Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1237: Encounter on the road

There are many cities in the world of Magic Girl that Yue Zhong does not have, but the overall geographical environment is still the same. According to Xiao Meiyan, a long time ago, other worlds are basically the same.

However, these cities that do not exist in Yue Zhong’s earth world are basically small and transparent. If some special events are not happening, perhaps few people will know where they are.

For example, Mitakihara and the neighboring towns such as Tomiino City and Kamihama City, who lived in the past, have not found anything special about them in the past. However, there is always something inexplicable when they live here for a long time before going out. Feeling lingering in my heart.

I am like living in an incomparably powerful witch enchantment, and the things around me are more or less unreal, just like the kind of dream that is so real that it is impossible to distinguish between true and false. I don't know if this is an inexplicable illusion that has existed for a long time, or the mysterious color left in these places after so many things.

If the former is the case, it may be that Homura’s numerous reincarnations have already left a deep time mark. The disordered intersection will make the originally calm world less stable, or it may be that he is nervous, and is monitored by the court. Under the general feeling that anything will be a conspiracy of unreliable people.

Driving into the city of Takibara as usual, this road will change slightly every week. When I came back today, a music bar was taking advantage of the summer vacation to prepare for the opening celebration. The noise of the decoration and the unknown language inside the bar 'S strange music doesn't look like a place where normal people are willing to come.

"Brother-in-law, I saw Sister Mami. What is she doing here?" Xiao Meiqing pointed out by the window of the car.

Yue Zhong has not always been clear about what the magical girl is busy with at ordinary times. Here happened to meet Bama, she wouldn’t be bored to come here.

After stopping at the temporary parking space on the roadside, Yue Zhong walked with Xiao Meiqing. Ba Mami was leading a group of people wearing work clothes in a certain department to negotiate with the bar owner and did not find them coming.

"It's noon and lunch break, please pause the decoration and music of the bar, there is a residential area nearby..."

Hearing the words from the crowd, Yue Zhongrenjun couldn't help laughing. Didn't Bama Mei even begin to join the city management?

Then Bama Mei's voice also sounded, and Yue Zhong finally understood what she had been here to do: "I am seeing Takihara magic girl Bama Mi, and according to the situation I received during this time, I feedback that this bar is in Warcraft. Area, so please don’t play this weird and decadent music during this time to avoid causing negative emotions in customers’ hearts, it is likely to cause greater harm and encourage the power of Warcraft..."

"Suppressing the attack of Warcraft is the work of the magical girl, but it is normal to take precautions to minimize the loss. Is the school sister busy with these things every day?" This is one of the few surprises in recent life. However, such a hot day still follows the staff running through the streets. If it is not known that the harm of Warcraft is already known, Bamamei’s actions are more like the aunt of the neighborhood committee that Yue Zhong knew before.

In the urban area of ​​Takibara, even the former Xiaomei family had to give Bama Mei a face, and with the intervention of the government department, the bar owner soon couldn't resist defeat and stopped the decoration workers. Later, the music playback sequence that has been set is replaced.

Speaking of which, the music sound mixed with the decoration noise just now resembles Bamamei's U-turn...

After the crowd dissipated, Bamamei finally saw Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing under the shade of the roadside, and straightened her hair and stepped forward.

She had the same hairstyle as before, and Yue Zhong had never seen it changed.

"Why are you here, Xiaoqing doesn't have to go to school in the afternoon?" Bama asked suspiciously.

Xiao Meiqing quickly greeted: "Sister Mami, the school is on holiday today."

"Sister Xue, you don't care about the summer vacation without studying for so many years." Yue Zhong smiled.

Ba Mami suddenly realized that she still stretched her hands and twisted Yue Zhong's ear and said: "I'm turning around again and again saying that I'm older? You need to clean up every time you meet!"

"It hurts, let it go, I'm wrong. I'm wrong." Yue Zhong shook his head and broke away from Pama Mei's hand. "This is not because of the inexplicable sense of sight you saw in your work just now. "

"What's wrong again?"

"In my hometown, there is a group of people who always walk around the community for free, to stop any uncivilized phenomena and behaviors that disturb the people, and to coordinate family conflicts to deal with neighborhood disputes. "Yue Zhong said good things.

I always feel that there is not much respect for the meaning in Yue Zhong’s words, but Ba Mami didn’t understand where he hid the words again, so he only raised his eyebrows and glared at him, “Go home If you stop by the roadside, you need to post a ticket if it is overtime."

"Come for dinner at night." Yue Zhong invited, "Xiaoqing just mentioned you just on the road. I'm going to take Xiaoqing and Tatsuya to New Zealand this holiday. Do you want to go together if you have time?"

Bama Mei was actually very interested, but she couldn’t help her job. She said helplessly: “If I leave here, I’ll be left with only Ying Ying. She has the help of Peng Rao’s group. Naturally, Warcraft is no problem, but dealing with such a thing today has caused more than one dispute, and knowing that you are going to play without her, Ming Ying must be making trouble."

"Take a leave with Sayaka, her current auxiliary combat troops are all expanded and fully changed. If you can't tell me, I will say it." Yue Zhong would like to let the sister go, let alone say she and Lumu Tatsuya and the two men would take care of Xiao Meiqing, which would be somewhat unsatisfactory. If there is Ba Mami, there will naturally be no such problem.

"I'll give you news at night, I will go to another cycling club to work." Ba Mami is not an indecisive person, waved his hand and drove Yue Zhong away, and he jumped into the high building and disappeared.

Yue Zhong watched Ba Mami disappear and disappeared, touching the beard and scum with one hand: "It's very busy, it looks like I'm a idler."

Xiao Meiqing stared at Yue Zhong with big and dignified eyes. Although she didn’t speak, she seemed to be expressing her affirmation that her brother-in-law was an idle person, and there was not much to do except take care of Xiaoqing.

"It's uncomfortable, does Xiaoqing see the same thing? Go away." Yue Zhong re-sat into the car with a bitter face, carrying Xiao Meiqing on the road home.

Shortly after the two left, the bar owner walked out of the bar again, looking at the figure of the car going away thoughtfully: "No chance, seeing Takihara is still too strict."

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