Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1085: Genesis

Veneto hopes to keep as many marks of the Admiral as possible, just like Saratoga in the Fifth Fleet. After she proposed that she did not want to stay in the A Star Zone, Veneto directly appointed her as the Fifth Fleet. The deputy commander, and Isabella's ability to accept the appointment is no better.

The gray-haired girl who was very concise and capable of doing things immediately obtained the appointment document directly from Veneto and immediately went to the army headquarters in the G star region to take office. Veneto also refocused his attention on the written instructions. Come at work.

The fusion of the seven galaxies and the formation of the Flame Alliance are a long way to go. Veneto, who is the president and the marshal, has a daily workload that is several times more than before, and many people are secretly paying attention to her every move. , Waiting for her to pull her down from this position after making mistakes. Among them are not only the governor who holds the executive power, but also other ambitious ship mothers, such as Liao () Ning and Lion, who will not be willing to surrender. The existence of is always thought to replace it.

In addition, there are legislatures and judiciary departments suppressed by Veneto. To fully control the seven galaxies, it is necessary to adopt an authoritarian approach. Because of Yue Zhong’s affairs, she naturally has to deal with these and the General Plane Law Court. Similar institutions are disgusted, and they are constantly trying to weaken Veneto's power.

The war with the abyssal fleet has come to an end, but the bigger challenge is still waiting for Veneto. This time she is standing on the cusp of the storm, and no one can stop her from the wind and rain coming from all sides, and she is in this storm The center of the first hand opened a new century. 【】

The light instrument on the top of the Church of the Highest Saint rotates with the sunrise and sunset. Today’s Church of the Highest Saint is no longer able to interfere with the world by religious means as in the past, but its position is still directly opposite the office of the President of the Administrative District. All the time, no longer absorbing the stellar light and spreading the earth evenly, making this area of ​​the Roman star more brilliant than anywhere else.

The intensity of the sunlight gradually softened from the gorgeous, and the sunlight that fell from the deep red curtains to the Veneto desk gradually faded, and the day was once again the time of sunset.

The secretary knocked on the door on time and walked in from the tray holding the coffee cup, gently placed it on the right hand side of Veneto and retreated out respectfully. At this time Veneto slowly raised his head, tightened the shawl on his body and pulled the coffee in front of himself, holding the spoon in one hand and constantly stirring.

The coffee made by the top cooks is more fragrant and delicious than Veneto’s hand-made. She is very busy now, so she hasn’t brewed her own coffee in a long time. Torto always couldn't help but miss the past days.

Today, she ascends and calls the world to follow. Some trivial things do not need to be done by hand, and there will be countless people who take care of it, but some habits will not change in a moment and a half. The Admiral is actually a lazy person, and he likes it. Taking care of his daily life, but he does not have any talent in housekeeping. The few dishes that he will cook must have been tired of the admiral. If he wants to study new dishes, he often makes dark dishes...

I want Veneto to show a quiet smile here. The time that belongs to her alone will always come to my mind inadvertently. What she always expects for the future is her endless power. Realize the dream in your heart.

After one day's work came out, Veneto immediately gave it to the secretary to handle it. She took her data panel and got up and left the office. She walked to the opposite office in the eyes of the secretaries outside the door.

Every day the president will collect all the work results to the opposite, but everyone knows that there is no one in that office, and the president will not allow others to enter. All the sanitation and cleaning are done by automated machinery, gradually That office became a forbidden place in the presidential palace. In private, it led to a lot of speculation and rumors, which gave Veneto a mysterious color.

Veneto didn't care what they wanted to say, it was not an important thing, and it didn't affect the repetition of the Federation. People who wanted to deal with her would not be naive enough to use these trivia to make articles.

The afterglow of the setting sun has not dissipated, the soft light from the Church of the Holy Highest renders the colors of the evening more intense, and the white navy admiral uniform draped on the seat has not moved for a long time The image is still slowly rotating. On it is the master wearing the military uniform and a silver-haired girl standing together and smirking at the mirror. Two tall and one short standing together without any violation, just like an adult Holding the child's hand, only his figure has disappeared, leaving only a lonely girl.

"Admiral, the reorganization of the navy has been completed. After one month's vacation, all the warships will immediately enter the fleet to start a new operational deployment. The army commander you said yesterday can also be determined and handed over to Issa. You should be able to rest assured of Bella?" Veneto was standing in front of the Admiral's desk, as if there was still a person sitting there, seriously reporting on the work.

The wind blowing from the window touched the sleeve of the admiral's suit, but it was impossible to make a sound after all. Veneto did seem silly to do so, but she insisted on day after day and planned to go on like this forever.

"I'm not sure about the administrative division of each star zone. E star zone is absolutely not allowed to maintain contact with the previous colonial star and I also want to divide E star zone and A star zone. The domain is further split, and they now have an industrial foundation and war potential far beyond that of other star domains. Continue to maintain this situation. I Star Domain, the heavy flame federal center, will not catch up with their development in a short time and will eventually survive."

In all the work that she personally handles, Veneto is reporting to the advisor uniform no matter how small or small. She speaks slowly but without a long pause. In fact, she is very clear that she will not get any Responded.

When the color of the sunlight completely disappeared from the Admiral's office, and the bright lights automatically illuminate the room, Veneto's reporting was also over.

The starlight outside the window gradually flickered, and Veneto stood in front of the office for a few breathing moments, and then said, "If the Admiral has no opinion, I will assign these things to the secretary."

After speaking, Veneto turned around slowly, the red high-heeled shoes walked on the soft carpet without a sound, and always walked to the door with the figure of the silver-haired girl, she couldn't help but turn around, with a thousand times back Bai Zhuan's tenderness smiled and said, "Admiral, good night."

This volume is over.


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