Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1389: Court hearing (2)

"Since there is no motive for killing in advance, why did the defendant bring a kitchen knife to meet with the victim, did a full investigation in advance and planned to escape after the incident?" Yue Zhong said with a smile, "I still have a copy here A confession from a driver, who was arrested by the Metropolitan Police only a day ago, specializes in the profession of delivering prohibited materials to polarists and sending offenders to outlying cities, according to his confession if Sato Kazuhiko is not prepared money Not enough, he is probably still at large now. Can the defendant explain why he had contacted the Jidaozhong so quickly since he had no plans to kill in advance."

Yue Zhong didn’t want to get entangled in the most fully prepared place by his opponents. There was no witnesses there, and the physical evidence was definitely quietly made by Kojima Haruo. It was definitely not conducive to himself. The first scene learned from Bama Mei was not too There are many doubts. Since Kazuhiko Sato has confessed to the facts of the crime, it does not make much sense to stare at the scene of the crime.

"The referee!" Kojima Haru seems to have regarded the referee as his life-saving straw. Whenever Yue Zhong mentioned something he could not reasonably explain, he complained.

However, this time the referee did not choose to stand on the side of Kojima Haruo. He has interrupted Yue Zhong’s statement several times, and Yue Zhong is not completely nonsense. The evidence he provided has been from various angles before and after the incident. Confirmed that Sato’s murder was premeditated, and Kojima Haruo’s argument was far from enough to overturn the evidence. Has Wakagawa Yuhua had a quarrel with Sato and whether it caused the Sato and Yan to kill now? It's just one word of Sato Kazuhiko.

"The appeal is invalid, and the prosecutor can continue to state."

Yue Zhong smiled really happy this time, and saw the gloomy face of Kojima Haru.

Harushima Kojima still underestimated Yue Zhong’s influence. Not only did he not stay in the most adequate places he prepared, but he also investigated all the circumstances and obtained key evidence, whether it is Kojima The witnesses that Qingnan thought or didn’t expect were all dug out by Yue Zhong and hidden very well. He didn’t have enough time to make a more detailed deployment, and he had already let the case enter the prosecution process.

It’s just the Xiaomei’s lawyers’ group. Kojima Haruo has the psychological preparation for this. He knows that Yue Zhong not only has to deal with this case but also has something wrong with his family. Ba Mami hides him because of gossip, thousands of copies Ning Ying is a twittering idiot. It’s impossible. Seeing that Takihara has no other magical girl, I thought it would be a rare opportunity to defeat the legendary characters in the spare tire major league and attack the enemies on the big league red list. Opportunity.

But who could think that when Yue Zhong was in trouble, Ba Mami still appeared beside him, and Yue Zhong only went to Shenbin City, but he could let the seven seas and eight thousand generations rush from the remote Hokkaido to help .

His influence in the magical girl has not decayed before, even when he first came back because of the problems of Xiaomei's family and they had conflicts with them, they finally reached a settlement with each other. The support goes far beyond Kojima Haruo's imagination.

They are not ordinary people, but because they are above the recognition and respect of society, they are always risking their lives to fight. They often do not have the lives of ordinary people, and they are less of worldly worries and happiness. Cherish the feelings you have.

No matter whether he has seen Yue Zhong or not, he is undoubtedly an important person among the magical girls. When he needs difficulties and needs help, every kind of magical girl with a good heart will help out.

The so-called dominance of the general plane is also derived from the support and trust of the people who control the world's dominance, but its trade-off index will gradually decrease with the passage of time and the non-operation of the main characters. Yue Zhong has already It has been a long time since the primitive earth civilization era after more than ten years of departure, and Kojima Haruo's judgment based on common sense has also deviated here.

"I went to the defendant's house after investigating the scene of the crime. The environment in his house was dirty and messy, but it was not caused by panicking and tidying up when he was nervously preparing to escape, but because of his own living habits. The clothes are piled high, and there are 7,300 yen bills in it. According to the evaluation results, these clothes were changed from half a month to three days ago."

"In addition to the laundry room, there are garbage bins in each room, coffee tables in the living room, etc., but the cabinets that really put valuable things have no trace of rush searching except the dust on the surface. There are only a few pieces of clothes in the wardrobe. The work hanger hangs up, all the other folds are piled up, and the iron has traces of used. It can be seen that it is only ironed when going out to wear It is not difficult to explain his appearance The light on the sky is bright and beautiful, otherwise, you will not be able to attract the high-sighted Yukawa Hayakawa."

"When the police couldn't catch Kazuhiko Sato, he was hiding in a garbage dump at a waste recycling station, but he still carried a box in his hand. The police found the clothes and money that were absent from the house. They were all different from the dirty wrinkled clothes at home. The ironing is done. A person who has just killed someone and is distraught cannot be so well prepared..."

The repeated testimony of Yue Zhong’s motives has cooled the hearts of Sato Kazuhiko and Kojima Haruo. The murder motive has been locked in Yue Zhong’s deliberate murder. They can’t even reasonably refute any of the accusations.

Haruo Kojima halted the flag, even though he intentionally murdered, but Sato Kazuhiko still has a protective umbrella for minors, but Yue Zhong did not intend to give him any chance, and returned to the case itself to make a statement: "According to the signs on the autopsy report Judging from this, Kazuhiko Sato is clearly a repetitive criminal with skilled killing techniques, and the evidence I have obtained in Shenhama City also proves this."

"My client used to work in the slaughterhouse, and this alone cannot prove anything." There is not much room for arguing in the case of Hayakawa Yuka. Harushima Kojima must suppress the matter of the city of Shenham even if he I also know that hope is very slim.

"In other words, the defendant regarded the victim as a pig, and he was drunk and thought he was still working in the slaughterhouse?" Yue Zhong asked with a smile.

Kojima Haru frowned, but he didn’t want to answer Yue Zhong’s question: “Prosecutor, this joke is not funny.”

"Since it's not a joke, please explain the case that occurred in the slaughterhouse to the defendant and the defense lawyer." Yue Zhong sneered and smashed the information heavily on the table, and at the same time made Sato Kazuhiko and Kojima Haru .

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