Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1306: Old singularity

"It's more trouble than this. My wife hasn't been home for a long time." Yue Zhong stirred the coffee and smiled bitterly.

The part-time working girl who was aroused by her curiosity asked with wide eyes: "I heard that you are the son-in-law of Xiaomei's family, and your wife should be Xiaomei's eldest lady. Why doesn't she go home?"

"You don't say why you are here alone, and I don't tell you." Naturally, Yue Zhong will not tell everyone who has only met a few times, and it is not unprepared to find someone to talk about. Tell your own secret.

It's like two frustrated people coming together to mourn each other for a while, but no one will tell each other everything about themselves. When the coffee hits the bottom, they will run away from each other, and they won't remember such a person after a long time.

"What else can I do, isn't it because my boyfriend and girlfriend have run away, you have also seen that girlfriend, the one who used to be the door greet with me before." Although the working girl looked angry, she didn't take this The thing was boring in my heart, but it was generously spoken, and it was also a free and easy girl, "I finished, what about you?"

Yue Zhong pondered for a while that he slowly opened the dialogue box, even though he wouldn’t tell all of them, but it would suffice to put on a skin to let the other understand.


When Yue Zhong was looking for someone to vomit his depression, the Magical Girl Headquarters had gathered 80% of the magical girls in the world. There was only one reason for Sayaka to summon them up for discussion. The incident in Oakland not only led to The direct conflict and battle escalation between the Magic Girl and various forces also angered the dark apostles hidden around the world.

The silver curtain opened like a dome on the top floor of the Magical Girl Headquarters building. Hundreds of magical girls gathered afterwards, each holding a copy of the information prepared by Sayaka’s think tank, frowning and silence. The enemies they faced before were either broken. Revenge the world's witch by the core of the soul, or it is an instinctive Warcraft who has no reason and only attacks the human being. It really faces an organized but no bottom line. It just wants to return the world to the apostle in the dark. They have not been similar. experience.

The brilliance of justice can appeal to attract many followers, but the righteousness of Sayaka is destined to be accompanied by darkness from the moment of its birth. The stronger the darkness is, the more brilliant her dragon sword is. Will there be followers of those who bear the darkness? Needless to say, Yue Zhong was the first devout follower of that figure, and there were many in succession.

Where there is light, there is shadow, and even the Dragon Sword cannot illuminate all corners of the world, so a group of people represented by Kashin appears behind Sayaka. When the whole world is under the horror rule of the demon god, not everyone is panic-stricken, the evildoers will be punished as they should, and the innocent will be unfortunately implicated, but there are always people who adore and yearn for this power Powerful, even though this threat also exists for them, it does not prevent them from worshipping.

Xiao Meiyan's final choice to leave was a fatal blow to them. From that moment on, the resentment and madness in the hearts of everyone who felt abandoned were even deeper, but the power of the order in the world was so powerful that they could only roll Shrinking in a dark corner and looking at this world with cynical eyes, Yue Zhong's dark body appeared again and generously gave them new power, and also ignited the desire for destruction in their hearts.

The main goal of this convocation is to deal with this group of people, because they have also shown their threat.

After everyone had read the recently collected information, the clear-eyed Sayaka, who stood on the stage in a white cloak, began to make his own voice: "Everyone now sees the seriousness of the situation, and the dark apostle has already found it. Xiao Meiyan's old singularity stays around the world and activates its power. We must destroy them before they launch a large-scale attack, which is why I have called you to deploy operations."

The information in everyone's hands has the old singular point distribution map of the world. The strange black spots on the world map densely put a heavy pressure on everyone's hearts. At that time, many magical girls did not participate in the fight against Xiaomei. In the battle of Homura, there is only a very vague concept of her power, and she doesn't understand why Sayaka didn't start to clean up these old singular points after she left.

After this question was raised by a magical girl, Cathy, who had already prepared it, answered: "The old singular point is that Xiao Meiyan has encrypted the surroundings based on her unique time ability and hidden in special space points around the world. It was impossible to calculate its specific location and transition law with the level of technology at the time. After Xiao Meiyan left, the old singularities also remained silent. No reaction could be felt. This time we were able to find them all. One is Because the Dark Apostles reactivated Secondly, thanks to the recent technological breakthroughs that encrypted the time surround encryption, is there any problem?"

"What happens when the old singularity is activated, like the ubiquitous darkness that hit humans at that time? Are they attacking the same as before." Another magical girl stood up and asked, "Still because it will dominate the will Different and change."

"We haven't fought the Dark Apostles yet, but we have conducted a follow-up investigation of the events in Oakland, and the actual combat information collected by Lumu's brother Lumuda can also be judged..." Sayaka took over the topic Shen Said, "The enemies we face this time are more insidious and cunning than Warcraft. Xiao Meiyan at that time had a clear purpose to cast the darkness to absorb the power of despair. She would have scruples and never thought about destroying the world completely. But now this group of people is a destroyer with no bottom line. I can’t hope that they still have any heart of mourning. Everyone must be prepared for the worst of the upcoming battle, and don’t be lucky in the battle. With mercy, I don’t want the second thing to happen in Oakland."

"Then Kasin will conduct operational deployment on my behalf. Please cooperate with us to protect the safety of all mankind."

After Sayaga finished speaking, he gave the podium to Kasin with a white mask behind him. This time it was very different from the battle of Warcraft, so the magical girls could not be allowed to fight according to their own feelings. Kasin led The most important purpose of the battle deployment that the think tank has formulated based on all current intelligence is also to avoid unnecessary losses and the recurrence of the Auckland incident.

When he crossed Sayaka's figure and walked onto the rostrum, there was no sound. The door of the screen dome opened, and a figure of a man and a woman came out of the sunlight under the eyes of everyone.

"Can I count me this time?"

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