Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1122: Cleaning

"You haven't prepared the ingredients that you want to stir up. You can pick up Xiaoqing yourself." After the time, Ba Mami waved the spatula and drove Yue Zhong away.

The new home was reluctant to walk away from Raccoon Elementary School. Yue Zhong did not choose to drive but walked to the heart of the village with grassroots in his arms. There were more pedestrians on this road than in the morning, but the strange thing was that there were no children returning home from school. Unfamiliar stranger villagers greeted Yue Zhong enthusiastically. Within the scope of this village and town, any news spread quickly, and the same thing happened with Yue Zhong. This newly moved neighbor came to let that The unscrupulous speeding party of the group has divided a lot of money, and generously donated a large sum of money to the school so that each child has four new school uniforms, so that each family saves money for buying school uniforms.

Just like Hideo Luzawa's evaluation of Yue Zhong, the villagers think that Yue Zhong is a good person, so he is happy to join him in this village.

Yue Zhong was not in a hurry. In response to the enthusiasm of the stranger, when interest came, he stopped and talked a few words, went straight to the outside of his motorcycle repair shop, and the floor was covered with spilled oil. No one had cleaned it for years. The darkened group, the environment of the whole repair shop looks messy, Yue Zhong happened to see the group of speeding parties who just got up parked their motorcycles in a row, and everyone around them didn’t know what to discuss, the colorful heads The group portrait is an abstract painting drawn by a third-rate painter.

When Yue Zhong saw them, the speed party gangsters also found him. On weekdays, the gangsters who raised their eyes and used their nostrils actually greeted him. The gang leader came out and said: "Mr. , God of Cars just came here and said that let us prepare to form a team with him to compete in various places in the future. We thought about it. It is a good idea for you to let us run an enterprise to sell the square watermelon here to form a brand, but we These people have no business experience and would like to ask you to help."

"The evil has been corrected," Yue Zhong said in surprise.

The leader of the Speed ​​Party smirked twice: "I know you must be a big man and disdain dealing with people like us, so I won't delay you too much time."

Yue Zhong looked at the direction of Raccoon Elementary School and said: "I really don't have time, I still have to pick up my sister-in-law from school."

The leader of the Speed ​​Party only showed a disappointed expression. After nodding, he didn't say much and turned around.

"If you have an idea, don't tell me that Hideo Luzawa has come to you to discuss with him. Although he has no business experience, he can find such talents." Yue Zhong looked at the disappointed eyes of the speeding party and suddenly didn't want to let him They were so disappointed. Quietly for a few days to observe the world carefully, Yue Zhong found that it was not as indifferent as he thought. When the world did not treat him maliciously, Yue Zhong was not a ruthless person, "He hesitated I said what I said, and he will know where to find someone."

It was after experiencing countless winds and rains that I could see the beautiful new experience bit by bit. Yue Zhong cherishes this feeling very much. Maybe life is going to the end in this way is also a happy thing.

Although the speed party gangsters do not respect Yue Zhong as much as respecting Hideo Lusawa, they still have a lot of trust in him. After all, he is a light-hearted person who throws himself at 50 million good people, and does not make any additional requests. I believe that most people will not be distrustful of such generous local tyrants.

So they believed in Yue Zhong's words, and the next son became more excited from the worries and worries. After a heated discussion and looking forward to the future, Yue Zhong smiled and continued to walk towards Raccoon Primary School.

Straight to the door of Raccoon Elementary School, the security guard had not opened the school door. Yue Zhong was surprised to find that the only person who picked up the child was himself. Hearing that the other villagers let them go home regardless of their grades. Even those from other villages will take the school buses bought in each village to go back.

The security guard knew Yue Zhong, so he did not stop him from replaying Yue. When he walked into the school to see Yue Zhong, he finally knew why there were no more students coming home from school on the way.

Because although the school has been out of school for a long time, it is organizing the students to clean the school weekly. The senior students pick up trash on all corners and lawns with brooms and trash cans. With a bucket holding a rag, wipe the desk and corridor floor.

This is a normal picture of schooling in Country J, but Yue Zhong’s so-called house cleaning when he was a child means that a group of people took a bamboo broom and ran into the divided area to make a slap and slap, which was not so meticulous. Seriously cleaned.

Yue Zhong walked across the playground and entered the teaching building to find the classroom of the second and third classes. Only six male students were cleaning the table and windows. He stepped forward and grabbed a bear child to find out where Xiao Meiqing was. When the boy heard Xiao Meiqing's name, he didn't know how to smile, and jumped around with Yue Zhong to find someone.

In the end, he saw Xiao Meiqing in the corridor on the third floor. At this time, Xiao Meiqing was squatting on the floor and wiping the floor with a rag. She didn’t dare to run around the floor like a girl, bowing and wiping the floor, good education She couldn't do such an indecent posture, so she wiped the floor much slower than other students. She always seriously polished the ground, and then stood up and wobbled the small bucket. Go a few steps forward, wash the rag and repeat the action just now.

The little boy who came with Yue Zhong saw that other students were about to complete their Meiqing didn't even finish the quarter of the floor, so she volunteered and ran over with her eyes full of anticipation Harmoniously said: "Xiao Qing, let me help you."

Xiao Meiqing raised her head, her eyes smiled like a crescent moon, and refused: "No, my mother told me that I must do it myself."

The little boy was also very interesting and did not have much entanglement. He stood and looked at Xiao Meiqing and found that although the other party was a little tired, he still didn't ask for help.

Yue Zhong also stood behind Xiao Meiqing and looked until she wiped half of the floor, carrying a bucket full of dirty water and going to the bathroom to change the water and then turned around, seeing Yue Zhong's eyes flashing after her eyes. Joy, and sweetly shouted: "Brother-in-law, you are here, after I wipe the floor, you can go to school."

"Come on." Yue Zhong raised his hand and shook his fist.

Being able to get the support and affirmation of the person he trusted, Xiao Meiqing was extremely happy, carrying the bucket to the bathroom, and stopped for two breaks halfway along the way. Help, he feels that such campusization has its merits. Xiao Qing is not impossible, why should he intervene?

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