Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1509: Turn the enemy into a friend?

"Throughout the history of human civilization, no matter how the political form changes, there is a group of privileged classes that cannot be judged. Their names are changing, and the classes and interests they represent are changing. The law and the people, except for the existence of mutual torture, but no one else has the right to try."

"Every huge change is that the entire society is eliminating such classes with absolute will, but human beings are a group that needs leaders and leading classes to succeed, so every change is only replaced by a group of people. The peak of the pyramid will inevitably enter an inherent reincarnation after the first years of common change until the next great change."

"The biggest change is that the power of the Sovereign has changed from being bright to being upright, and the step-by-step improvement of the code has also delineated each restricted area to create a brighter reality. Whether the legal provisions are detailed and reasonable is increasingly not the most The core issue is that it can be implemented fairly for everyone. If I am not wrong, this is your ultimate goal?"

Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations also spent a long half day on the top floor of the Luze Foundation. She no longer managed to break through the almost flawless innings in Tokyo, but began to read the person from Yue Zhong.

From the beginning, because of various reasons, he did not take the end of something as the ultimate goal. Changing the original world pattern so that all the people who have paid him the reward is the fundamental thing he wants to achieve. Dropping the cubby ushered in the era of the magical girl. In the other world that Mami said, he broke the rules brought by a person of higher civilization and changed it back to its original appearance.

As for Yue Zhong’s experience after seven seas and eight thousand generations, it’s not very clear. I can only understand a summary from the only words and phrases in other populations. Yue Zhong’s love to tell stories to people should be one of his shortcomings, but it can’t be said well in those stories. How many ingredients add oil and vinegar.

The fact that did not jump out of this framework is that Yue Zhong also copied his own mode of action in the era of Fantasy Township and the Seven Star Seas, but the process became more and more sophisticated, and his individual gradually no longer needed to rely on the help of others .

What he is facing today is undoubtedly a complete form of Yue Zhong. He must be more thoughtful and unpredictable than he knows, but his way of action will not change. If you want to expect this, it is better to think about it. One day he will forget Xiao Meiyan or Xiao Meiyan left him completely.

"What you want to change is what the law can do justly. No one can make mistakes and escape sanctions. No one can override the law and be unscrupulous." Seven seas and eight thousand generations continue to give what they think in their notebooks It was written, but her hand trembled slightly when this sentence was written.

"Is there such a system in this world? It is difficult for crime to completely disappear from human civilization, but as long as it can be found, no matter what identity it will be a fair trial, whether the form of civilization exists, have you ever seen Ever?"

The dedicated line on the desk rang, and the little secretary outside the door heard the message: "Miss Consultant, a gentleman who calls himself Haru Kojima says he hopes to see you."

Seven seas and eight thousand generations quickly recalled the name. Harushima Kojima was the lawyer who defended Kazuhiko Sato. At that time, he was unable to fight the evidence he found with him and Yue Zhong. After that, he also played with Yue Zhong several times. The court lawsuit, but the result has not unexpectedly lost the lawsuit, now come to find yourself definitely hope to deal with Yue Zhong with yourself, right?

After thinking for a while, Qihai Yachiyo decided to see him. The identity of the other party could not be as simple as that of a defense lawyer. He intuitively told Qihai Yachiyo that he would not be able to divulge the news that he was alive than Hideo Ozawa, as long as he had no such concerns. Introductory opinion See this lawyer who has been committed to working against Yue Zhong.

There is no change in the appearance of Kojima Haruo, and the seven seas and eight thousand generations cannot be recognized, but after he came in, he still introduced himself: "Miss Seven Seas, hello, under the small island Haruka."

"Gossip or not, do you come to join me to stop Yue Zhong?" Qihai Yaqian asked indifferently after putting down his notebook?

Haruo Kojima didn't worry, but pointed to the notebook in front of the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations: "Can I see what Miss Seven Seas thought?"

Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations raised an eyebrow, and then said quietly, "Please, please."

After picking up the notebook, Kojima Harumi quickly flipped through it, and then said with a very positive attitude: "The law imagined by Miss Qihai is real."

"I don't seem to have any reason to believe what you said." Seven seas and eight thousand generations shook their heads. "Can the people who make and enforce the law be tried?"

"Of course, this may be that Miss Seven Seas could not imagine the rule of law, and even the highest-ranking person in power must act in accordance with the law." Haruo Kojima explained, "Even if there are still situations where someone crosses the line to obtain benefits But as long as we can find the traces, we must make them pay the price, and Chubby, who once confuses you into a magical girl, is one of them."

Seven seas and eight thousand generations have a little more attention in her eyes. She imagined that the origin of Kojima Haruo is not simple, but it is still a little underestimated, and she can say that Chubby’s death is so light, indicating that Qiubi is not in his eyes. what.

"Many criminals were originally prominent figures or talented scholars, but they all had to choose to escape because they faced our pursuit, because they understood that the code would not have any favoritism because of its status and ability. Like Xiao Meiyan, a magical girl running away in this world, she is also a very capable person."

"It seems that you are very proud of the system of your own power?" Seven thousand eight thousand generations heard that the other party's mouth had a vague conjecture. "Mr. Kojima may wish to speak directly."

Kojima Harumi said with approval: "It seems that Miss Seven Seas has understood it, then I will be outspoken. This time we mean that I don't want Yue Zhong's actions to be disturbed because he is bringing better to the world. We also need a special template to observe the concept of the legal system, and we are also happy to see a person who has changed and started to follow the model of the code appear. Can Miss Qihai stop him anymore?"

Although he was already psychologically prepared, he heard from his own ear that this man who had always been an enemy of Yue Zhong and represented a huge force who had taken shelter from Yue Zhong still brought a lot of shock to the hearts of the seven seas and eight thousand generations: "You... The reason for chasing Xiao Meiyan is not that she influenced the world?"

"There is also a difference. It is only a good thing to be able to implement fairness and justice. Our code is not as rigid as Miss Qihai imagined."

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