Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1521: Blockers

Seeing that the local residents of Takihara mostly left their homes to travel outside because of the manipulation behind the scenes of Xiaomei’s home, the already deserted city seemed even more depressed, as there were no shops open on the street as in the martial law of Tokyo. In theory, the Xiaomei family who has completely controlled the Takihara will not let some things that Yue Zhong does not want to see appear in the city at this time. Even if someone forcibly wants to do something, the old housekeeper will immediately give Yue Re-reported and stopped, but when Yue Zhong saw a group of people with different skin colors appearing on the street and began to block the judicial car of the referee, he knew that his enemies had bypassed Xiaomei’s strict surveillance after all.

After all, no matter how powerful a family's power is, it can't control every aspect of a government, turning it into a puppet of its own family. Under the leadership of the former head of the family, the Xiaomei family has naturally failed to do the most prosperous things. It’s not what the declining Xiaomei family can do now, so the former head of the family didn’t satisfy his growing desire for dominance, and finally rushed to the opposite of all the forces of the world, and then ushered in a dead and almost broken home. Situation, this is also a wake-up call to Yue Zhong.

What seems to be the complete control of Xiaomei's family in Takibara is that the government officials of the J country here have been able to control him yesterday under Yue Zhong’s lobbying threats and mutual checks and balances. After he left Tokyo, he showed its volatile nature. Yue Zhong did not believe that without the acquiescence or even cover-up of the government of J, these people, who were not mostly from J, would suddenly appear on the streets of Takibara, holding a slogan on the street. To stop him from sending the suspect to the referee.

The people of Country J are screaming from the standpoint of their own residents. People in this country who don’t usually care about politics seem to wake up overnight: “Against dictatorship and non-public trial.”

"Protest against the government of Country J ignoring diplomatic immunity and forcibly arresting Leonard and others." Representatives from abroad are more concerned about the impact of the arrest of the big men. Their business empire will not fall overnight, but After the news of their arrest, the sharp drop in various stock prices was inevitable. The direct economic loss was enough to make the immediate interests feel uneasy, and they did not need any other reason to encourage them to naturally become Yue Zhong’s enemies. And appeared here.

"Against the capitalists' control of justice, this is a retrogression of the entire society. Xiaomei's family should be sent to prison!" This seems to be purely sprayed, but it also shows that this parade group is directed at Xiaomei. The family even came to Yue Zhong, and the goal they opposed was the same in the final analysis.

Various slogans obscured the broad streets of Takihara. Various prophecies completely overwhelmed the judicial convoy of the referee. Yue Zhong believed that he would come forward at this time to explain that he might be pressed on the ground.

He didn’t beat so many people, but when the defense was hurt, the court of justice would definitely not let him go. These people didn’t dare to really kill Yue Zhong. If Yue died, the world would definitely give him. The burial was like he had taken the old Takihara to Xiaomei Yan for burial.

Sometimes things are not completely controlled by the participants, and a small variable may produce things that both parties do not want to see.

Seeing that the judicial vehicles of the Takihara Tribunal were forced to stop, they not only could not continue to go to the tribunal to put the prisoners in a special detention center, they even faced the danger of being shocked by the people of various countries to **** the suspects.

Lvze Xiufu naturally hoped that these people were launched by Qi Hai and Qian Chi. He failed to see each other's figure in it, but this did not prevent Yue Zhong from showing a gloating smile after being suppressed for a day and night. Instinct told Lv Zexiu these people It is impossible to really stop Yue Zhong, but it is a very pleasant thing to see him also face the challenge.

"Mr. Prosecutor, here, what can I do?" The court is the base of Yue Zhong's arrest and trial, so he firmly held the court from top to bottom from the beginning. Even if the senior officials of the government of J were persuaded by someone to quietly make him such a surprise, it must have bypassed the tribunal's system, so the people who came to take over the suspect's tribunal were just panicked and had no other strange reactions.

Yue Chong said without wrinkling: "Go and ask if the group has been approved?"

The people in the tribunal went out innocently, and then ran back with eggs thrown off their heads, Yue Zhong also heard people shouting there: "In the State J, since the Constitution stipulates that citizens have the right to organize political parties, Then, we do not need to declare to the government for organizing citizen groups. If we need the government’s approval, it means that the government’s power is above the constitution."

"It's a very interesting answer." Yue Zhong laughed rather than angry. "Who will ask them if the march has been approved? Rest assured they won't throw eggs this time."

Most people didn’t believe Yue Zhong’s promise, so he hesitated and didn’t move. Fortunately, Xiaomei’s family was deeply rooted in Takihara. They were also there in the referee. The bus got out.

What Yue Zhong expected was not bad. The people on the parade did not toss eggs any more, but took out the approval of the Metropolitan Police Department to show them triumphantly.

When the staff ran back, they were sent out by Yue Zhong again: "Ask the people in the Metropolitan Police Department if there are people marching, why don't they send the police to serve in case they get beaten by the car What if there is a collision, what if there is a violent conflict?"

"Who hits them and hits them, are we?" The staff ran out in confusion, and he, as a member of Xiaomei's family, didn't know what the owner thought, and these people obviously came to fight against Yue Zhong Why did Yue Zhong think about it for them instead.

After several tossing down, the parade team was induced by Yue Zhong, who seemed to forget what they should do most. The explanations and enquiries back and forth seemed to be pursuing the justice of the procedure, but for Yue Zhong, he just didn’t want the conflict It really happened, whether the suspect was abducted or the casualties caused by the conflict were extremely bad. All he has to do now is to hold these people down.

Yue Zhong believes that seeing Takihara is still under the control of Xiaomei’s family, it is already the limit for this group of people to emerge quietly, it seems to be to prevent themselves. In fact, their own time is limited, and Yue Zhong is not because of this A little scene lost confidence in Xiaomei's family.

Sure enough, after arguing with each other for a while, the surrounding fire hydrants and automatic sprinkler irrigation and greening equipment seemed to be gone. The broken pipes generally sprayed a large number of water columns from all directions. The streets with the worst flooding were immediately cleared out.

"The road is clear, let's go." Yue Zhong blinked and admired the old housekeeper's imagination.

"People who can march..." someone asked worriedly.

"The marchers have the power to express their wishes, but we also have the responsibility to carry out our tasks. The two do not conflict." Yue Zhong said with a smile. "I saw some time ago some people marched and asked the prime minister to step down, but the prime minister is not the same Is it okay? The parade group’s words are not a constitution, and there is no need to really ignore them."

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