Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1498: Xiaoqing's reaction

When Yue Zhong appeared in front of herself, Xiaomei's eyes were critical and dissatisfied, but now she understood that her daughter's vision was much longer than her own.

It's better to stay with one's company than to help each other. After spending so many years with her husband, she lost to her daughter and son-in-law.

Mrs. Xiaomei's energy was exhausted, and she didn't know when she fell asleep, but Yue Zhong did not fall asleep because of this matter.

Having been with Mrs. Xiaomei for so many years, Yue Zhong has long known that she is a very fragile person who still maintains the innocence of the girl to the present. The betrayal of her father-in-law will hit her very hard. If you change it to a few Mrs. Xiaomei, who was not in good health years ago, may be fatal. Now she may be able to withstand the pain of tearing her heart when her dream of love is broken, but that feeling will definitely not feel good.

Yue Zhong can only wait until she has experienced this pain before slowly enlightenment. The most worrying thing for Yue Zhong now is Xiao Meiqing. Can she accept the fact that she has a younger brother?

I used Xiao Meiqing's character to know that a younger brother would certainly be very fond of him. However, this younger brother carries too many variables. The more Xiao Meiqing pays, the more loss and sorrow it is likely to reap.

Watching this girl grow up, she is no longer as simple as Yue Meiyan's sister for Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong's love for her is much stronger than her biological parents, and Xiao Meiqing has always been incomparable. Trust her brother-in-law, willing to share everything with her.

Yue Zhong's love for her is special, not holding Veneto's hand to let her go to the highest peak all the way, but like that she can live a peaceful and happy life away from all sorrow forever.

Just now he called the old housekeeper and asked many details, but the old housekeeper only suddenly learned of the news, and he didn't have time to investigate further, so the information that Yue Zhong could know was quite limited.

He knew that the child's name was Nakamura Yoshi, and as his mother's surname had not been surnamed Xiaomei's. The child never knew who his biological father was, but lived with his mother in Osaka. Every year, his biological father would secretly send a large sum of living expenses to the child’s mother to ensure a worry-free life for food and clothing without everyone.

As for more news, the old housekeeper has checked it. I believe there will be a detailed result before the dawn of tomorrow.

Yue Zhong walked alone in the gardening corridor of the manor for a long time, and has been living with Xiao Meiqing. He had quit smoking for a long time, but now he suddenly missed the smell, so he found the security guard who patrolled the night and asked them for a packet After the smoke, sitting on the bench in the garden corridor one after another, the smoke lingered.

The long-lost taste of nicotine has activated his brain. Since the seven seas and eight thousand generations have begun to stop his revenge through the hands of Hideo Lusawa, regardless of whether this result is so important to Mrs. Xiaomei, he must give it to him. .

Not to mention that this is the strength in his heart that is unacceptable to lose is prompting him not to easily cancel his decision. Yue Zhong, who has already assumed the responsibility of this family, has represented himself not already, and he must not Let anyone see their weakness, even if this person is a member of the magic girl.

When one's will cannot be carried out and choose to retreat, there will definitely be someone else's will to dominate the self. This retreat is not the sea and the sky but the abyss. The world has always been so cruel in Yue Zhong's eyes.

A pack of cigarettes burned out unconsciously, but most of them burned to the end of their own, and not much was actually sucked into by Yue Zhong.

He decided everything, but he never thought how to tell Xiao Meiqing that she had a younger brother and would come to this house soon.

It is easy to say this, Xiaomei Qingxing will be surprised and happy. What Yue Zhong really does not know is how to make her understand that the arrival of this younger brother will not be a good thing.

If this problem is not handled well, not only does he have no time to deal with complex and far-reaching cases, but also more likely to cause a crack in the relationship between him and Xiao Meiqing.

Yue Zhong did not go back to the old house to rest, but went to the living room outside Xiao Meiqing’s bedroom to sit and close his eyes to raise his mind. During the period, the old housekeeper came to persuade him to go to bed but Yue Zhong didn’t listen to it. Because this family might let him work harder for a while.

The next morning, Xiao Meiqing woke up as usual, put on her school uniform, picked up her schoolbag and went to school when she was fresh, but she met Yue Zhong sitting in the living room as soon as she went out.

"Good morning, brother-in-law." Xiao Meiqing greeted in a low voice. She wasn't sure if Yue Zhong was sitting here and fell asleep. If so, it would be inconvenient to wake him up.

When Yue Zhong heard Xiao Meiqing's voice, she opened her eyes and still said with a spoiled smile: "Are you ready to go to school?"

"Well, my brother-in-law will send me today?" They said that they had only asked Yue Zhong to send himself to one day. If he had to send him every day, other students might look at Xiao Meiqing in a strange way, thinking she was A child inseparable from an The municipal junior high school says big is big and small is small, but that is the world where students live, and some negative news will spread quickly and finally turn into campus Cold violence.

"There is one thing I want to tell Xiaoqing, so I have been waiting here." Yue Zhong, who stayed up all night, had red eyes, but his voice was still calm and safe.

Xiao Meiqing walked in front of Yue Zhong in two steps and looked at his eyes: "Brother-in-law, you haven't slept all night? Is there anything that makes you so embarrassed."

With a bitter smile, Yue Zhong said slowly after a moment of silence: "That, Xiao Qing actually has a younger brother."

"Brother?" Xiao Meiqing was puzzled, but she had never seen her mother pregnant again. Where did this younger brother come from?

"Father-in-law, he has other women outside. This younger brother is the woman who gave him birth." Yue Zhong explained the sentence and then looked at Xiao Meiqing's reaction seriously. He didn't want to let Xiao Meiqing step by step. To accept this fact, the child is coming today. Rather than let Xiao Meiqing accept it suddenly, it is better to give her a vaccination in advance.

Xiao Meiqing will never hide Yue Zhong from something. Although Yue Zhong does not want to let Xiao Meiqing know, he does not want to destroy this trust.

"This, mom, does she know?" Xiao Meiqing was surprised with wide eyes and a face, but she was already an older child. How many times did she know how much the news hit her mom, and she took care of it for a while Instead of caring about the brother I never met, I asked Yue Zhong if Mrs. Xiaomei knew.

"Adult mother already knows and agrees to take him and his biological mother to the house." Yue Zhong looked at Xiao Meiqing and asked seriously, "I want to know what Xiaoqing thinks, if you don't want him to come, The brother-in-law will find a solution."

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