Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1307: The confluence of light and shadow

Magical girls have been fighting with witch and warcraft for many years. The majestic magic from the sunlight at the front entrance is the breath of their extremely familiar opponents.

I thought the enemy was really bold enough to hit the magical girl's headquarters building. Everyone completed the combat armed accidentally, but they were a little surprised when they saw the appearance of the other party.

They looked like Lumu Tatsuya in the documents given by Kashin. The man who accompanied the female voice was also him. No matter how whimsical people wouldn’t believe that Lumu’s younger brother would The dark apostles got together, so who is the green-haired girl beside him who seems to be the incarnation of countless witches?

Sitting underneath Sayaka, the first time she participated in the large-scale operations of the magical girls, seeing her brother's appearance, she stood up and exclaimed: "How did you come here, Tatsuya and Renmei?" ?"

"It's not too late to say gossip later, Sayaka, will this action allow me to participate together?" The woman who appeared beside Lumu Daye, and there were countless witch temperaments in one, had no one other than Zhizhu Renmei. .

Her arrival made all the magical girls feel heavy pressure, but facing the natural enemies of the witch, the mark of the witch interwoven in the spirit of Zhizhu Renmei was also screaming and clamoring to express uneasy emotions.

Fortunately, Lumu Yuanxiang recognized the magical girl who was present when she came, and everyone was heard by Shizu Renmei but never seen it. Although I don’t know why she appeared here suddenly, I thought I should not There will be malicious.

Sayaka had recognized Zhizhu Renmei from the first time she appeared, and she did not look away from the other person from beginning to end, until she was determined that she had no other intentions, she stood up very solemnly and asked : "Are you really willing to help?"

When living with her husband, Zhizhu Renmei was a gentle and considerate wife. Even if she didn't get along well with her neighbors, everyone didn't deny this fact. At most, she thought she was a somewhat introverted girl. However, when she left that warm home and appeared again anywhere in the world as Zhizhu Renmei, she was still the incarnation of thousands of witches, and the only thing that could use human will to suppress those chaotic and desperate souls, but also The witch commander carrying the endless darkness.

Her heroism is not inferior to anyone else. She met Chisao and met the most significant change in her life. Even in the face of the devil, she did not fall down: "We have stood together when we used to fight Xiao Meiyan together. Do you doubt my sincerity now?"

The meditation in Sayaka's eyes soon dissipated and nodded to Zhizhu Renmei: "Sit down first, and wait until Kashin has finished the combat deployment. Then see if there are any problems."

The other party gave trust to himself so easily, but Zhizhu Renmei didn't have any surprises about this. Kyousuke I didn't know that Sayaka had an ignorant feeling for him, but Zhizhu Renmei, who is also a woman, wouldn't even notice it. They were close friends when they were in school. Even if there was no earth-shattering battle in Takihara, it was only because of this relationship that Shizu Insumi would pay less attention to her than anyone even if they separated.

With Zhizhi Renmei's understanding of Sayaka, it is a matter of course that she has this atmosphere and self-confidence, not because of her personality but because of her identity. The former Sayaka, who can draw swords from all magical girls for her own persistence, has matured. Although there are still many shortcomings, it is undeniable that she is a very attractive leader.

The arrival of Zhizhu Renmei means that the light and shadow in the magical girl will eventually come together and gather their power. The dark apostle may only be arrogant for a short period of time.

Lu Muda was also caught by Madoka to stay honestly, and after this episode, the combat deployment to eliminate the Dark Apostles was back on track again.

Lu Muda, who is not familiar with the situation of the Magical Girl Organization, also took the opportunity of this audition to carefully understand the overall structure of the organization and the members. At the same time, his eyes also frequently fell on the rostrum Cathy wearing a white mask.

Was this the same guy who designed Yue Zhong, Xiao Qing and himself? After experiencing such a thing, Sayaka’s trust in him did not seem to be affected in any way, and even such a major operational deployment could be fully responsible for him.

If it were not for the sister’s whereabouts this time, Lumuda might not wait until he graduated from high school before officially meeting with each other. Yue Zhong has already arranged for him to work in the magical girl organization, and Lumuda has also responded to this. Not resisting, but the thought of waiting for another two years is because Yue Zhong feels that he is not Kathy's opponent, and Lu Muda is somewhat dissatisfied.

However, provoking the opponent at this time has no effect other than being considered naive and rash by others. The opponent's prestige in the magical girl organization is very high, even if he has found some problems from his combat deployment, but Lumu Tatsuya remembered it in her heart and didn’t make it clear on the spot~ There was no Lumu Yuanxiang in the battle arrangement on the big face. After listening for a while, she couldn’t help but reach out and poked her brother’s head. Quietly asked: "Why are you here with Renmei?"

Lu Muda was also very helpless about his sister's unorganized and undisciplined approach, but since she always asked her questions, she could only say in a low voice: "Sister, people are talking, you can't wait. Ask again?"

"Yesterday I already knew the specific arrangements. When he speaks, he will act immediately. When will he have time to ask you?" Lumu Yuanxiang didn't want to let Lumu Tatsu so easily, this time he made up his mind to carry his family. When people came out, they didn't want to worry about their younger brother, but the kid actually found a way to run over, and by the way, brought Zhizhu Renmei together.

"I found Sister Yue Zhong as soon as I found out that you disappeared, but he did not intend to participate in the matter here and did not want Xiaomei's family to participate. I could only find Sister Renmei with the contact information that Brother Gongjie left me. After talking about the matter here, Sister Renmei promised to come with me." Lumu Tatsuya's explanation is simple, but he can persuade Zhimei Renmei who has never done anything about the magical girls, and he can give the respect I agree that my wife travels alone and participates in dangerous actions. The hardships and proportions are not enough to be outsider. Even Lumu Yuanxiang feels incredible.

"It seems that Yue Zhong is right to not come. You can feel everyone's rejection of Sister Yan as soon as you enter. If he comes, I am afraid that he will be opposed to the magical girls first." Thinking of the unreasonably short man, Because Xiao Meiyan's disputes with others and even hands-on are simply normal, but who let this series of events happen on the basis of Xiao Meiyan's stay, everyone needs a clear target of attack, even if she did not think of it herself. There will be today.

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