Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1069: The final war-flash

The defeat in aviation warfare caused the offensive of the First Fleet of the Allied Forces to be slowed down, but even at a disadvantage, the rhythm of their attack had never stopped. The Prince of Wales knew that once the attack was stopped, it was only due to the numerical advantage of the abyssal fleet Completely crushed rhythm. 【No Pop-up Novel Network】

Fighting and retreating are just a dead end. Even if you can continue to breathe, you will not have such a good opportunity today. Even if you stare at the disadvantage of air control, the Prince of Wales continues to insist on the attack.

Although both Zeppelin and the Royal Ark and others loaded the folding space hangars, they are not fighting against the naval base after all, and this decisive battle will never end without a complete fall of the side, so the carrier should be reduced as much as possible. Machine meaningless consumption. The number of carrier aircraft they can precisely control is limited. After full deployment, self-disciplined combat has given up the only elite advantage of the human coalition. Therefore, the aircraft carrier mothers no longer reluctantly compete with the abyssal fleet in the entire aviation war. Intending to fill the air space that was torn apart by the abyss fleet carrier aircraft, all the carrier aircraft contracted on the spot around the nearby battleships, ceded the entire Xinghai and launched local operations to reduce the number of disadvantages.

The firing track of the 1st Fleet of the Allied Forces was soon filled with carrier aircraft of the Abyssal Fleet. The main ships with their own carrier intercepted by them could continue to look for opportunities to launch attacks, while those battleships without carrier **** only Able to stand up to the rhythm of the air attack.

The air defense nets intercepted around the main battlefield had to be dispersed and distributed to the whole line. Each mecha soldier was used as a carrier aircraft to start local operations, which was originally difficult to divide in the Europa Galaxy. The g Starland Continental Army and the e Starland Mech Units were mixed together and fought side by side. The lives of these first-line ordinary soldiers seemed extremely cheap at the moment. Every local collision will cost hundreds of thousands of young people to lose their preciousness. Not only did they not feel intimidated by a large number of sacrifices, but they used their mechas and lives to pave the way of the attack of the Allied First Fleet, so that the Abyssal Fleet has never regained the initiative to attack.

Even the Veneto had to be harassed by air strikes in the first coalition of the Allied Forces, but there was another fleet that had been disengaged from the edge of the battlefield as soon as it was launched. They were led by Hood and Prestige. A mobile unit joined by several new star battle cruiser ladies from the g star field.

As the only force in the first coalition of the Allied Forces that did not attack from the front, Hood et al. came and went at the edge of the battlefield. At the beginning, it did attract some abyssal fleets to pursue. Even Abyss Bismarck tried to watch this old opponent. Several ultra-long-range bombardments were carried out, but this time Hood did not give her a chance. The more skillful speed switch and the cover of the surrounding frigates made Bismarck’s preview difficult. She did not find it from beginning to end. The perfect time for the Danish war.

After several green running lights passed by Hood, Bismarck finally chose to abandon the attack on her, instead focusing on the more oppressive Royal Navy battleship. Odin’s unarmed attack also made her feel Under tremendous pressure, in such a situation, I can use it all the time. I am afraid that it is not Hood but the one who was sunk first.

When the fleet encountered difficulties, Hood stood up again to switch tactics. The war patrol formation that had been waiting for the attack on the edge began to boldly approach the starry sky occupied by the abyssal fleet, and then the cover of the planets and stellar light began to show up as a war patrol. In addition to speed, it is equally powerful.

Hood's strategic significance is not only the coordination of higher speeds, but the command of the fleet when launching the offensive makes the Royal Navy's attack power top of the seven galaxies. She can always catch when the fleet is fighting in clusters. The perfect time to attack and give instructions to the appropriate ship mothers, and although the enemies facing them can also find weaknesses from Hood's wide-open command style, but they have to bear more "accidents" Sexually hit.

Hood's flash is comprehensive in the battle cruiser, but the prestige is extremely active.

The **** of warrior girl dressed as a maid opened her eyes with different colors. Her eyes were full of the desire to fight and the burning fighting spirit. The more fierce and major the battlefield, the more powerful the enemy, and the prestige never brought fear. It's from the heart.

She never feared any strong enemy, and being able to fight alongside Hood made her feel that the blood of the past was boiling. Under the protracted war, the prestige combat power after the accumulation of the first stage was released like an explosion, just like a decision The river of the **** is turbulent and continuous.

The blonde girl holding a naval gun galloped on the blue streamer and galloped through the starry sky, precisely hitting each point to kill the abyss ship, whether it was an ordinary battleship or frigate, whether it was interference from the carrier aircraft or heavy patrol of the defense network Asylum, no matter what obstacles can no longer stop the girl who has opened the fighting spirit of the **** of war, every bombardment means the fall of an abyss ship, and the thick armor structure and shield are like paper pieces under the prestige of the bombardment. Break once.

That less powerful naval gun became the most efficient and deadly weapon in this The repeated bombardments like the naming of death made the enemy nowhere to escape, and the abyssal fleet quickly launched a fierce attack The counterattack, but the girl of the God of War wandered leisurely between the naval guns, and continued her slaughter calmly and chicly, unstoppable.

"When the folding space and the gathering of ships are popularized on the ship’s mother, the doubling of the battle reserve energy makes the reputation a terrifying existence without limits. Although she does not always have the dominance of the battlefield like Veneto, it only lasts longer. The prestigious combat potential of the war will continue to be unrestricted. No one can predict how it will be at the peak of her peak. It will be lucky for anyone to be able to fight alongside such a person, and no one wants Encountered such an opponent."

The legendary story of Luftum’s Star Wars is still being praised by the world. When she was slightly immersed in the war against the abyss, many people thought that the battle-stricken ship’s mother was late, but her flash today confirmed again. The glory of the God of War is far from the end.

The flashing moment of prestige finally attracted the attention of the Abyssalian Admiral. The most powerful force in its hands is suppressing the attacking momentum of the First Fleet of the Allied Forces. After contacting human civilization, it is very clear that it is declining again and again, and can make the First of the Allied Forces. The fleet's momentum will continue, and this battle will win half, but this time the Abyssalist Admiral will not score two special ships to stop the prestige performance, otherwise it will not wait for it to repel the main force of the first fleet, the Abyssal Fleet Has suffered unacceptable losses.

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