Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1084: Unexpected candidate

The standard cosmic time is one year, three months, seventeen days and twenty-one hours. This is the time from the beginning of the shadow of the abyss to the end of the final war. The ship ladies who returned to their hometown with pain and victory are dying. After the remains of his companions were buried in the hero’s cemetery, he gradually felt the signs of the times and the heavier mission and responsibility.

The seven star galaxies are successively included in the jurisdiction of the Federation of Flames, but there are still some stubborn people who are reluctant to give up the power in their hands, still insisting on the original way of ruling, and high-profile announcements of willingness and importance Flame Union established an equal and mutually beneficial diplomatic relationship. Veneto certainly will not allow these small star domains to continue to exist, but to deal with their problems is no longer suitable for the means of war, at least in a short period of time. The galaxy cannot withstand the trauma of new wars.

For the time being, let these stars be ignored, and the consuls of the stars gathered in the Roman Star proposed a proposal after deliberation. They suggested that the division of the new administrative star should be determined according to the scope of the previous star within ten years, and the social order will gradually return to stability. Then make further adjustments as needed.

Veneto had just confirmed the high-level military candidates with the representatives of the warships of other fleets at this time. The Flame Alliance will break up and reorganize the remaining warships, and initially prepare the five fleets.

The First Fleet was commanded by the Soviet generals as the supreme commander, and Litorio and Goben served as deputy commanders. Its members include Sukhbaatar, Odin and other super warship ships. Other star fleets also entered the ranks as needed. In the formation of a fleet, the main task of the first fleet is to establish the first line of defense against the abyss along the bright galaxy, and it is also the main elite in the Confederation of Flames. The navy who can enter it is not weak, they are shouldered by them It is a major mission to protect the homeland of mankind.

The Second Fleet is the highest commander of the Prince of Wales. The deputy commander is Jiangxi and the enterprise. The main task is to cooperate with the defense of the First Fleet and carry out military exercises with the First Fleet from time to time. The First Fleet and the Second Fleet have maintained high tactical implementation capabilities and personal combat effectiveness for a long time.

The Third Fleet is headed by Missouri as the highest commander, and Nagato and Hindenburg serve as deputy commanders. This fleet will be distributed to the seven galaxies to perform daily maintenance of the planet, combat interplanetary pirates, and investigate abnormal point responses.

The Fourth Fleet was led by Liao (Ning) as the supreme commander. Lexington and Hood were appointed as her deputies. The Fourth Fleet was deployed as a support fleet in the c star zone, a star zone and i star zone, respectively. Respond to emergencies at any time and support other fleets when appropriate.

The highest commander of the Fifth Fleet is Andrea Doria, Saratoga and Utopia have joined together with her. This battle is based on the lucky pride girl who showed up while training the heavy flame federal ship mother. A talent that is better than combat. At the same time, as the most trusted person in Veneto, her fifth fleet is the reserve of the first four fleets. All the recruitment, training, ability assessment and fleet allocation of the ship’s mother are all Attributed to the Fifth Fleet.

In the normal state, the Fifth Fleet has no combat missions, but the reserve fleet from the First Fleet to the Fourth Fleet all counts on the Fifth Fleet. Andrea Doria can accurately control every new enlisted warship here. The ideological dynamics of them, when they are arranged according to their needs, and at the same time, it is also the first pass to ensure good military power for Veneto. Those reserve girls who have dangerous ideological tendencies, she will never be put into the group of ship mothers. Come here.

Old-age figures such as Li Peiyun, Chester William, and Nonna also belonged to the jurisdiction of the Fifth Fleet, respectively engaged in special research on shipboard technology, tactical thinking training, and political education. These statuses are no longer comparable to those in the past. But Veneto's ability to allow them to stay in the seven galaxies is already kind. After passively or actively accepting new jobs, their past glory will gradually dissipate.

In addition, Richelieu was appointed as the chairman of the Ship Mother's Discipline Committee. It was surprising that Blowing Snow was appointed as her deputy, working together to guide the education of the ship mother's ideology, the prevention and rectification of the ship mother's corruption and even the mutiny.

The heads of the five major fleets and the Disciplinary Committee automatically entered the Supreme Military Committee of the Heavy Flame Federation, and Veneto, as the only Grand Marshal, had the power to appoint and remove his post.

While managing the naval force of the country, she also has the management authority of the military industry. There are enough candidates for the appointment of navy general Veneto, but she is not assured to hand over the army such as the army mech and the star fortress. Reinhardt came to control, and Reinhardt also very interestingly offered to hold the position of chief instructor not to touch the military power.

While Veneto hesitated about the candidate, an unexpected person appeared in her office.

At this time, Veneto was holding the star division and the newly drafted policy plan submitted by the administrative officials of each star domain. The short-haired silver-haired girl in a uniform uniform pushed the door open, and Veneto raised his head curiously, thinking See who is so bold.

"Isabella!" The person who was supposed to die suddenly appeared in front of Veneto, but she was not terrified by the collision of ghosts. In the supernatural module of her ship, there were many forces about ghosts. Neto will naturally not be afraid of what he already knows.

She was just surprised. In her cognition, there was only one Xiao Meiyan who could be resurrected from the mortal situation. Did the Admiral and her return so quickly?

"Don't be surprised... Qi Xiaomeng saved me." Isabella's eyebrows were as haughty as ever, and she would never be nervous because of facing the rulers of the seven galaxies, but there was a trace of hesitation beyond the haughty look. , "How is he, Yue Zhong?"

Veneto was relieved when he heard Qi Xiaomeng’s name. Xiao Meiyan was indeed able to create a miracle of time, but Qi Xiaomeng was not difficult to do this. She was not interested in asking the details, and her heart just rose. After the joy of dissipation disappeared, Veneto sat back on the expensive chair again, with the calmness and calmness of the superior again on his face: "I don't know, I also want to know more than you."

"That's it." Isabella didn't get the answer she Somewhat disappointed, she was about to leave.

Veneto stopped her aloud: "I know you may not be interested, but I still want to ask you to be the commander in chief of the army."

Isabella raised her eyebrows and turned her head again: "I am not a ship mother, nor did I have the idea of ​​being a ship mother, would you be willing to give me military power?"

"You are a student of the Admiral, whether you want to admit it or not, we have the same heritage, and you should call me Sister Sister, just like the girl named Li Xiaobei." Veneto said calmly. "With this connection, I have nothing to worry about."

Isabella thought about it. She couldn’t leave the seven galaxies. She still needs to do something to live in this world. Before that, she wanted to travel all over the world and continue to sharpen her martial arts, but she was in charge of the army’s work. It is not without interest.

In the previous battle with Yue Zhong's mech, she was a loser. If she was more familiar with mech, Yue Zhong would come back and challenge him again one day.

"it is good."


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