Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1199: The man behind Sayaka

If Ba Mami is on this plane, those who cast a mouse will not dare to be so blatant. For the benefit of the entire world, some people have to sacrifice, even if this is not their original intention, there is no room for choice.

So it’s a huge conspiracy to say that not attacking humans will only destroy the idol show Warcraft? The purpose is to prevent Ba Mami from walking with Yue Zhong.

"The non-combat death of a magical girl has touched the taboo of Sayaka. It can be guessed that she may know nothing about many things, but when the result has been placed in front of her, for the stability and justice in her mind Sayaka, whose brain is not enough, will be persuaded, just like the death of the father-in-law... But if Mama is dead, then no matter how it is said, the smallpox will fall to Sayaka, and you must be investigated." Yue Zhong's There was no expression on his face, and the crew members looked at him like a monster, and Yue Zhong did not care. "The bond between the magical girl is that I can't compare with Xiao Qing, but there has been no movement for such a long time. , Now your fox tail is finally showing."

According to the information provided by Bama Mei to Yue Zhong before going abroad to fight against the strange Warcraft, it can be known that the headquarters of the Magical Girl Organization has already penetrated to a very serious point by various countries.

This is something that Xiaoyan has never told herself, because when she was there, everyone was afraid of Xiao Meiyan’s unsmiling and untouchable personality and unpredictable strength and wisdom, but when Xiao Meiyan left with a sin, she lost and lost In the world of her **** and squashing, there was a rebound that Sayaka could not resist, and because of the things Xiao Meiyan had done, the magic girls lost a lot of independent space and power.

The apparent freedom of magical girls in various countries has already fallen into procedural control. The power to assign magical girls to fight against powerful Warcraft or perform difficult anti-terrorism and anti-war missions is no longer unique to Sayaka. Considering the magic girl as an important strategic weapon in various countries, although still giving them enough respect, it is already two different things when Xiao Meiyan was there.

Sayaka is not a person willing to be controlled, but to deal with the power of the whole world, it is either the unreasonable style of Xiao Meiyan or the same means and wisdom as the world.

The magic girls who only have junior high school education are obviously not able to do this. One of the aliens such as Xiao Meiyan is very strange, so Sayaka must have her own think tank to resist her against all countries in the world. The penetration and control of the magic girl organization naturally appears in this situation. Another group with heavy power is on the one hand. It is trying its best to help the magic girl maintain its current status, and at the same time inevitably bring its own style of conduct. Go to the magical girl organization.

Knowing these secrets, Yue Zhong also knew how wrong he was with Sayaka, but he also saw him see another shadow over Xiaomei’s head. It was not the dark body that disappeared suddenly after a long time. The emergence, the existence that was wiped out by thunder without knowing enough about everything. It was deeply rooted in this world before the emergence of the magical girl organization, and now it has a great influence on Sayaka.

Bama said very solemnly that a man was standing behind Sayaka, but it basically did not appear in the public world and belonged to characters like the shadow army division. Originally seeing Takihara Bamaji should not know his existence, but Sakura Kyoko is beside Sayaka, she always has the opportunity to see this person who makes Sayaka absolutely trust.

Kyoko said that the man has a disturbing reason and crazy worship of Sayaka. This kind of contradictory and extreme but real existence is rare in the world, but it is not strange to Yue Zhong, he is precisely because of such characteristics Shayega can gain absolute trust in people's hearts.

Some things are done by some people carrying the magical girl organization, but some things may be planned by him, is this time you?

Yue Zhong is unwilling to be a victim of justice that Sayaka insists on, and will not let Xiaomei's family be this victim. They can't get around each other.

After ascending into the stratosphere with the scheduled flight path, the international flight passenger aircraft gradually started to leave the airspace of country J. When it had just left the border, the captain ordered the change of the scheduled route into manual control mode.

A crew member who had prepared for the first time gritted his teeth to physically destroy the communication line with the command tower, and announced that the entire passenger plane was caught in a communication failure.

In this way, it has a reason to deviate from the course, but what is even more worrying is that the man standing like a statue behind them will still say that the danger will still happen when he deviates from the course?

After looking at the aircraft's various instruments to determine the current position, Yue Zhong made the latest instructions.

The captain said hesitantly: " Are you really going to break into the airspace of country K? There is a deep conflict between this country and our country. Fighter expelled."

"It's just expulsion, but it's not direct destruction." Yue Zhong said coldly, "do what I said."

The captain who wanted to say something else suddenly felt a cold and terrifying breath locking himself, as if the abyss of gaze generally made him shudder. This sense of terror could only come from the man behind him, he didn’t know if he had rebelled against him What are the consequences, so he can only do as he said.

At this moment, two missile destroyers that have been marked off from the Pacific Ocean and beyond the waters of country C on the edge of the Yellow Sea are cruising purposefully in the deep sea under the night. According to the time given by the superior, the target passenger plane should enter this area at this time. The airspace is the only one, but it has not appeared for a long time.

"Report, the radar has never found the whereabouts of the target." The captain had to immediately report this information to a temporary command post on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. All his life was entrusted to complete this mission. If you succeed, you will become rich and prosperous all your life. If you lose, you will die.

The headquarters quickly made a new response, but this command also made the captain feel the fear and pressure faced by the captain: "Enter the Bohai Sea region!"

"This..." There is the territorial waters of country C. If a battle ship like them breaks into it, it is equivalent to fighting without declaration. The consequences are scary just thinking about it.

"No one will stop your actions tonight. According to the latest news, the route with a sudden change in goal enters the territory of country F. It will be dragged to buy you enough time and then be deported. You continue to complete your task."

"Understood." The captain waited until the signal of the communication was over, and the sea soul shirt was already soaked in sweat.

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