Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1839: World reopens

"What's the matter?" Fujiwara was confused by this sudden change, and he didn't know how many times he had burnt himself to death. Suddenly, the black flame became so docile, clinging to the body not only did not have the cold sting The cold sensation leaves only a trace of coolness, and it also isolates the destruction of the Devil Realm from itself.

It’s no longer suffering from endless pains like the next world, so that Fujiwara Sister Red is a little uncomfortable. The red eyes look blankly at this ever-changing end of the world. It is much narrower than before, and the end of the world seems to be once again. Ushered in destruction is generally covered by chaos.

"Neither order nor chaos is truly eternal. We have seen too many examples of the former, but we have no chance to see the end of chaos." Mei Hong remembered what Yue Zhong had said before while chatting with herself.

But today she seems to be able to see what the end of the end will look like?

"When there are no more things that can be destroyed in the world, no matter how strong and destructive it will slowly lose its activity, just as the flame has burned everything and nothing will ignite itself and it will go out. Everything will calm down and then be in peace Re-emerge new vitality..."

Fujiwara Meihong can't see what kind of picture is behind the chaos, maybe that would really be like Haiyan Heqing as Yue Zhong said?

The broken magic elements in the demon world gathered quickly towards the black flames of Fujiwara Sister Red. They seemed to realize that their raging time had come to an end. If there were no destructible things in themselves, they would lose the meaning of destruction, or The end of destruction is to destroy yourself. Nowadays, only Fujiwara Meihong, the one who will die and resurrect no matter what kind of eradication, she is like a tenacious virus in the end time and space. When the era of order has begun from a distance, they can’t stop it. It can also gather in things that can be destroyed.

The Fujiwara Sister Red, which made them feel difficult before, seems to have become the last life-saving straw. Maybe it can also give the destruction factor a permanent existence through her endless reincarnation.

Destruction factors do not have independent thinking, they continue to increase toward the black flame on Meihong, but they do not know that Fujiwara Meihong has produced new adaptability in the hard resistance death, and they cannot only continue. Instead, it will continue to increase the power level of Fujiwara Meihong.

This feeling is not strange to sister Fujiwara. Many years ago she was swallowed by Phoenix coveting the immortal Penglai physique. Phoenix tried to eat her and got stronger immortality, but finally Fujiwara sister red It also survived time and time again, but assimilated Phoenix to itself.

After the battle between the ancient times of the Chinese civilization and the gods, Fujiwara Meihong has developed her own phoenix power to the limit, and now she has once again adapted to the destruction one after another in the end of the world, the flame of phoenix symbolizing Nirvana has been contaminated The destruction factor became pure black and counterattacked her, but she again produced the fitness.

"Can you survive?" Fujiwara Meihong thought for a moment and finally understood what was going on. The increase in power level did not bring her any joy, only a bitter smile on her face.

I finally know why Li Xiaobei will not inform herself. She is an existence that will make all the things that can be used to make it work. She is not so kind or biased to leave herself. The reason why she did not send herself an invitation is just Because she was too weak in her eyes.

Take advantage of your own stubbornness and stubbornness to introduce it into the Vientiane Dreamland step by step, and use the waste that was originally directed only at the beautiful Vientiane Dreamland.

His actions were arranged clearly and clearly, how could he be happy.

After the destruction factor has shrunk to the end, the chaos that seems to be opening in the world is also divided into clear and turbid. At this moment, the red eyes of Sister Fujiwara are no longer the low-end illusion of the Devil Realm, but an endless and empty. Wilderness.

Suddenly, Mei Hong found that she had grown a lot, and her head was on Zhan Zhanqing sky, and she was treading on the vast earth like a Pangu giant in mythology. This kind of change made her very uncomfortable, but she didn’t need to adapt to it. Dead.

The destruction factor has no room for existence after the order comes. As the last member of Fujiwara, they must inevitably become the embellishment of all things in the world.

Like Pan Gu’s earth-shaking legend, he may not really want to turn himself into a part of the world, but the self born in chaos cannot survive in this world at all, he must die, let the breath turn into wind and the sound into thunder , Binocular into sun and moon, limbs into east and west, north and south, blood veins into rivers, sweat into rain and dew.

This time, Fujiwara Red died peacefully, because she realized that this Vientiane dream finally came to an end...

Alice and the honest are still running tirelessly. They have ran far and far, and the clown who chased them seems to have been thrown away.

What did the two dead people look like? They suddenly couldn't remember. After waiting for a while in the anxiety, the nightmarish clown never appeared again, which gradually relieved them.

Of course, Alice, who was in it, knew exactly what was going on in the future, but she dared not clarify everything. What will happen if you disrupt the rhythm of the script without authorization? Alice can't predict it, and if she voluntarily says that after breaking this matter, no matter how good the integrity is, she will leave her under the control of boundless fear.

Needless to say, the result of the order form in this form, when one of the integrity proposes to hold a banquet and others agree, Alice knows that the consequences of the order form will appear soon.

They thought that they came back to Fantasy Town again after coming out of the cave. In fact, they have entered a horrible was originally created by Alice.

They can't find anyone here, but they will always be satisfied when they need it.

A western-style pavilion without a host, full of warehouse materials, is enough to hold a sumptuous banquet.

Alice witnessed their carnival after abandoning their fears, and saw the youngest honest man bored and ran outside the palace to relax.

There is light in the place where they are, and if one leaves, he can only enter the dark world.

The clown, who had been lurking in the darkness, caught the young integrity and then cut off his head with a blunt knife while holding his hair.

Everything that was originally directed by myself is now reenacted without any changes. It also plays the role of a escapee in it, but Alice's heart is even colder.

She suddenly showed a courage to decide the victory against the clown who chased them, but soon she forced herself to calm down because it was a young impulse, which meant that the person who ran out was dead .

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