundred hours of hard work, they have not been devastated. Even if they can only exert 50% of their fighting power in their heyday, it will not be. Allowing the abyss fleet to adjust the formation calmly brought such great pressure to the Royal Navy.

"Prince of Wales, don't complain about your allies, I believe they can't give up fighting so early and find a way to persevere." Veneto also noticed the pressure the Royal Navy is facing now. The absolute suppression of the number if not the Royal Navy Each of the ship's mother ships has first-class tactical literacy, and any other fleet may have caused the front to collapse.

Chester William did not explain why he would let the abyssal fleet easily change the direction of the attack to suppress the Royal Navy's but Veneto was sure that there must be a reason.

On the main battlefield, Veneto has eliminated three abyss special ships with the help of endless shelling modes and supernatural modules. However, as she keeps fewer cards, the abyss fleet knows her better. It is becoming more and more difficult to continue to deepen them, and it’s more and more difficult to imagine them as unprepared. If you enter a hard-to-fight stage, Veneto is confident that he can eliminate more than ten abyss special ships, but his own energy reserve will definitely Can't keep up, without her blocking the fiercest attack of the abyssal fleet, the first fleet will immediately change from active attack to passive defense, even if the abyss fleet can't eliminate them all, this encirclement will collapse immediately.

The victory of the final decisive battle requires everyone to show their own flashing moments. This is the case with the ship’s mother, as is Chester William? An abyss special warship, but it is unrealistic to pin all hopes of war victory on her.

Xinghai is a collective stage. No matter how strong an individual is, he will not be able to win or lose. If Veneto can be so strong that one person will destroy the abyssal fleet, Yue Zhong still needs such a strenuous layout?

"Chester William? The Admiral's last flash moment, if you can succeed, I will let you go."

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