Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1510: Ye don't resist

"It's impossible, and I won't believe that since it is regular, it must be rigid. It will only be different because of the different people performing." Seven seas and eight thousand generations stood up and looked at Kojima Harao coldly. "I do It’s not as insightful as you still Yue Zhong, and I don’t know what kind of social form you are talking about, so I don’t understand what you want to do, but I have my own judgment, even if you say It’s true that I won’t listen to your plan to give up to stop Yue Zhong.”

"Miss Qihai is not afraid..." Kojima Haru said with a deep, threatening expression.

"If I'm scared, I should live under the deterrent of Xiao Meiyan now instead of continuing to challenge Yue Zhong, and since you can't treat Yue Zhong but want to indulge in killing, this is for my world. What kind of fear can the residents have?" The seven seas and eight thousand generations have an extremely longing desire to live, so she will be so desperate to wipe out the causes and effects that may endanger her life, and truly fear the death. People will not be afraid of any other threats. Since the justice code represented by Kojima Haruo means that he cannot act arbitrarily, it will not hurt the seven seas and eight thousand generations.

Kojima Harumi tightened his eyebrows and looked even more ugly. He thought that the Seven Thousand and Eight Thousand Generations had been frightened by Yue Zhong, and then he came forward to let her stop all actions that should be a matter of course. But why is she so stubborn?

"Is Miss Qihai really not afraid? I'm not saying what we will do to you, but that you will continue to do whatever you want, and Yue Zhong will eventually do it for you. By that time, you will no longer have any room to resist and refuse me. At the time, I couldn’t apply for asylum to Miss Seven Seas.” Kojima Haruo said, “You’re very likely to die in this way. Yue Zhong can set a precedent that hasn’t existed since ancient times through legal means. Set a precedent for trying magic girls."

"You don't know anything..." Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations have seen his strengths and talents in conversations with Kojima Haruo, even though he has insights beyond the world, but his mentality and style are still just a little, and the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations disdain Such people work together to plan something, not to mention that he will not really understand himself and Yue Zhong, he is nothing more than a chess piece, "Secretary sees off."

The little secretary ran in and heard that Kojima Haruo wanted to say something. He said unkindly: "Sir go, I'll call the security guard if you want to leave!"

"You tried to kill him, and it also caused trouble for his family for a lifetime. He will not let you go so easily. When you are defeated, there is no shelter for me, and no one will be there for you in this world. Speaking, Yue important killing you is just a matter of raising your hands, you will no longer consider the matter of cooperating with us?" Kojima Haruo is still shouting loudly trying to wake up the seven seas and eight thousand generations he thought he was ignorant of.

However, the girl in the blue dress with empty sleeves standing back to back stood unmoved like a stone statue, and the little secretary fiercely pushed Kojima Haruna out of the office.

The forty-seventh floor of the aquamarine is like the calm sea of ​​the northern country, and the cold white air is floating indefinitely. After the seven seas and eight thousand generations turn around, she holds the soul gem belonging to her.

The long sigh alone is thinking of the figure who was unprepared for himself at the first sight. The conflict between them is the inevitable result of the idea and the pursuit, but if not necessary, the seven seas and eight thousand generations do not want to put Yue on the dead, but he is A person who often uses life and death to gain a future will sometimes have to do it even if he doesn't want to.

He drove Chubby out of this world, letting a fair trial fall on Chubi, so that the fate of the magical girls no longer remained at the mercy of people, even if many hidden dangers were still teasing them. Destiny, this future is still full of parting and sorrow, but after all it belongs to their lives and no longer follows the script written by others.

How many magical girls wake up in the middle of the night when they wake up with the old claustrophobia, darkness and inner despair and fear, and open the curtains to watch the evil hidden deep in the peaceful night, at least they hold the truth in their hands and walk towards the light It is gradually recognized that it is no longer just a mutual bond that supports them to survive, but also the possibility of striving for a better future in this world.

The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations are grateful to Yue Zhong, but it does not mean that they will agree with anything he has done. If one day he becomes the second Qiubi and uses this kind of gratitude of the magical girls for his own purposes, it is natural for each other. It became a matter of course that the enemy became the enemy, and now what Yue Zhong has done has begun to favor this possibility in the eyes of the seven seas and eight thousand generations.

Yue Zhong and his representative Kojima Harumi were somewhat hostile, but now these people are beginning to condone Yue Zhong’s behavior without interference. What does this mean that the seven seas and eight thousand generations can’t imagine, but she knows that it is definitely not one A good thing.

Sit and watch the game and the dark battle between the two sides should be something an opponent should do, but the gratitude in the hearts of the seven seas and eight thousand generations made her hesitate, should she remind Yue if it is because of less With his own reminder and letting him go to the road of nowhere to lose, he was a bit unbearable.

"I'm already a weak party, and how can I defeat him if I can't bear it? With his cleverness I can see it, I don't have to do anything." The palms of the seven seas and eight thousand generations hold the soul gem tightly Living, just a moment of hesitation just made the piece of sea blue of the Soul Gem a little more filthy. The curse will accompany the magical girl for life, she can't even save herself completely, how to save others?

"Should the martial law in Tokyo be over?" Pulling the chair back and sitting in front of the computer, it is quite difficult to operate with one hand.

The arrival of Kojima Haruo is only a small episode. During this time, she has figured out how to deal with Yue Zhong’s next move: "Before I did not expect you to make such a big battle, I haven’t played the whole game with the fate and future of the world. This time I will try to play with you."

Before the external interference actually entered the country J, Yue Zhong, who temporarily controlled the decision power of the country J by mutual checks and balances, finally passed the unprecedented world public resolution of the Takihara Ad Hoc Tribunal. After the Air Force of the Self-Defense Forces entered the special search department and took all the suspects to Mitakihara, Tokyo’s full martial law was announced.

Countless international flights landed at airports in Tokyo from all over the world. People representing different national governments, international organizations, multinational chaebols and group companies landed on the ground to head to the official residence of the Prime Minister of J.

Yue Zhong’s decision will not ignore their opinions and will not change because of this, so it’s just in vain that they bring even more pressure to fall on Yue Zhong. Came imposed.

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