Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1123: Sister and Asami

The gradually dim sunlight spilled through the window onto the corridor on the third floor. Most of the other students had already completed their tasks and carried home with their schoolbags happy. Some children passing by saw Xiao Meiqing wipe slowly slowly He once again asked for help, but was rejected by Xiao Meiqing one by one.

Yue Zhong saw the same stubborn shadow on her, really deserved to be two sisters.

It wasn't until the classmates who wanted to ask Xiao Meiqing to go home also left that Xiao Meiqing stood up and wiped the sweat on her head: "Brother, I'm done!"

"It's hard work, hurry to tidy up and go home, your sister Mami must be waiting impatiently."

Xiao Meiqing nodded her head, and then stopped talking. She first dropped the dirty water in the bucket into the sewer tank and put it in the debris room.

The warm sunlight penetrated the brown wooden floor, and the hallway was already a pale yellow hue, which was clearly distinguished from the shadow where the sunlight was not spilled. Yue Zhong took out a paper towel to get wet and squatted in front of Xiao Meiqing to help her wipe it Sweat on the face.

The little girl smiled happily. This is the first time she has completed a thing without relying on others. The sense of accomplishment far exceeds the boring study under the supervision of her parents.

After holding Xiao Meiqing out of the empty school, and saying goodbye to the security guard who was about to close, the two embarked on their way home.

Many shops have closed on the streets of the villages and towns blown by the evening wind. Xiao Meiqing walked quietly with small steps. Yue Zhong also slowed down to adapt to her speed: "How does it feel to go to school on the first day?"

"The classmates are very kind, and the teacher is very gentle, no one bullies Xiaoqing." Xiao Meiqing was in a good mood on this day. Although he failed to make good friends on the first day of school, he saw no one around. She, Xiao Meiqing thought it would be a matter of time.

Yue Zhong also narrowed his eyes and smiled happily: "Xiao Qing is so beautiful and naturally welcome."

Xiao Meiqing bowed her head a little embarrassedly. Before other adults came to the house and said something similar, Xiao Meiqing at that time did not know how to answer. Something in her heart was not joy but fear of doing something that would make her father angry. , But no such worries in front of the brother-in-law.

"Sister must be more beautiful than me?" Xiao Meiqing was very curious about the sister who had never seen it but had heard from many people.

"You look exactly the same, except that your sister and you are two completely different people." Whenever a memory rises, Yue Zhong's heart will always tingle unconsciously, so his face also becomes melancholy A little, "But that's caused by everyone's experience. Xiaoqing will have her own life. I didn't stop the things that happened to your sister at the beginning, but at least I will ensure that you will not encounter those."

Xiao Meiqing nodded, seemingly incomprehensible, and then raised her cute face and asked, "Who is that sister and sister Mami beautiful?"

Yue Zhong knew what the little girl wanted to say and rubbed her head with a smile and said with a smile: "For me, your sister is the most beautiful, as long as you know this."

"Oh." Xiao Meiqing seemed a little unwilling, kicking a small stone on the road with her hands behind her back.

"Sister Mami is here to help, she also has her own things to do, so she won't stay here often in the future." I have to say that the bloodline's affection is stronger than other things. Xiao Meiqing still has many things to do. At an age that understands, Ba Mami is also very good to her, but she is fighting for Xiao Meiyan who has never met.

Maybe he was afraid that his brother-in-law would be taken away by others?

Hearing Yue Zhong’s explanation, Xiao Meiqing was happy again. The other things she thought were simpler than Yue Zhong’s guess, but she was just worried that if her brother-in-law had anything to do with Sister Mami, should she support herself? My sister, this is a difficult and painful multiple choice question for young Xiao Meiqing.

The evening breeze in the sunset took the people returning home from the densely populated village center to the dark black oil road. Under the half-open transplanted cherry trees, the blonde girl’s pink long dress fluttered with the wind, she I waited a long time, but I was not restless.

"Sister Mami, we are back." Xiao Meiqing looked at Bamamei with some embarrassment.

Ba Mami didn't know what they said quietly on their backs, just smiled and picked up Xiao Meiqing and walked towards the house: "Go wash your hands and prepare to eat."

The dinner party for the celebration of moving into the new home is very rich. Although each dish has very few portions to avoid wasting food, it is enough to see that Asami spent a lot of effort to prepare this table. I know that Yue Zhong is not very used to eating. Japanese cuisine, Ba Ma Mei has also specially studied Chinese food recipes and made him some Chinese-style dishes, such as the Mapo tofu that she eats very spicy but Yue Zhong is very happy, Xiao Meiqing was curious I tasted it together, and was so hot that my face turned red and drank two large glasses of water.

Maybe she didn’t even know why she was so concerned about Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing. During the time since Yue Zhong’s return, in addition to tracking the whereabouts of the mysterious World of Warcraft, Bama Mei was thinking about the future What is needed for an old and a small child living in this house, even if she is well aware that some people will never wait even if they wait longer.

But looking at Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing who are very happy to eat, Ba Mami feels that this is also very good. As a magical girl, the length of her life has lost its original meaning. Yue Zhong has left for so many years and looks like Older, but presumably Xiao Meiyan has made some efforts for him to live forever, so for them, the difference between one year and one hundred years is just the length.

What was originally very important for humans is actually not so After dinner, Yue Zhong accompanied Xiao Meiqing to watch TV for a while, and the child feed from the point to point played to the children's animation After the broadcast, Xiao Meiqing consciously walked to the pink and warm room on the third floor to wash and prepare to sleep.

Yue Zhong stood at the door and knocked on the doorway: "Xiao Qing, go to bed first, I will send Mami to see Takihara downtown."

"Brother-in-law, you need to come back early." Xiao Meiqing also whispered across the door.

"Do not worry."

Going out and locking, Yue Zhong watched Ba Mami leaving a unique imprint of the magical **** the Xiaoyang Tower, so that if someone breaks in, it can stop for a moment, and they can also rush back in the fastest time.

Xiao Meiqing didn't lie down on the bed this time and hugged the plush bear, and only the moonlight projected into the window in the dark room. She stepped on a stool in white pajamas and looked out of the window. The brother-in-law and Asami My sister had already got into the car, and gradually disappeared into her vision after a roar of the engine.

"Brother-in-law, come back early..." Xiao Meiqing then jumped off the bench and went to the bed to pull the quilt to sleep.

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