Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1840: Crazy Alice

After a night of carnival, in addition to being extremely disturbed in their hearts but also pretending not to know to cooperate with them, Alice Margotroyd and others realized again that one of them was missing.

Unknown fear is once again engulfing all people, and now they have discovered that this is not a fantasy town where they lived in before, but a demand that can be met, but it must always be distorted by death threats. paradise.

They have to be ready to escape again, and staying in this villa will only be knocked down by the pressure of this fear. At noon today, one person could not bear to choose to hang himself, but everyone put him Saved.

At this time, it is difficult to say whether saving people is from the heart of goodness or to make the same despair in order not to let the fear continue to expand.

They gathered together to discuss the escape plan. The content of the plan is simple and straightforward, that is, they have been returning to the cave that appeared together. Although it is likely that they will be attacked by a scary and strange clown halfway, this is what they thought they could The only way to escape.

Maybe you can go back to Fantasy Township by walking out of that cave.

This simple expectation and unfounded imagination dismissed the wise one among them. He did not want to participate in this plan at all, and even thought that if they walked back, they would choose another direction to escape and finally should be able to Completely escape the chase of the clown, as long as there is no threat of death in this twisted paradise, can you get what you want and can you live better?

So he chose to leave with everyone, and then sneaked away halfway.

Although everything that happened here was already hidden in Alice's heart, every detail was so clear when she recalled it.

Whether he has never forgotten, or is he forced to make his memories so clear in this Vientiane dream specially prepared for himself.

Alice is silent. In fact, judging by the various performances of the so-called integrity, they are just plain ordinary people rather than moral models in their hearts. Their integrity is just because of the monotonous life, no knowledge, no learning, no experience, what are they None, just like a born baby growing up in a pure white world, there is no opportunity to touch anything other than the skills necessary for life.

But the choice and confusion that they have never encountered appear, and the original pure heart will quickly fall. The ultimate purpose of the death of the upright is not only to make their existence disappear, but also to make their hearts dominated by filth.

Alice feels that she should continue to wait, because she has been deprived of the part of human beings after she came to the world of Vientiane Dream. Even if she remembers all the memories of these years clearly, she can't make accurate as usual judgment.

Because she is not smart enough, as long as the smart person dies, she can regain her wisdom. By that time, she may be able to think clearly about the current situation and find a countermeasure?

The four did not dare to stop at the slightest and walked back along the path they had traveled before, because they were not smart enough to do anything other than escape, such as leaving a fake footprint to confuse the chasing clown. , Or scattered runaway bets of three quarters are still possible.

But their simple escape plan was successful. The four of them ran back to the cave together, and then went to the other end of the cave after the boundless darkness.

This should be Fantasy Township, not far away, there are carefree goblins chasing and making trouble, the clown cannot chase this place, it is so scary and only knows the existence of killings in Fantasy Township Surely it will be wiped out by Master Witch?

Weeping with joy, Alice performed quite well the role she played before, and everyone forgot that she had behaved abnormally before.

Her mind suddenly became clear, so she said that the self-intelligent guy was dead. He took his wisdom for granted. Now he should plan well what he should do next. I found them all. Only this is the Alice Margotroyd that everyone in Fantasy Township knows, not the monster that escaped from the demon world...

The thought in Alice's mind suddenly broke, and her body shivered with great fear. Why did that person die, and why did he think he could crack the layout of Li Xiaobei and finally fall into the dream of Vientiane, isn't it because he thinks he is smart?

The more intelligent she thinks, the more things she thinks about. Alice doesn’t dare to hope that Li Xiaobei will leave any loopholes so that she can easily escape the disaster, so the more she thinks, the more inevitably it will be. What would I do if I were Li Xiaobei?

Think smart and think of a perfect solution, and then in a moment imagine a layout of sanctioning self to overthrow everything. The intrigue between the self and the self is like two spirals that surround each other. The endless extensions are interlaced, and there is no end or end. The perfect solution.

In this script written by herself, Alice knows where to use it and knows that there are some loopholes that can lead the entire script to the unknown direction. The person who wrote the script entered his own script, which should have an unparalleled advantage, but now Alice is afraid to do anything because the pen for writing the script is already in the hands of Li Xiaobei.

At this time, it is ridiculous to think about recycling the quality of the It is still unknown whether he can leave alive...

Alice feels that she is going crazy, and she is driving herself crazy. There are countless ideas in the brain and the impact on each other makes her have a headache, but in the face of the other three people she dare not look like At first it showed like that.

The remaining three are no longer as pure and flawless as they were at the beginning. They have experienced the horror of life and death and have become filthy without the courage to face it. At this time, let them see their anomalies again. Associate in the worst direction. Although these three are just ordinary people, Alice can easily control them to change the plot if she wants, but she dare not do it.

"Humans are really fragile..." The princess of the demon world is very tough, but she is eager to have the identity of a human being, so it is inevitable to accept this same fragility.

Alice must vent the pressure in her heart, but she dare not do other extraordinary things. Now what she can do in front of her is very clear.

According to the original script, kill at least one person first.

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