Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1477: Li Xiaobei's road

"The outside world?" The little emperor thought for a long time. He understood how Shaojun and Lianhua were willing to listen to Li Xiaobei. What she brought to them could only be more profound than Heavenly Dao. The qualifications made these two men bow their heads.

"Beyond the Heavenly Path pursued by the warrior is already an illusory thing for you mortals, but since I have come here, you will have to face them one day, if you don’t want to be beaten to death by that day. Situation, just listen to me." Li Xiaobei Road, "Unification of the world is just the first step you have to take. I will give you something unprecedented to make your empire's iron ride into a torrent of steel, the soldiers liberated We have also turned batches into world-class masters. If you have this power and you can’t dominate the world, it’s my fault."

The little emperor did not have any concept of Li Xiaobei's words. Is the steel torrent something more powerful than the violent shock of Wan Qi? Although a first-class master is not as good as Shaojun Lianhua, it is not something that can be practiced by picking up individuals. What is Li Xiaobei's reliance on Haikou? Does she have any peerless skills?

"It's like you know you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter, sooner or later you will understand how superficial you are." Li Xiaobei sat in a chair and poured tea, and she felt a little tired so she didn't plan to teach anymore. They are new, but talk about the different world.

Because of different positions, everyone’s concerns are different. What the little emperor heard was the different energies that could erupt under different political systems, and what the young emperor heard was those who stepped on the star’s vertical and horizontal planes. As for Lianhua... she doesn't seem to care about anything, but she cares about what she has in mind. This is her best chance to understand Li Xiaobei.

Without Zhangfa, he chatted a lot with interest. Li Xiaobei drank a pot of tea and went to sleep, and the little emperor returned to the palace by night.

How to make good use of everything in this world is something that Li Xiaobei has been thinking about for a long time after his boring research work. After learning the lessons of her teacher Xiao Meiyan, she does not want to come forward to provoke disputes and cause casualties. It wouldn't do her any good to draw the attention of the Legal Supervisory Court. Li Xiaobei likes to die, but once the consequences of the death are endless harassment.

Although Li Xiaobei is not afraid of such characters as Fan Hanshi, she also feels sick about their existence. Xiao Meiyan's path does not want to go again, because she is not only Xiao Meiyan's apprentice but also Yue Zhong's apprentice. After the merits of human beings, they also used their past mistakes as a warning, not blindly following Xiao Meiyan's footprint, nor controlling the Seven Galaxys with Yue Zhong's thinking as firmly as Veneto.

In her view, Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong are undoubtedly paranoid. They insist on death for the things they cling to, and their persistence gives them a unique charm that is unmatched and more difficult to copy, and their way is even more It’s unique and there is only one way to go if you follow it directly.

Veneto and Yue Zhong have been together for a long time, and they have to spend most of their time with the master. They are on the side of the mother and sister. Li Xiaobei never feels that he has fully understood his master, so he did not easily deny it. In view of the future of Veneto, he has also repeatedly thought about how to create another legend in his own way.

Taking the little emperor, Shaojun, Lianhua and others as the objects of the realization, Li Xiaobei did not treat them as chess pieces. She also asked the hearts of the people while seeking truth. Superficial, developing a world as an experiment to the extent that you can control it, just like accumulating enough data on an important scientific project.

Xiao Meiyan's previous actions caused a lot of trouble that could have been avoided, but she also left Li Xiaobei with valuable experience in developing these uncivilized civilized worlds. Because of his character, Xiao Meiyan has not been able to fully utilize his achievements, and it is only now that he has begun to regain the faith enshrined by his dark believers, but Li Xiaobei knows how to maximize the return of his energy. .

The little emperor represents power, and the Shaojun represents the peak combat power. As for Lianhua, it is much richer, because her life experience is rich enough, unlike the monotonousness of those two men, so what she can represent is very Quite a lot.

Using Jing Meiyan's mature and civilized model, it is not difficult to usher in the initial level of civilization in this world. As long as Li Xiaobei can hold all of this, this world can become her first voice to the whole plane. The cornerstone...

In the dream, Li Xiaobei did not sleep well enough. Even in her dream, she was still thinking about the future, and the outside Shaojun and Lianhua were still sitting in silence. They heard many news outside the heavens today, if not It’s a fantasy created by Li Xiaobei’s open mouth, and he truly believes in it and feels a lot of They both don’t seem to know what tiredness is, and the sky is still radiant.

Lianhua no longer questioned whether Li Xiaobei's words were true. She said that she had believed three points in her disbelief. Now she could not change Shaojun's thoughts. She didn't need to ask for pleasure.

"I sat in the sky and looked at the sky. I thought the rose sword shadow was the most magnificent style, but now I know that it is just a touch of color in a million fireworks." Shaojun rarely sighed with emotion, and his fighting spirit did not wear off because of this. With the world alone, he knew that there are so many fascinating martial arts and so many powerful opponents in the outside world that he can challenge. His joy is about to pierce the cold on his face and raise his eyebrows.

Lianhua was not willing to give her status and glory after a hundred years. When she found that she was still very small, she felt lost: "It's dangerous outside. We can walk to the end of today."

"I want to see it." Shaojun paused for a moment and then said, "I also want to see how elegant the master in Li Xiaobei's mouth is. I don't know if I can beat him now."

"His martial arts should be very good, but it's just the limit of mortals, where will he be Shaojun's opponent." Lianhua drank not a cup of tea but a mellow wine from one floor to another, one cup after another without digesting the strength of the drink with the power of exercise , And slowly flushed his face, "If Shaojun wants to see it, I'll go with you to see if I can take care of each other?"

Shaojun rarely looked at Lianhua with his right eye. He used to think that Lianhua had too many thoughts and thoughts, which was far less pure and flawless than Chuan Luobai, but now she has discovered one of her advantages, that is, there is still a point. The will to fight against the world and the people, Chuanluo Bai chose to die after the appearance of Li Xiaobei because of Li Xiaobei's appearance. Lianhua always had fear but walked with Li Xiaobei by himself.

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