Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1071: Ultimate War-Rudder

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The joint fleet is crippled, the f star domain fleet is almost completely destroyed, and the a star domain navy has suffered huge losses. Now the royal navy is also facing a substantial reduction in personnel, and for Veneto can protect more former i star domain ships. Niang has survived this ancient war, and her rule will be more stable in the future. [Latest chapter reading]

Even though it is a bit mean to do so, from the day she met Yue Zhong, under the influence of the dark man in her heart, Veneto was destined not to be a pure warship like Richelieu, the will that was constantly sprouting in her heart. , The dream of trying to hold destiny in your hands, and the determination to replace the most important advisor with a proof of innocence, all of which is destined for Veneto not to remain purely naive forever.

When the Admiral left the world, Veneto, who already had a good card in his hand, had to fight in this way. Fighting this abyssal war with the relatively weak team of the original i Star Zone weakened the other fleet to some extent. Influence is inevitable. Veneto doesn’t have to do it deliberately, because she understands that this war will definitely kill many people, but she can protect as far as possible under the premise of the weak former Starfield fleet through the disaster, when they have passed The baptism of this most tragic war will eventually become her core team in the future.

"Chester William only deployed a small amount of defensive force under the front of the other side, and the other warships returned to the Guadalupe navy in turn for supply and recuperation... What can be done by taking a break at this time?" Andrea Doria complained that she had received a message from Lexington and thought it seemed ridiculous.

Although Veneto did not inform the Prince of Wales about Chester William's decision, Chester William had to communicate with Veneto once. Lexington made his decision to transfer command instead of him. Not in your own grasp, it is absolutely not cost-effective to let the relationship between you and Veneto grow in this place.

"He has his own plans, we can fight our own wars." Veneto didn't think that this was also a means for Chester William to weaken them. After all, the Coalition Second Fleet delayed every minute. It is very likely that one fleet will lose one more ship mother. After several sturdy and outstanding battles, they already have few families to squander.

Forget it, I can’t see the benefits of doing this in Veneto. In addition, Chester William is not the old fritters of Ulster. He is a true admiral with naval glory and abandons allies on the battlefield. He couldn't do it.

Veneto finally chose trust. She believed that Chester William could use the final flash of the Admiral to bring about a change in this war. A tactic that would make allies unpredictable and retreat, there would never be a little backstroke.

The dragon roaring artillery has gradually disappeared from the battlefield. Its power is one of the best in Veneto's artillery mode, but it is more and more difficult to hit the abyss special ship mother, and it is impossible for the long-term storage and the straight attack trajectory. Caused losses to them.

Instead of tricky shelling, even the abyssal fleet has gradually figured out Veneto’s offensive method, but it has caused great trouble to them. Veneto’s attack is a combination of clearance and folding space, from surrounding into a large The dragon queen suddenly refracted, and the front and back continued to bounce back and forth, and scattered into countless fire snakes to devour the frigates one after another to kill efficiently, making the front of the abyssal fleet always in a state of desaturation. It can be continually supplemented. The suppression of Veneto in the four-fold existence continues from the beginning to the present. Even if it is not as efficient as the reputation after the outbreak in the face of the special abyss of the abyss, it can contain nearly half of the abyssal fleet. The elite, but no one can do it except her.

Abyss Yamato finally appeared in front of Veneto from the battlefield against the second coalition of the Allied Forces. Although it was unrealistic to expect her to compete with Veneto in a complete state, the value of the equipment of the abyss Yamato did not exceed The abyss special ship girl, but the abyssal admiral hopes to use her combat experience to make some changes. If it is not the abyss Bismarck and Tilbitz can't get away, the abyss admiral will even put them into the peacekeeping. Neto's decisive battle came on stage.

The abyssal ship warships are powerful and stable, but their fusion with the historical legend ship warriors sleeping in the Xinghai is not perfect. When the justice and glory left behind by them are removed, only the hatred and resentment are left on the body. The flash of miracles Point has no chance with them.

The Abyssal Fleet occupies an absolute advantage in the final decisive battle, and there is no problem with the commanding ability of the Abyssal Admiral, but in the face of the extraordinary play of the human warships one by one, it finds that the decisive battle that should have won the battle is not only stuck in the glue, but also the abyss The fleet was also suppressed by the human coalition.

It had to expect that the abyss and them would emit the same light. After all, when they were human warships, they were no worse than the prestige they faced, the Prince of Wales, and others, and even better than others at some point.

The appearance of the abyss Yamato immediately attracted Veneto’s attention. At the beginning of the end of the Second World War of the Seventh Galaxy, the Admiral Association ranked all the battleships and the mothership, but it was a dispute over the Yamato and Iowa. For a long time, until the first abyss invasion did not reach a conclusion. At that time Veneto ranked third, although she pressed other battleships, but she finally ranked behind Yamato and Iowa.

Veneto has never been very At that time, the disadvantage of the i-star navy made her have fewer opportunities to perform. Even if the advisory association’s selection was fair enough, it still had to use the record to speak. During the Second Seventh Galaxy War, Yamato and Iowa relied on more powerful comrades to fully exert their own advantages. Even the unconvinced Veneto had to agree that both of them had a changing situation. capable.

It is indeed a trouble to encounter the abyss Yamato in the critical period of the battle. Veneto undoubtedly has one more target to suppress. However, the abyss is not like the other abyss special warships. It can be suppressed by suppression. She also has a miracle factor because she is not an incarnation of her. Even if her body and soul are dominated by the will of the abyss, she is still the legendary ship lady who was ranked before Veneto.

"The entire fleet is adjusted laterally, pay attention to the attack of the abyss Yamato!" If it can't be suppressed, Yamato's shelling across his own fire blockade is very likely to cause serious damage to Andrea Doria and even directly sink them. This is Wiener. Tou absolutely does not want to see.

After her order, the frontal battle line began to change the direction of the oblique side to expand the maneuvering surface, and the direction changed neatly as if the battleship of the Earth period deflected the rudder when it encountered an enemy, and pointed the greasy muzzle from the side to the target Fighting is common, but this appears in the era of ship mother, but it is a tactical formation to avoid damage.

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