Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1388: Court hearing (1)

After announcing multiple prosecutions, the chief referee called Yue Zhong: "The prosecutor will be asked to state the facts of the crime."

Yue Zhongying stood up from his seat and walked into the courtroom. He didn’t have any thoughts and sketches like other prosecutors holding information in his hand. He kept all the things in his mind and could organize them at any time. Say it clearly: "At 19:12 on December 27, 20XX, the victim Yuka Hayakawa called the defendant Kazuhiko Sato to break up, and the call record at the time was only 21 seconds. Kazuhiko Sato was emotional after being silent for a while. Asked the victim what the cause was, but the victim did not give a detailed answer but said they were inappropriate and then hung up."

"The defendant dialed the victim's mobile phone again but was refused to answer it. After that, he took no further action." Yue Zhong went to Sato Kazuhiko and said: "You were in your rental house at the time, according to witnesses, you were at 19:37 Go to the tavern downstairs for a drink when you leave the rental house in minutes."

Sato and Yan nodded silently. These facts that Yue Zhong said were irrefutable, and it seemed that they would not be harmful to themselves.

"At about 22:30, the defendant had a dispute with someone in the tavern. The reason was that a couple peeked at you and whispered. Then you kicked the table and cut the kitchen knife from the rental house on the table. Scolding each other, scaring away all the guests in the tavern. When the police received the report and rushed to the scene, you were gone."

"When it appeared again, you were on the XX road that was only one street away from the victim's apartment. From the monitoring, you saw a telescope in your hand. At that time, were you observing the situation around the victim's apartment?" Yue Zhong asked.

As a defense lawyer, Haruka Kojima immediately stood up to replace Kazuhiko Sato and replied: "The chief referee and the prosecutor obviously intend to guide my client to make an unfavorable answer, and I apply to explain it."

The chief judge nodded after discussing two sentences with other judges: "Permit."

Yue Zhong turned around and saw the referee's head down to speak, and generously extended his hand to signal Kojima Haruo to speak.

Kojima Harumi is unambiguous. Although he knows that Yue Zhong’s general trend is here, he still has to perform his role with due diligence: "The situation was like this at the time. When he gets drunk, he will appear unconsciously around the apartment building where his former girlfriend lives. He also wears a telescope because he wants to know if the other party has a new boyfriend. It means nothing else."

"Since the defendant was not looking at the surrounding environment of the apartment and confirming where is the blind spot for monitoring, why did he not have any monitoring records of his whereabouts when he appeared at the door of the victim's house in the early morning?" Yue Zhong returned to the prosecutor's seat from the data Find a picture, hold it in his hand and say aloud: "After the professional analyzed his behavior at the time, the defendant’s use of the telescope was not a novice. He seemed to be good at using the telescope to observe the environment to determine the action plan, which also involved Some cases of the defendant in Shenbin, of course we will talk about this later."

"The monitoring around the apartment where the victim lives is just right for the damaged maintenance state." Kojima Haruna jumped in his heart. He never thought Yue Zhong would be in trouble in this regard.

"Is that true?" Yue Zhong really smiled unexpectedly, and then said slowly, "The apartment's camera is indeed partially damaged but some continue to work, covering two-thirds of the apartment building In terms of area, there is only one road that can successfully enter the apartment building without being photographed. Among them, there are two flower bushes and a ditch. Is it a coincidence that the defendant specifically took this road?"

Kojima Haruo opened his mouth to explain, and Yue Zhong first said: "Before that... I conducted a survey at Yuhua's house in Hayakawa. She did not have the habit of bringing men home, and there were no signs of a second person's life at home. I have submitted the evidence to the physical evidence center and made the proof, so I think the defendant did not know where the victim lived before, and how did he find it?"

"The referee, this is just the prosecutor's speculation." Kojima Haru immediately turned to appeal to the referee.

"The appeal is valid," the chief referee said concisely.

Yue Zhong waved his hands indifferently, and continued, "I have asked the victim's five ex-boyfriends for verification. They don't even know where Hayakawa Yuhua lives. Is Sato Kazuhiko an exception?"

The jury also whispered and discussed. What Yue Zhong said was based on the most reasonable angle of speculation or direct facts. They did not accept Kojima Haruo's rebuttal, because those things seemed very pale.

Yue Zhong is very clear that if the crime scene begins to infer that Kojima Haruo must have a lot of evidence to refute himself, so he determined the criminal motives of Sato Kazuhiko through the details before the case, and the jury of the non-professionals itself dealt with the victim. With sympathy, the current situation has undoubtedly fallen to his side.

Kojima Haruo's ear moved. He clearly heard the jury's whisper in his Knowing that letting Yue Zhong lead the rhythm down, he would lose his ability to resist, so he actively said: "The Chief Referee, I think it is better to have a detailed discussion about the moment when the case occurs. The prosecutor is deliberately misleading the jury's thinking."

"The complaint is valid, the prosecutor please give a detailed statement of the case itself."

The solemn and unwavering voice of the referee did not cause Yue Zhong to have any accidents. If he did not have enough confidence, he would not choose to stand in the court with Kojima Haruo.

"According to the autopsy report, the time of the victim's death was around 2:30 in the morning. The fatal injury was a knife that cut off the neck artery and larynx. The remaining wounds were after the fatal injury, which obviously belonged to the defendant's anger." Yue Zhong saw Harushima Kojima regained his composure and laughed himself, "The defendant brought a kitchen knife after leaving the house last night. After being fully prepared, he appeared at the door of the victim's house. When the victim opened the door, the knife was fatal. The surrounding neighbors did not hear any quarreling sound. The victim was unable to escape and struggled and fell directly to the door of the house. The whole process took less than half a minute."

Yue Zhong only talked about the case itself and did not mention the details discovered by the accompanying lawyer. Naturally, he wanted to lure Kojima Haruo to speak. As expected, Kojima Haruo came to the field he is familiar with and began his defense with confidence: "Judges, The jury, the situation at that time was not as the prosecutor said. The time determined by the prosecutor was based on the autopsy report and the feedback from the neighbors, but there was no resident near Yukawa Hayakawa, and the nearest one was also a bar waiter on the fifth floor. , He did not go home at the time."

"My client didn't mean to kill Hayakawa Yuhua as soon as they met. There was a quarrel between them. The words of Hayakawa Yuhua were the biggest motivation for my client to kill each other."

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