Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1305: Who you share with

The fish hook dropped by Yue Zhong can accurately catch the curious and close fish, he didn’t even change the bait, he filled the water tank with fish, and let the kitchen send someone to take it for everyone’s dinner today, Yue Zhong took Out of the drawing board facing the great lake and mountains.

It's a pity that he can't draw landscapes, only the images and scenes of comics appear on his drawing board.

One stroke at a time carefully outlined the man's eyebrows, because this was her first appearance in Veneto's story, so Yue Zhong made every stroke with great care, as if not drawing a comic at all, but Sculpting art in detail.

Every expression and every behavior of the other party was deeply imprinted in his mind. He had forgotten her appearance in the centuries of relentless passing. The loss was not a terrible thing that could be remedied at a glance after the reunion.

I don't know when I will forget it now, so I have to paint her image in my painting.

If you talk to others, you will say that Xiao Meiqing is always around you, but Yue Zhong can clearly distinguish the difference between their sisters. After all, he likes the figure of the big step meteor in the hair and the swift forward, and Not a good girl with glasses and braids.

The closeness of nature will attract each other in the midst. Yue Zhong has made Xiaoyan not care about himself because he is touched, then he will not be able to distinguish each other because of an identical face.

Xiao Meiqing didn't see Yue Zhong for half a day and came looking for him. Seeing that he was sitting by the lake, he didn't disturb any paintings. He walked quietly behind Yue Zhong and looked at the figure drawn between his strokes. Xiao Qing never felt A man's comic image will be so similar to his own impression.

As if she would come out of the painting in the next second, and then look at her sister who had never met her.

Yue Zhong's pen stopped, and it took a lot of effort to draw a character. At his speed, I am afraid that this legendary story could not be drawn in ten years.

"The elder sister painted by her brother-in-law is really beautiful. If you let Ueno teach her brother-in-law to draw pictures, it will definitely be more vivid." Xiao Meiqing said sincerely on the arm of Yue Zhong sitting on the small bench, "How do you feel, brother-in-law?"

Yue Zhong chuckled and stroked Xiao Meiqing's hair, saying: "No need, too many memories will grow old quickly, and occasionally it will be good once or twice. If you do it deliberately, it will easily make you confused."

"Brother-in-law, will sister come back?"


"Brother-in-law, Brother Daye came to talk to you just now. I saw him leaving soon, and told me that he will not come here for a while. Are you arguing again?"

Facing Xiao Meiqing's question, Yue Zhong couldn't answer it. He had so many thoughts, he could tell a child how she should understand, Yue Zhong liked the sorrow and sadness when he was a teenager, but Only when I have this sorrow, I realize that it is uncomfortable to suffocate in my chest.

Some people are too acquainted, but those words are unspeakable. The worries and the busyness they want to help will bring more causes and effects. Yue Zhong asks himself that too much affection has long been blessed and uneasy.

He likes to talk to strangers, to speak his mind in the peaceful days, and then to spend a lifetime without seeing each other, it is enough to just say something.

"Brother Daye is going out with Sister Xiaoyuan, Xiaoqing don't worry, they will come back soon."

Yue Zhong got up and started to clean up the drawing board. Xiao Meiqing asked him, "Sister-in-law, are you going out again?"

"I... just go out and go around." Since sending Xiao Meiqing to school that day, Yue Zhong was a little afraid of the loneliness in his heart. He couldn't wait to meet more people. It also made people feel old in this world. Not rushing towards aging and death alone.

He also understands that this is Fan Hanshi's original intention to put himself back in the magical girl world. This is an upright plot. There is no other way but to bear it. These emotions will sooner or later cannot be completely controlled.

"Do you have dinner waiting for you?" Xiao Meiqing didn't stop Yue Zhong from making any decision, so he couldn't stop Xiao Meiqing from going out. He only had to wait for Yue Zhong to come back early with a little anticipation on the sad little face.

Looking at her eyes, Yue Zhong couldn't say anything more refusal: "I will come back on time, stay with my mother."

"Well!" Xiao Meiqing's sorrow on her face swept away and turned into a smile full of spirit.

Yue Zhong went out. The driver sent by the old housekeeper did not leave him. He followed him to the coffee shop in the city center. Every weekend, he sat here and enjoyed the people in the leisure afternoon. Find a person to fight for a table. In the soothing music, Yue Zhong always takes the initiative to talk with others.

Some people will be alert to a stranger taking the initiative to strike up a conversation, but more people don’t mind chatting with Yue Zhong, and sometimes they forget the time when they say too much, which is why Yue Zhong often returns late.

This time, as usual, he found someone's table and sat down, only to discover that the other party was actually someone he knew and a young and beautiful girl.

"It's so coincident that you don't have to work and have money to spend here?" Yue Zhong teased with a smile on his Sitting opposite him was the Baotou door of the Juding Pavilion, dressed for the holidays The girl with thick dolls distributing flyers, she is not working, her pink dress is like a naive and romantic girl, but she already knows that her natural Yue Zhong does not think so.

It took almost half a year to see that she was not so disgusted with Yue Zhong, and it might be that the amount of money that was squeezed into her on that day played a role, but she was still habitually alert to prevent Yue Zhong from thinking that the old cow would eat tender grass. : "Why are you again, but you have to pay for inquiries."

"Your money is out of your eyes. I'll ask you to drink coffee today." Yue Zhong's hands don't want to be wronged. "No more."

"Then... that's all right." The girl smiled heartily, and then began to answer Yue Zhong's question seriously: "We work hard every day to enjoy, buy beautiful clothes to wear, eat delicious food , Waiting for a sweet love after being watched by a handsome guy, that's all our beautiful girls' pursuit."

Yue Zhong glanced around and couldn't find any partner in the other party. There was only one cup on her desk, so no one else went to the toilet.

"Then you shouldn't sit here and drink coffee, even if there is no male companion, should there be a girlfriend?"

Yue Zhong didn't say okay, the smile on the girl's face disappeared at once, and said coldly: "It's none of your business."

"Why did you fall in love?" Yue Zhong asked with thick cheeks and gossip.

"It's none of your business. Are you bothered!" The girl snorted and left without getting up. She also remembered that Yue Youyi paid for coffee. How could she be worthy of herself without eating too much? Bring children, what do you do when you run out on weekends, will your wife not let you go home?"

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