Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1402: New day

In the early morning of the next day, the winter sun was still hidden under the mountains in the east. The seven seas and eight thousand generations had already awakened from the bed. After changing clothes, they pushed the push ring and Irupo woke her up.

"Well, what's wrong?" Huan Yilubo asked, opening his eyes vaguely.

"We should go." Seven seas and eight thousand generations said, "You have to go back to the city of Kamhama to supervise the settlement of Sato Nakajima's case, and I have to go back to Hokkaido to deal with things that have been delayed for two days."

Huan Yilubo heard that an excited person jumped from the bed, and the bulky pajamas slipped for most of the time. She also couldn't care about the dizzy spring light and hurriedly turned out her clothes and put them on. She still attached great importance to the responsibility of the magical girl. Yes, this mission is an important part of their life before they have anything more worth pursuing.

Seven seas and eight thousand generations gently smiled as Huan Yilubo was wearing clothes, and suddenly the door of the guest room was knocked.

I thought it was the driver from the old housekeeper who was going to send them away. Seven thousand eight thousand generations covered the bedroom door and then opened the main door in the living room.

What appeared to him was Yue Zhong: "Yue Zhong? Why are you here?"

"I didn't intend to disturb you leaving, but I don't want to come now." Yue Zhong didn't mean to go in. He stood at the door and said, "The person who was thrown out by me yesterday ran to sue me, I came to ask Ask Miss Qihai about them."

The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations nodded to express their understanding: "Sayaga should be able to persist for a while. If you are free in three days, you will come to Hokkaido. I will show you something."

"Thank you, Miss Qihai, all the way down." Yue Zhong waved goodbye, and the seven seas and eight thousand generations closed.

Huan Yilubo's head came out of the bedroom and asked curiously: "I seem to hear Yue Zhong's voice, why did he go again?"

"Come and say hello, he also has many things to do." Seven seas and eight thousand generations did not explain much.

After a simple clean-up, the two drivers were sent to the private airport and the city of Shenbin by the driver of the Xiaomei family. The Hokkaido region, which is far away from Mitakihara, is naturally the fastest by plane in the past. The high-spec treatment, even the face like water stop, is a bit surprising.

The treatment of Ilubo around Shenbin is almost the same as going back in a car. It is not important for Yue to treat it differently. It is because the two places are close. The plane has landed before it has reached the highest level.

After sending away the two magical girls, Yue Zhongzhong should be comfortable, and the ring of Ilubo was okay. When the seven seas and eight thousand generations were at home, he always felt very strange.

After meeting with the two, Yue Zhong went to Mrs. Xiaomei. One was to visit her daily condition, and the other was to explain to Xiaomei Qing that she had to leave the house for some time.

After coming to Mrs. Xiaomei's nursing ward, Xiaomei Qing was accompanied by her as she did not go anywhere, and she hurriedly greeted her when she saw Yue Zhong: "Brother-in-law, where have you been before, I have never seen the study When you thought you were out again."

"Turn around casually, how is Xiaoqing's homework done today?" asked Yue Chongcuo, who touched the little girl's head.

"According to the instructions of teacher Saito, complete the homework quantitatively every day to ensure that the knowledge points will not be forgotten, so the daily homework is not too much, just finished it just now." Xiao Meiqing replied with a smile.

"That's good...If you want friends in the future, let the driver pick them up to play at home." Yue Zhong himself was going out and didn't know when he could come back. He was afraid that leaving Xiao Qing at home would be boring. Anyway, after a school year, Xiao Meiqing's identity has been known to some of the students in the class. She has made many friends smoothly, and it is not necessary to hide it.

Xiao Meiqing turned her purple eyes and pursed her mouth to look at Yue Zhong. She didn't think that Yue Zhong suddenly let go of her friend's friends to play at home. It is usually a good thing when the brother-in-law's special performance means something happened. .

"Why do you look at me like this?" Yue Zhong couldn't bear the innocent look of Xiao Meiqing, scratching his head. "It seems that Xiao Qing can't be concealed. The brother-in-law will go out in a few days. Xiao Qing is at home. Listen to your mother's words."

"Why is my brother-in-law going out again?" Xiao Meiqing has been by his side since Yue Zhong came back. A few days ago, when he went to the city of Shenbin, Xiao Meiqing felt very uncomfortable. Now Yue Zhong said he would leave. Xiao Meiqing had to wonder if her brother-in-law was getting tired of staying with his little girl every day.

"Don't think about it, my brother-in-law has something to do, don't forget that I am now a prosecutor." Yue Zhong smiled, "There are many bad guys in the world waiting for the brother-in-law to clean up, if not take advantage of the winter vacation During this period, I went out to deal with cases, and soon Xiaoqing would start school again."

Xiao Meiqing raised her head and asked hopefully: "Will Xiaoqing's brother-in-law stay with Rongxiong Village after school starts?"

"Of course, until you graduate from Raccoon Elementary School." Yue Yan nodded seriously and promised.

After hearing Yue Zhong’s words, Xiao Meiqing let go of her heart and led Yue Zhong to the hospital bed to watch the sleeping Mrs. Xiao Mei whispered: "Mother hasn’t been awake yet, but the doctor said her condition is much better~ will recover after a period of time."

"Huh." Yue Zhong pulled Xiao Meiqing to sit on the chair beside the hospital bed. Seeing that her braids were messed up, she couldn't help but let people comb her hair with a comb.

"Xiao Qing's hair grows again, and she has to be dragged to the ground while sitting in a chair." Yue Zhong untied Xiao Meiqing's braid while letting the black hair like a waterfall fall down.

Xiao Meiqing sat back cleverly and said, "I also think that it's a lot of trouble to wear a braid every day now."

Yue Zhong combed his long black hair with a wooden comb that exudes a heavy fragrance, and then began to braid skillfully.

He used to teach Xiao Meiyan how to braid his hair when he combed his hair, but now he holds the same long hair without any strangeness...

As time passed, the two sat and said nothing else, until Mrs. Xiaomei opened her eyes and woke up.

"Mom, you are awake." Mrs. Xiaomei opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Xiao Meiqing, who was rushing to the bed, because the little girl always lived in tension and fear a few days ago, she was afraid Suddenly I heard the bad news of my mother's death, so I especially cherish the time waiting by her side, and I still do.

"Is your mother feeling better?" Yue Zhong greeted while standing by.

Mrs. Xiaomei already had the strength to sit up by herself, she nodded her head leaning on the bed and said kindly, "The two of you have always been here."

"Yeah, my brother-in-law also braided the braid for me. Do you look beautiful?" Xiao Meiqing flaunted and turned to develop the head behind her in front of Mrs. Xiao Mei.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Xiao Mei has been able to think of many things. Xiao Meiqing's braids are more tidy than she personally edited, and listening to the tone of the little girl, Yue Zhong did not help her edit it before.

He would have such a skilled technique that he could only use it on Xiaoyan before...

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