Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1499: Trust and courage

"That's not good." Xiao Meiqing began to look nervous after fully accepting the news. She didn't even prepare for her sister.

Xiao Meiqing's hand was tightly holding the schoolbag strap, her eyes fluttering around. Although she had a very good sister, they never got along with each other, so Xiao Meiyan could not give her any reference. local.

The only thing I know is that my sister can’t bully his younger brother, so he loves him and loves him, and gives him all the good things, just like his sister’s husband has always been with him.

But...if the brother came, wouldn't the brother-in-law just spoil himself, as a girl would not be suitable for inheriting Xiaomei's family, would the brother-in-law put more thoughts on the younger brother, thinking of training him What about a qualified heir?

In Xiao Meiqing’s option, she did not reject the younger brother. She was even less likely to let Yue Zhong ruthlessly drive them out of the house. Although the child was not born by her mother, she was always the son of her father.

"Will he like me? What should I do if I can't do it well, brother-in-law, teach me how to be a good sister!" Xiao Meiqing is also a child. She has some understanding of the ideas of adults but it is definitely not comprehensive. She didn’t even realize that it would be a war where she couldn’t see the smoke. She just thought that since this younger brother had already appeared, she would do her duty to be a sister.

Xiao Meiqing’s response did not surprise Yue Zhong’s expectations, but Yue Zhong actually hoped that Xiao Meiqing could be selfish, so that he could have a reason to support his ideas to block the **** child from Xiaomei Manor, but since Xiao Mei Qing thought so, he had to respect Xiao Meiqing's choice.

"He didn’t have a father since he was little, and he will remember that he hated Xiaoqing when he was accompanied by his father. Although Xiaomei’s family business is big, he is likely to fight with you, maybe Xiaoqing will get nothing in the future. You can no longer generously give your family things to your friends, and you can no longer invite them to play at home. When Xiaoqing grows up, he still can’t wait to marry you, even so, Xiaoqing hopes Is he coming?" Yue Zhong seriously told Xiao Meiqing these very likely things, still hoping that she would be scared and give herself that reason.

Xiao Meiqing didn't quite understand what Yue Zhong said, she just looked at Yue Zhong blankly: "If he really bullies me, will the brother-in-law ignore me?"

There was a trace of consternation flashing on Yue Zhong's face. He thought of many reasons for Xiao Meiqing to give himself a reason, but was blocked by her sentence.

Will you ignore her? How could you ignore her.

"Don't Xiaoqing care about those possible?"

Xiao Meiqing was so sure that she smiled sweetly: "As long as my brother-in-law will still spoil me, I'm not afraid of anything."

"Okay, okay..." Yue Zhong felt the happiness brought by this constant trust in his heart, which made him crouch down and hug Xiao Meiqing, promised word by word: "As long as the brother-in-law is still alive One day, no one will bully you."

Xiao Meiqing closed her eyes and felt the warmth in Yue Zhong's arms. After she grew up every day, her brother-in-law rarely seldom embraced herself so gently.

She took a deep greedy breath and was not angry even when she smelled the smoke from Yue Zhong: "Then I can rest assured."

After eating breakfast, Xiao Meiqing went to school alone. After all, she did not give Yue Zhong a reason to drive out the people who would bring restless factors to this family, but she gave Yue Zhong enough confidence and she would never be shaken. courage.

As long as she can be happy, what can you do if you are tired?

There is still the absolute trust of Xiao Meiqing, and Yue Zhong has the confidence to do everything. As long as the belief she gave herself does not fall, Yue Zhong will never fall.

It was just an illegitimate child who didn’t grow up, even if he had Qihai and Yachiyo and Hideo Lusawa behind her, she hadn’t seized the only chance to defeat herself before. He had never dared to look at Yue Zhong before After so much wind and rain, Yue Zhong, who has created so many miracles, how could he be afraid of such two opponents?

Under Yue Zhong’s order, everyone in Xiaomei Manor moved, and after sorting out this slightly deserted manor, he looked rich and magnificent. Before, he didn’t care what other people in the family did, but Now he asked the old housekeeper to re-enact the rules set by the former head of the house.

It’s just those of his own family, all this is not necessary, but Yue Zhong does not subconsciously think of the child and his mother as a part of Xiaomei’s family, so he wants to make this magnificent person with grace and style It appears that their absolute authority can be guaranteed, so that they dare not have any deviant moves in this family.

At noon, a small car carrying a little boy and a beautiful woman appeared in front of Xiaomei Manor. The mother and son found by the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations are actually more complicated than Yue's ~They don't know what kind of existence Xiaomei's family will be. Will they welcome their arrival generously, or will they be ruthlessly chased out?

After all, illegitimate children are illegitimate children, which is far more orthodox than Xiaomeiqing, who was born by Mrs. Xiaomei. Perhaps the law gave them the same status, but the difference between men and women is the root of their coexistence, so the difference between mother and daughter It is Yue Zhong's most effective means to control them.

The beautiful woman looked at the huge Xiaomei Manor and the fierce bodyguards after she got out of the car, but she was panicked and confused, but she had no choice when she came here, not because the seven seas and eight thousand generations threatened them, but the former owner of Xiaomei’s family had died. In five years, the money he had left for himself and his children had been squandered. In order to continue living, a beautiful woman with no working ability had to come here.

That money will be a huge sum of money for ordinary people, but it is not much for the woman who was privately supported by the former owner of Xiaomei's family. She needs to maintain her beauty and give her children a Good educational environment, all this is to let her and her children continue to get the man's favorite capital.

Even if he has been dead for five years, the beautiful woman is not used to living from extravagance to frugality, so the money left for her is used up after all. Seven thousand and eight thousand generations found a poor mother and son two years ago and let them privately Hideo Ozawa took care of their lives and kept them until today.

"Is this my mother's father's home?" The little boy looked at everything in Xiaomei Manor with curiosity. He was not as dangerous as Yue Zhong imagined. Only ten-year-old children were not like Li Xiaobei. superior.

"Well, there are your second sister and eldest brother-in-law, and a lady..." The beautiful woman looked at her child spoiledly. He is everything to himself.

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