Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1407: Human experiment

After the plane landed, Yue Zhong went directly to the apron without going through the passenger passage. The cold wind was three points colder than Takihara. The wind was like a sword. Yue Zhong, who had prepared in advance, had worn it for half a year. He was wearing a coat when traveling to New Zealand. When he saw two magical girls with prominent clothes, they shrunk their necks and asked, "Miss Qihai, aren't you cold? I just feel cold when I look at you."

The seven seas and eight generations did not respond to the boring question of Yue Zhong. Lingbo Shuibo leaned forward and looked at Yue Zhong, saying: "You are Yue Zhong, it looks very ordinary."

"Why did you like to emphasize this the first time you saw me? Do you think that you are a three-headed, six-armed monster?" Yue Zhong smiled and looked at Lingbo Shuibo with a bitter smile. Her prematurely mature body made her body curve better than others. The college student next to him was much more tempting. He was so unpretentiously talking to Yue Zhong, "This is this?"

"Mina Reina, the magical girl who was stationed in Hokkaido with me, also went out from the city of Shenhama together. Her fighting power is much stronger than mine. Many troublesome Warcraft are solved by her." Seven Seas A serious introduction to his companion in Yachiyo.

"It turned out to be Miss Shuibo. When I met Takihara, I heard from Sister Xue about your name, saying that because you were in Hokkaido, this icy and snowy area was not affected by too serious Warcraft, so it's been a long time. "Yue Zhong complimented two sentences.

Reina Shuibo readily accepted Yue Zhong’s approval: “Hey, I’m embarrassed to blame you for being late, but I haven’t eaten in the morning yet. You have to ask me to eat bread.”

Yue Zhong nodded in surprise, not because Reina Mizuho said that she was late, and the time of the plane's arrival was ahead of schedule, so it was nonsense. He just felt that Reina Mizuho's requirements seemed to be too low, the magical girl in Hokkaido Are the living conditions so poor, you will be satisfied with bread.

"Let's go." The seven seas and eight thousand generations did not let the two continue to chat in the cold wind and ice, and they let them leave the airport with themselves.

Sapporo’s size and population ranks among the top five in country J. It is an international metropolis, and Shinmi Takihara is not comparable in this respect. It’s been more than ten years since the Seven Thousand and Eight Generations came. The life guarantee provided by the organization also won various awards for repeatedly assisting the police in the detection of major and difficult cases. The silver-white car she drove now was awarded to her by the Sapporo City Police Department a few years ago.

The color of the white snow made Yue Zhong couldn't help but think of New Zealand half a year ago. The country that is also an island is also ice and snow. Many scenes are similar, but there are also differences due to the different cultures of the people living.

The seven seas and eight thousand generations are silent and do not speak, then only Reina Mizu may act as a guide to introduce the city: "Yue Zhong is the first time to come to Sapporo. The city style here is different from other big cities, especially in winter. There will be an exhibition of various ice sculptures and ice lamps. A variety of colored lights hang on the withered branches, which is particularly beautiful and charming at night. On Saturday and Sunday, the city hall will hold a fireworks display at the exhibition site. People at home will come out to watch fireworks at night."

Yue Zhong said with a smile: "How do I think I am here to travel?"

"What's the difference? Whether it's a task or not, it's not a big problem to know something delicious and fun when you go to a new place that is strange and interesting." Reina Shuibo was very enthusiastic about the original guests, but said There are also some regrets here: "But in the city during the day, you can only see what you see now. We are going to a beach near Ishikari Bay, and we should not come back at night."

"I will do the business first. If I have time, I will take Xiaoqing and my mother to play." Yue Zhong said with interest.

Reina Shuibo's face is very splendid in the winter: "Then it is so decided."

Although Sapporo is an inland city, it is not far from Ishikari Bay. After driving to the seaside, the three of them transferred to a cruise ship and headed to Shakotan Cape to the west.

After boarding the ship, the seven seas and eight thousand generations finally spoke and said: "There is a small island outside the cape of Shadan. I also accidentally discovered that there was a secret biological research institute on that island when I was tracking Warcraft. I originally thought that those missing People were devoured by Warcraft, and it was not until they sneaked into the Institute of Biology that they found that many people were being detained there for living experiments."

Hearing the seven seas and eight thousand generations mentioned the Institute of Biology, Yue Zhong also left all other ideas behind: "Can you be sure that those institutes of biology belong to the magical girl organization?"

"I wasn’t sure at first. I took the opportunity to assist in investigating an international criminal group. I went to the headquarters for a special trip to find out the Sayaga didn’t know about it, and even Kasin told me clearly. This is not within his plan." Qi Hai and Ba Qian Dai paused and explained, "There are some contradictions between Yue Zhong and Ka Xin, but I hope you believe that he is still willing to tell the truth to the magical girls."

Yue Zhong said in agreement: "I have never felt that Kasin is an ambitionist, he is essentially just to realize the ideals and aspirational idealists pinned on Sayaka, all magic girls and Sayaka are equally proud of each other. Loss, he can give up part of the life of the magical girl, but he will never have any bad thoughts about you."

Now that there is a consensus, the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations will no longer have too many explanations, and continue to say the question of the Institute of Biology: "After I got no clue at the headquarters, I returned to Hokkaido to continue the investigation..."

"At that time, Sayaka also said that it would be destroyed directly, but I and 8000 generations thought that there must be a huge chain of interests behind it, otherwise it would not be possible for so many people to disappear without a report, and even we were all Blindly put this account on the head of Warcraft," Rei Mizubo interjected. "So we have not acted rashly. Yachiyo conducted investigations through various relationships and finally targeted the government to a high-ranking government official. The collusion of the chaebol."

"In other words, it has nothing to do with the magical girl organization?" Yue Zhong shook his head after he said. He didn't think that the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations brought him here just to let him help investigate illegal human experiments.

"It didn't matter at first, but the senior official fell down half a year ago, and the chaebols who lost political resources were also pursued. These secret projects were taken over by other groups with funds and connections." Seven seas and eight thousand generations looked at Yue key and nodded. , "That's the scientists funded by Xiaomei's family."

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