Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1070: The final war-raising the flag

The attack of Hood and prestige caused a trace of leakage D in the abyss fleet that maintained a perfect countermeasure rhythm. The battleship mothers who had been suppressed by the abyss carrier aircraft on the battle line perfectly captured the abyss fleet. Opportunity, Nelson, Rodney, War Warfare, Elizabeth, etc. cleaned up the surrounding carrier fleet after the avant-garde outbreak, and immediately launched a fierce shelling towards the air that appeared in the abyssal fleet. 【】

The improved fire control system at the Greenwich Computing Center played a perfect role at this moment. The chaotic abyssal carrier fleet could not intercept the artillery orbit of battleships and others due to a large number of crashes in a short period of time. This round of fierce artillery fire A swarm of bees swarmed across the galaxy and finally fell to the abyss fleet that was caught off guard.

A large number of abyss warships on the battle line exploded, and their defenses appeared an irreparable gap. At this moment, the destroyer with a high speed launched a breach charge under the cover of the friendly aircraft carrier, and participated in this operation. Every destroyer who went there knew that this was basically ten deaths, but they could open a gap for the human coalition, and they died without regret.

At this moment, the ship's mother with glory and sacrifice of ambition is unstoppable. Javelin, legion, Sommerez, Venus... and many other names that are not usually valued by others. As the greatest glory moment in life, when the wreckage paved the way forward, nearly half of the destroyer ships fell on the road of the charge, but their sacrifice and blood will not be in vain, the javelin belt holding the Royal Navy flag high As the remaining destroyers broke into the enemy formation, they immediately fell into siege.

When countless artillery fires towards them, every normally obscure destroyer ship has no concept of life and death in their eyes. They tried their best to send a wave of torpedoes in groups, and died one by one in their own side. In the event of a blast, the frontline of the abyssal fleet was blown up by the thunder.

After the leaked D that appeared due to the prestige's response was torn apart by the battleship warships, the destroyers tore up the leaked D with their own lives. As their figures disappeared one by one on the strategic star map, only the last left The javelin, which was broken to the extreme in the lower ship, survived the desperation, but at this time, the javelin had no idea of ​​going back. The girl with pink curly hair was still waving the flag to indicate the direction of the attack for the Royal Navy.

"Don't hesitate, let's fire!" The sound of the javelin was transmitted to the ears of every battleship warship. Because she was still there, the battleships did not launch any further attacks. Even if the javelin was already mortal, let her Falling under your own gunfire, it was unacceptable to the Royal Navy's ship mothers.

The blood-stained lion flag was still hunting, and the Prince of Wales made her decision. At this moment, the attack was launched one minute earlier, and the attack of the Allied First Fleet would come back one minute earlier: "artillery, charge!"

The banner of the Royal Navy flying high in the enemy line was eventually engulfed by the artillery from the Royal Navy. This time, the rhythm of the Allied First Fleet offensive was accelerated again. The continuous fierce artillery flooded the pink girl’s final voice. A contented smile, stroking the wreckage of the companion ship that drifted to him: "Unfortunately, there is no chance to fight alongside the black-backed jackal."

The Prince of Wales watched as the javelin fell under her own gunfire, but she was too late to be sentimental. Her clenched fists opened the road of attack opened by the Royal Navy. While sailing on this road, it seemed that she could hear the child who had been sacrificed. Whispers of blessings

Their lives continued the horn of the coalition attack, and they blew loudly in the quiet starry sea. How many times did they differ from their peers in life and death, the cost of freedom was so cruel, even if the determination was as hidden as the heart of the Prince of Wales Pain.

"Chester William, if you can't get enough results, I will not let you go!"

The Prince of Wales would choose this way of fighting because the sudden misfire of the Second Coalition caused the Abyss Fleet to turn to the First Fleet. She had to maintain the pace of attack, and all the strings that were tight in the mind of the ship’s mother would not In the main battle, Veneto can play a strong individual advantage.

This star sea is still so cold, but the girls fighting in it are as enthusiastic as naval guns.

The Royal Navy suddenly struck through the formation of the Abyssal Fleet, resulting in a large segment of the outer periphery of the Abyssal Fleet with obvious advantages being separated from the core fleet. The Royal Navy completed the cut off operation and launched a fierce battle with the battle line and the outer battle line. Strangling, York and Exeter, who are the heavy cruiser ships, bravely stood in front of the counterattack offensive launched by the core area of ​​the abyssal fleet, and bought time for the main force to destroy the abyss ships in the divided area.

It was the Royal Navy that forced the Abyssal Fleet to fight step by step, which barely controlled the rhythm of the main attack. However, this method was based on constant sacrifice. The Prince of Wales was overdrawing the Royal Navy’s war potential, Give all mankind an opportunity to win.

At this point, whether it is the Prince of Wales or any other ship maiden in the Royal Navy, there is a consciousness of sacrifice, only because they have the name of the Royal Navy and they are known as the strongest fleets of the seven galaxies, whether they are guarding e stars. The glory of the domain is still the glory of all mankind, and in their hearts is an unshirkable mission.

Even though the glory of e-star domain has gradually declined under Yue Zhong's successive designs, the pride in their hearts is still a day that never falls.

So even if it is the execution of a mortal order, as long as it can play a positive role, every royal navy's ship mother will not look back.

On the battlefield in the outer In this way, the Royal Navy raised the banner of the attack of the coalition with a weak attack, and Veneto on the main battlefield was not affected by the outer battlefield at all. By virtue of the main attack fleet, twenty abyss special ships were pressed to the spot.

Even though the carrier-based aircraft group that penetrated from the periphery obscured her vision, Ke Veneto’s bombardment was always as regular as the clock. The aerial network pulled by the abyss carrier-based aircraft group could block the S-strike orbit of other battleship ships, but it could not be blocked. Living in Veneto with a variety of shelling modes, whenever she successfully sinks an abyss special ship mother, there will always be a new abyss special ship mother to fill up, and the efficiency of this kind of sinking over time Is constantly slowing down.

The frequency of Veneto’s offensive has not changed, but the abyssal fleet was originally the best living body to imitate. Even if Veneto’s ship design is much beyond this era, it is essentially the same for life outside the physical world.

The Abyssal Fleet cannot mimic Veneto's combat style in one battle. The lack of a corresponding supernatural ability module is the biggest obstacle to their analysis, but this does not prevent them from becoming more and more aware of Veneto's attacks.

Although Veneto can create greater results, in order to take care of other people around her, especially the companions of the former i star domain, she had to split the firepower into each target to control the advantages of suppression.

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