Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 204: Which excavator technology is strong

"You can put up the stalls first, and wait until I'm busy to help you find a way." Yue Zhong pointed to the crowd watching, "It's no use selling your charcoal to them, these guys only bought it out of curiosity." Yes, who still burns charcoal for heating now."

  Meihong didn't believe Yue Zhong's words, and stupidly said, "Are you really treating me as a fool, my landlord started a fire early in the morning, and also burned charcoal."

   What kind of pig teammates, everyone is native of this world, do you want to sell teammates so happily. Yue Zhong slowed for a long time before he said: "Anyway, don't sell it first. I have something to tell you when I get off work."

   "Then you have to tell what you know honestly, otherwise I will give you trouble." Finding Yue Zhong's weak underbelly sister Hong threatened excitedly.

   "Just go, no problem, I'm going to work first, you quickly close the booth back." Yue Zhong took out his phone and looked at the time, not far from eight o'clock, hurry to send the sister red.

After talking, Yue Zhong quickly ran to her unit without waiting for her sister to close the red stall. If you didn’t expect it, the Japanese **** of the surveillance room was already squatting at the door. As long as you were late at 8:00, one of them would be counted. On a small book.

The task of escorting the leader to inspect this important relationship will naturally not fall on such a small boss as Yue Zhong. He only needs to stay in the office honestly and make a look that I am very serious at work. Only a very small possible inspection team arrived.

   Of course, Yue Zhong did not do any work. The whole department was forced to come to work and drink tea and read newspapers, so he still had to deal with many things.

After sitting in his office, Yue Zhong picked up an approval form from the table. It was the approval of the government to plan the forced demolition of an illegal building in the west of the city. It was not the first time that Yue Zhong signed this word. Anyway, there is not much difference between signing and not signing. There are also a number of signing comments for higher-level leading cadres below.

  The situation is true, agree to report to the approval!

  Yue Zhong dropped his name on it and picked up the second official document.

   "This inexplicable sense of peacekeeping is..." A large photo was posted on the front of the second official document, which was a report on the construction progress of a certain community. All of Yue Zhong's attention was attracted by the excavator above.

  A huge cucumber icon is written with four big characters: Lan Xiang Heavy Industry.

  What the hell, when did Lan Xiang become a heavy factory, and the excavator can no longer satisfy them, so do you have to make it yourself? And the cucumber, is it not a good thing?

"The degree of invasion of common sense seems to be beyond my expectations." After thinking about it, Yue Zhong decided to temporarily put down his work. If the inspection team came, it would definitely be lively outside. Check online to see if this Lanxiang Heavy Industry is What the hell?

  Just entered the name of Lan Xiang Heavy Industry in Du Niang's search box, a video box popped up to surprise Yue Zhong. When did Du Niang's page also have pop-up ads?

  Yue Zhong, who was about to close the pop-up window, suddenly discovered that this advertisement was still related to Lanxiang Heavy Industry.

"Lanxiang Heavy Industry, use technology to change the world!" The advertisement is not nutritious, but it introduces that the mysterious foreign-funded organization has invested heavily in the acquisition of Lanxiang and built a large industrial plant on the basis of its school. At present, its main technological finished product is highly efficient. Excavator, from the data point of view, the fuel consumption of this excavator is more than half less than other brands in the same specification, and the power has also achieved an overtake. Once the sales volume came out, the table broke, and buyers have given five-star praise It's only been more than half a month, Lan Xiang Heavy Industry's name has been well-known at home and abroad.

   Of course, this is not the key point. Yue Zhong was unable to find information about Kappa from the searched data. Instead, the name of the technical director who was publicly disclosed scared him.

   "Professor Mengmei, you are not a fan of Fantasy Township. What kind of trouble is this? Why is your product made of cucumber instead of strawberry?"

  Accepted this setting, Yue Zhong said that the world still has salvation, and the glorious mission of saving the world will be given to you, Professor.

After continuing to collect information about Lan Xiang Heavy Industry, I came to work at noon and unconsciously said that the good inspection team did not have the mood to spot check their work. In short, the half an hour wasted by working in advance is considered to be a float. .

Yue Zhong, who had just stepped out of the entrance of the unit, was taken aback by Mei Hong, who had emerged from the grass. It seemed that Mei Hong was quite excited. After seeing Yue Zhong, he said: "I just ran to a construction site and saw it cucumber!"

   "Cucumbers are very strange? There are many vegetable markets, do you want to try carrots?" The nervously torn Yue Zhong found that his daily life was getting farther and farther away from him, and seeing Meihong was not angry.

   is completely unclear about the potential information in Yue Zhong's words. Meihong directly classified Yue Zhong's words as nonsense, emphasizing: "Cucumber, there are large machines, maybe you can find the group of Kappa."

Although the experience of being alone is too much, but it is hopeful to see the familiar character Sister Red in Fantasy Township, but she will not be able to find the relevant characters of Lan Xiang Heavy Industry, so she ran here Keep waiting for Yue Zhong.

"Then you might be disappointed. I didn't find any information about Kappa, but I only found Okazaki Mengmei. I also wrote down the telephone number of Lan Xiang Heavy Industry. Are you going to find them?" , I’ll buy you a plane ticket. Don’t mess with me here, "How do you know that I am here?"

   "Okazaki Mengmei? I don't know." Meihong shook her head, "I came over when I smelled you."

  Are you a dog...

The people in the inspection team haven’t left yet, so Meihong asked Yue Zhong to tell him the information he concealed honestly, otherwise he would mess with him in the afternoon, and the killing would be too bad. It is better to set the fire.

My nap seems to have gone away from me... Yue Zhong with this mood went to the grocery market with Meihong to buy vegetables. After carefully selecting a few cucumbers, he probably felt that he could come in handy. In addition, Meihong said If she wants to cook on her own, she almost understands the value of Grandpa Mao, and it is easy to see that the cost of eating out every day will be very high.

The huge bow was jumping around in front of Yue Zhong's eyes, and Mei Hong's good mood did not seem to disappear because Yue Zhong told her that there was no news about Kappa. Yue Zhong also suggested that she change her clothes so that they are not so conspicuous, but He got a glance from the other party: "The clothes here are too expensive for you. I haven't found any materials for the fireproof symbols in this place. If I wear those clothes, I spontaneously spontaneously."

"That's still forgotten." Yue Zhong quickly dismissed the idea. If Sister Red suddenly spontaneously ignited on the street one day, the self-associated herself might have to be involved. That kind of approach is not legendary. Is XX Dafa good?

When I went to the store to buy seasonings, I had a little trouble. There is no such rich seasoning in Fantasy Township. Yue Zhong, who is good at making dark dishes, has no cooking skills, so I can only give some relatively simple suggestions. Suddenly, Yue Zhong thought about another problem. What Meihong did seemed to be based on eating undead, but don’t eat yourself in the hospital.

There is no TV in Meihong's rental house, but the landlord's aunt seems to see that Meihong allows her to use the kitchen, but the exchange is that she has to eat rice. Of course, the actual speech is not so straightforward, but Yue Zhong is easy. Seeing through each other's intentions, the sister Red on one side was obviously very happy.

But the host mother’s a little dissatisfied is that Yue Zhong and Mei Hong murmured common language. She listened for a long time before reacting. This seems to be the language of a devil. Watching in front of the TV at 8:30 every night The landlord aunt of the Anti-Japanese War Movies failed to see that Meihong was a devil, and thought that this was the fashion of young people today and criticized them.

  Yue Zhong didn't pay attention to this old auntie and she didn't understand it, but she was curious about what the landlord's aunt asked Yue Zhong. After getting the answer, she said she also wanted to watch the anti-war films, and she could hear the familiar language anyway.

  Meihong didn't have a computer to watch anime. In order to prevent her from getting bored at night and making troubles, she and her landlord aunt watch anti-war movies together at night.

  Meihong didn’t let Yue Zhong intervene when she was cooking. Seeing her seemingly busy in the kitchen, she was gone. That old man just wanted to fight. Perhaps the usual posture was just an instinctive self-protection.

Lunch is not rich but can be eaten, at least better than Yue Zhong's. In addition to the taste does not meet the local taste, it is an unexpected surprise. The landlord may not be very satisfied, but did not say anything in order to be able to rub the rice for a long time. .

After eating, it’s time to get to the point. After getting out of the landlord’s line of sight, the two of them sneaked into the room with big eyes and squinted Hurry up, eat Laozi’s meal honestly Practical accountability. "Meihong made a fierce look, but failed to frighten Yue Zhong, and did not know why she had gone. Yue Zhong, who had been with him for a day, was sure that the other party was indeed a hard-hearted and standard arrogant.

Yue Zhong did not want to hide anything. He vaguely felt that the other party would remember that memory sooner or later: "I have a friend. Her ability is similar to Huiyin, but the intensity should be one level higher than Huiyin. She Through researching the historical gathering of the 11th district, I found a way to Fantasy Township. In an accident, in order to save me, she transferred a bombardment that was enough to destroy everything to you through the channel with Fantasy Township. After the Great Enchantment was penetrated The bombardment with a ruinous atmosphere engulfed everything in Fantasy Township, and then you came here, maybe there are other survivors, but Huiyin should..."

   Yue Zhong's story is very concise and plain. Maybe he doesn't want to recall the past. Qi Xiaomeng didn't mention the name, but he was kicked to the ground by Mei Hong before he finished talking.

"That is to say, in order to save you, most people in Fantasy Township have sacrificed, even including Huiyin?" The actual killing intention is very abrupt, with bright flames and shadows appearing, "You explain to Lao Tzu **** , Or kill you!"

After climbing from the ground, Yue Zhong seemed to ignore the murderousness of the other party and said: "I said that it was related to me, but at that time you refused to believe it, do you understand now? If you can choose, I don't want to do it this way Survive, but since I'm alive, I won't agree that you kill me."

   PS: Grandpas, please ask for votes~

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