Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1520: return

Yue Zhong personally escorted the army and stared at Jian Takihara all the way, and those who were his opponents could not fully guess what he would do next, but some things that must be shown and the obvious things are hidden. of.

From the moment he started the action, he was trying to find a way to eliminate all interference and pursue the ultimate speed. It can be imagined that there will be something that will have a huge impact on him after Yue Zhong stops. Before the way to stop him, limiting the speed of his actions became something everyone wanted to do.

It can be imagined that it is different from how to do it. Yue Zhong obviously does not want them to restrict themselves so easily, so anything that the steel torrent of the Self-Defense Forces is trying to approach will be indifferent after the warning is invalid. No matter whether it is pedestrian vehicles, drones or birds and beasts, although the military has not traveled thousands of miles on the ground, it has also caused chickens and dogs to jump. The villagers in several nearby villages on the road were informed and drove out. Home to avoid.

Under such circumstances, there is really nothing that can stop Yue Zhong's itinerary. The only way they can think of is when Yue Zhong arrives at the suburb of Takihara to the referee.

Tokyo’s full martial law did not involve the army. They only carried out martial law outside the city. Although the marching process was very fierce, after all, there was no breakthrough in the bottom line of letting the army enter the city. Yue Zhong itself has the ability to do this, but He believes that the nature of the whole incident after the armed forces entered the city is completely different, and it is more likely to cause other disturbances. It is not necessary in the city of Takihara that he can fully control.

Unlike other soldiers who didn’t have their eyes closed overnight, Yue Zhong got into the tank observation window for a while, and he could not stand the cold wind, so he went back to sleep in a small space. In order to be more spacious, he also drove Hideo Lu Ze out. This made Hideo Ozawa blow him all night in the observation window.

The next morning, when Yue Zhong opened his eyes, he saw the green color of Hideo Lusawa's nose and his nose, and he quipped, "This wind has blown you like this? The driver was driving in Panshan The speed of the car **** on the road is so bad."

Lvze Xiufu really didn't understand where Yue Zhong came when the big events were coming. He said these non-nutritious nonsense, maybe this is the gap between himself and him. Yue Zhong can be so calm in facing anything, otherwise he is still far away Far from it.

He didn’t answer Yue Zhong’s ridicule, but Yue Zhong let him go without planning: “What do you think, because the seven seas and eight thousand generations haven’t appeared yet? Or to analyze where the gap between myself and me is, so that we can strive for progress in the future Win once before I die?"

It’s no embarrassment to see through his mind, Hidezawa Luzawa shrugs indifferently, but he can’t do such a calm in his heart. Fortunately, Yue Zhong doesn’t mention the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations. He can at least temporarily paralyze himself and not think about her. , Now I have to think about her name.

"Some little things will go out of my mind after I have experienced many things. Now I will take another 50 million and put it in front of you. Will you still feel emotional?" Yue Zhong patted Lv Zexiu's shoulder Said, "Stand in all night and squint in for a while."

"No, I still want to see if she will come." Hideo Ozawa shook his head after hesitating for a moment.

Yue Zhong narrowed his eyes and looked at the automated map on his mobile phone, and saw that Takihara was not far from his location: "Young people are good, they are passionate and energetic about everything, so wait slowly until you Until you give up."

"What kind of feeling would it be?" Hideo Luzawa asked with some fear but expectation.

"It won't hurt, but it's still possible as long as people don't die."

Regarding Yue Zhong's words, Hideo Luze still seems to understand. Before, he felt that Yue Zhong must have hated himself, so he set up a situation to destroy his relationship with the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations after he fell into his hands this time. If he really hates himself, he will not have the patience to say so much to himself, and there is no lack of meaning to teach himself between the lines.

What kind of man is he? It’s not like he hates his strange attitude. Perhaps for him, everyone just has a piece of his own thoughts that can be used. Not many people are qualified to be hated by Yue Zhong?

Seeing that Takihara is getting closer and closer, you can see the outline from afar, as well as the representative triangular building on the edge of the city, where it is also one of the industries of Hideo Lusawa, but it is now temporarily placed by Xiaomei’s house. After taking over, Hideo Ozawa did not even know what it was like to see Takihara.

About three kilometers from the city of Takibara, the mighty armored forces finally stopped their march. After the colonel responsible for the military operation handed over to the judicial police of the referee, Yue Zhong and Hideo Ozawa had to leave to ride. The tank was transferred to the official car of the referee.

Lvze Xiufu still hasn't been able to wait for the advent of the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, because in the action options of the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, there is no rescue of the green piece Hideo from Yue Zhong. There is nothing in Yue Zhong’s hands, but she is already pretty good for not retaliating because of Hideo Nakazawa’s betrayal. How could she be able to “save” him when she was spared?

At the beginning, I imagined that I would be abandoned by the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, and Hideo Luzawa was full of anxiety and fear in her heart. The feeling of helplessness and sorrow as if abandoned by the world, even the soul can be exiled, holding a thousand One thousandth of the first line of hope to see the emergence of the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations is the biggest luxury in his mind, but the time with Yue Zhong let Hideo Luze gradually think about many things.

She doesn’t care as much as she thinks, and maybe she doesn’t love her as much as she thinks. If there is no one who can touch each other forever, their **** is just a beautiful but fragile fantasy. Yue Zhonghe Stories like Xiao Meiyan cannot be copied any more. There will be some girls who have closed their hearts like Xiao Meiyan, but only she has the courage and unparalleled perseverance but she is the only one like Yue Zhong. There are not many people who are smart enough to be so stupid that they will never be desperate to make a smile for one person at any cost.

Cleverness requires experience and knowledge to accumulate, but once a person is mature, there is no way to do nothing and only do one thing. In other words, Yue Zhong can’t do that step anymore. When he first saw Takihara He is undoubtedly his best moment.

"See Takihara, go to the referee to deal with the suspects first, or go home first. Xiaoqing must have been anxious if she didn't see herself in one night, wouldn't she sleep all night?" Back to Yue Zhong in Takihara The softness in my heart also increased, and when such a thought came to his mind, those who came to stop him always appeared.

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