Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1236: Summer holiday is coming

Under the scorching summer, neither the city nor the countryside can escape the scorching sun, the cicadas chirp endlessly in the woods, even the breeze with the wind is hot, and the cherry trees that have passed the flowering period are left Under the dry branches, Xiao Meiqing and her friends hung a lot of decorative ribbons on them but did not appear monotonous.

It was the hottest day of the day. Xiao Meiqing, who had just returned from school, was helping Yue Zhong to pack things up. The time of the small half year passed, and Xiao Meiqing, who was used to school life, suddenly returned to the holiday with some inexplicable feelings.

"Do you want to bring these two clothes? We are going to the southern hemisphere this time. The weather there is really cold." Yue Zhong asked Xiao Meiqing with two black and blue fleece dresses in her hands.

Xiao Meiqing, who was packing up the manuscripts of Yue Zhong’s comics, looked up and asked, full of curiosity and anticipation, "Then bring it, is it really cold in New Zealand?"

"Yeah, when we are here in midsummer, it was winter." Yue Zhong folded his clothes worth putting into his suitcase, because Yue Zhong told his family not to buy Xiao Meiqing new clothes, Xiao Meiqing It also generously sent many children in the class, and now her wardrobe is so full, only some of her favorite clothes are left.

Every piece of clothing she sent out probably exceeded the sum of all the assets of those children’s homes, but never said its value. Even if the parents of those children felt expensive, they could not imagine studying with their own children at Raccoon Primary School. Xiaomeiqing will be the gold of Xiaomei's family. In the spirit of courtesy and exchanges, many home-bred meat and agricultural products have been sent to Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong almost does not need to purchase food from the city.

"It would be nice if my mother could go with us." Xiao Meiqing couldn't wait to see what "summer" and "winter" look like. She hadn't been exposed to geographic knowledge at this age. The wonder is very curious.

"Adult mother will be able to travel with us next year." After packing up a suitcase, Yue Zhong looked at the raccoon cat who was sleeping in his den. "What about this guy, I said yes to other classmates Foster care?"

Xiao Meiqing nodded and said, "Photon said she came to take the flowers after dinner, but asked me to bring her the most special gift back."

"She doesn't suffer at all." Yue Zhong knows who the little girl named Photon is. She often comes to the house to find Xiao Qing to play with, which is also the most noisy among her classmates.

Girls always have a lot more than men when they go out. Now Xiaomei Qing is young, but there are a lot of small things and clothes that will fill the suitcase. If you grow up, you will have a suitcase I'm afraid I won't be able to put it down. As for Yue Zhong, there are only two pieces of clothes and underwear that are changed.

After completely cleaning up the house and turning off all the power, Yue Zhong dragged a suitcase in one hand and threw it into the trunk of the car at the door. A little girl wearing a raccoon school uniform and wearing a raccoon school uniform ran screaming: "Xiaoqing Xiaoqing, let me bring flowers, uncle eh, you too."

Yue Zhong pressed the button to close the trunk door, rolled his eyes at the little girl named Photon and said, "How many times have I called my brother, do I look so uncle-like?"

"Mother told me to call me that, I won't tell you, I'm going to find Xiaoqing." Photonics girl ran past Yue Zhong with a gust of wind, and the clothes Xiao Meiqing sent out were rarely seen by others. Most of them were taken away by their parents and they were afraid that they would be damaged when they were out in the wild. They only found it out during the Chinese New Year or their birthday to make their daughter smelly.

Photon's unrestrained laughter and Xiaoqing's exclamation soon came from the house. The wild girl of Raccoon Village was envious of Xiaomeiqing's ice-skinned skin, and it was inevitable to rub on her face when she met her.

"It's time to go, Xiaoqing." Yue Zhong covered the forehead with one hand and looked at the sky. It was a very uncomfortable thing to be directly exposed to the sun like the sun.

"Come here." Xiao Meiqing picked up Huahua and handed it to Photon, and walked out of the house together. "Huahua please you, Photon."

Photon patted his chest and said: "Come on, you won't be hungry or thin. Don't be back when you come back. It will depend on my house to go with you."

"Surely not." Xiao Meiqing said with certainty, and waved to the photon after sitting in the car: "Bye!"

"All the way down, remember to come back early, don't forget my gift!" Photon shouted on the tiptoe holding Huahua, watching the car driven by Yue Zhong go away.

There are more cars on the road in Panshan than before. Now is the time when the specialty square watermelon of Raccoon Village is produced. After the company's speeding party gangsters collected all the watermelons from all the farmers, they drove a truck and saw them. In Takihara city transportation, there will be companies of Hideo Lusawa who will distribute orders from various places and continue to transport them to other cities. The business of their half-dozen merchants is booming~www.wuxiaspot. com~ After seeing Yue Zhong's car through the rearview mirror, all the trucks politely stopped to the side to give way to the not-to-be spacious road, so that Yue Zhong can easily pass the brake without stepping on it, which is not the previous The speed party gangsters suddenly became humble and polite like Hideo Luze. On the one hand, they were grateful for Yue Zhong’s investment, and on the other hand, they also confessed to Hideo Luze. They should do everything possible for Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing. Convenience.

Yue Zhong greeted whistle after overtaking, and the harsh horn of the truck rang immediately, forming an interesting picture on the Panshan Highway.

Sitting in the back seat, Xiao Meiqing lowered her head and didn't know what she was doing. She looked up for a long time and asked, "Sister-in-law, I'm getting fatter. The skirt that fits well last year is now a little tight."

After looking at the worry on Xiao Meiqing's face through the rearview mirror, Yue Zhong laughed and said: "How can Xiaoqing follow me every day to gain weight. You just grow up a little and can't always be a little girl's body. Right."

"This is the case." Xiao Meiqing easily believed Yue Zhong's words, "Then my clothes will not be worn soon."

"That's also true. I didn't buy you new clothes before because I was afraid that you would give them all away. After going back this time, I would order some slightly wider clothes." Yue Zhong's ideas have not been fully integrated into the rich. In his extravagant life, when he was a child, his mother was afraid that he would grow too fast, and the new clothes he bought would be one size larger. It would take him a year and a half to fit.

Xiao Meiqing didn't care about these people either. She leaned against the window and watched the scenery passing by suddenly said: "Brother-in-law, can I invite Brother Daye and Sister Asami and Sister Yuanxiang to go with us?"

"Let me ask, there should be no problem there, and I don't know if the other two are free."

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