Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1200: North K

"For flight J27066 in country J, your aircraft has entered the airspace of country K without aviation permission. Please leave China’s airspace immediately, otherwise our country will take compulsory measures. Repeat, CE27066, your aircraft has entered the country of K without air permit Airspace, please leave our airspace immediately, otherwise our country will take coercive measures!"

The crew members of the aircraft have received a warning from country K, CE27066 is the number of this aircraft.

Yue Zhong silently holding the omnipotent Big Brother, which shows that two new fighters in country K have taken off from the air force base, preparing to forcefully expel the passenger plane.

"It's really fast, and decisive enough, do you really want me to go to the Bohai Sea?" Yue Zhong's eyes quickly swept over the pilot, pilot, mechanic, and correspondent, and he was able to make a secret acquisition in advance With the preparation for the takeover, the other party will certainly do something.

The crew members were under Yue Zhong’s eyelids. It was basically impossible to do what he wanted to carry on his back. Then only the crew members could be controlled. The flight confidentiality of passenger plane flights will not be too high, and the personnel assigned to each flight will always have a way to learn in advance that Yue Zhong can be bought in advance, and there is no reason why the other party cannot.

The response of the K country is faster and stronger than normal, which is by no means a routine response.

"Boy, see if you can find it."

The flight can only accept regular communication instructions when the special communication channel is damaged. In this case, the information sent by other communication equipment is easier to be found, and Lumuda also takes Xiao Meiqing in the first class. They are the closest to the cockpit, and Yue Zhong's instructions were issued face-to-face without any other intermediate process. If the crew eavesdropped, Lu Muda would certainly be able to find out.

"Going north." Yue Zhong gave the captain a new expression with a blank expression. In this case, the passenger plane either chose to return, or was deported to the direction of the Bohai Sea. Going back is not among Yue Zhong's options, but the Bohai Sea tonight The strong sense of crisis brought about by the dangers on the mountain has made Yue Zhong feel pressure.

"The north... that country is unreasonable." The captain is also a flight pilot. In the manual driving mode, the safety of the entire passenger plane and all passengers is placed on his hand. If there is any accident, he will either Accompanying you to die together, even if you are lucky enough to survive all your life, you can only spend it in prison.

The country in the north of the peninsula is a very different existence for the whole world. It is closed and extremely xenophobic, but it is therefore the most difficult to penetrate. If an aircraft breaks into the airspace of another country, it is likely to be shot down directly.

"It won't be a problem." Yue Zhong's appeasement did not work very well. The flight crew members were still restless, but now they have no other choice, and it may not be violating Yue Zhong's will now. However, he thought that he would buy the plane without losing his eyes and gave them the money that he could not refuse. The liquidation afterwards might not be easier than being killed directly.

The newly-launched K-country fighter was preparing to expel the intruding passenger plane, but they were quickly alarmed to find that the other party not only did not respond to any attempt to break into the airspace, but continued to sail in an impossible direction.

The relationship between the two countries is extremely delicate in itself. If the fighters continue to catch up, the escalation of conflicts is almost inevitable. The northern countries of the peninsula have long been prepared to be together, and I am afraid that they will not miss the opportunity.

"Report, the goal is heading north!"

At the headquarters of the Air Force Base, after hearing this news, the major general sitting in hesitation was hesitant. The cigarette **** that was about to burn out would be extinguished. The smoke was around him. When he turned back and wanted to find the person who ventilated, The other party has disappeared unconsciously.

"Long-distance tracking pays close attention to the target's movements and returns immediately as soon as the target enters the country. At the same time, it informs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hoping that they will be able to protest and condemn the J country's flight into my country's airspace."

"General, does that matter?"

"This is not a regular diplomatic dispute, we still don't want to join in too much." The major general silently smothered his cigarette butts after he said it. In fact, he was still very happy. At least the worst result did not happen in the territory of country K. .

The passenger plane detoured again, and the flight distance was further lengthened. The aviation fuel added according to the original distance was obviously not enough. However, Yue Zhong had already bought the aircraft and opened the logistics joints in advance, so this problem did not exist. Even if it has been flying into the northeast and then detouring into the target airport is enough.

"Are you really daring to break in from the Northeast? It's such a big mess."

Yue Daring’s bold flight route once again broke the deployment of those people, and the latest news on the plane has not been heard. Has the flight attendant he bought already been found? But as far as he knows, Yue Zhong has never left in the cockpit. Even if he wants to solve his eyeliner, he has to leave at least for a moment, and under the eyes of all eyes, what is the most extreme behavior that Yue has done, then he is absolutely If you can't perfect the aftermath, even if you can't complete the battle, you can at least take a step back in this regard.

The mysterious man who has never dealt with Yue Zhong has already arrived in the capital C of the country C with Sayaka, and at the request of those who are coveted by the wealth of Xiaomei's also to further expand the magic The scale and strength of the girl auxiliary warfare armed forces, he has to get a lot of funds under the control of Xiaomei's family.

Sayaka, who hasn’t rested in Lawton for a long time, has gone to find some magical girls who are in the capital of State C. Zuokang Xingzi, who has always been very upset but has no way to bypass Sayaka, has also followed. He has half a night to continue his layout, but once Sayaka comes back, it must be aborted regardless of the result.

Now that the situation of the passenger plane is getting out of control, the mysterious man finds that he doesn’t know enough about Yue Zhong. Judging from the previous data, it is unwise to judge him: "Yue Zhong took the plane with him, except Xiao Meiqing. Only that high school student?"

The men hiding in the shadows said affirmatively: "Yes, that male high school student is Lumu Takaya's younger brother Lumu Tatsuya, and he is also a popular figure in school on weekdays, but according to the flight attendant, Yue Zhong did not leave before leaving. Tell him what?"

"I know that because he didn't explain anything, we don't pay attention to Lumuda..." The mysterious man's calm eyes slowly closed, and when he opened his eyes again, the pupils were already There was a frenzy, "Even if it is Lumu Yuanxiang's younger brother, but he is not a magical girl after all, and you cannot survive if you sink the passenger plane. Then please take a step first."

He has a blind worship of the justice that Sayaka insists on. He has traveled countless times on the verge of life and death. He who has seen too much sin and betrayal has long had no hope for the justice of this world. However, when he met Saye At that moment, my dead heart came back to life.

Absolute justice does not exist, but relative justice can be achieved with human power. Sayaka is facing pressure from all over the world, and she is the unspeakable shadow under her dragon sword of justice.

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