Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 205: Ice snowflake

   Judging from the feelings of the other party's things should not be as simple as they say, but no matter how much helplessness there is, they are not qualified to exchange the entire fantasy town for a chance to live.

Perhaps this exchange seems right to Yue Zhong and his friend, but for Mei Hong, who has regarded Fantasy Township as a new home, she is completely incapable of understanding and forgiving. After standing in different positions, the friendship is short. Nowhere.

"Are you underestimating me asshole." Meihong doesn't know where Yue Zhong's confidence comes from. In her eyes, the other party is just a weak human being, even though it looks stronger than some people from the police force in the world, but in There is not much difference in front of her.

   "If you want to try it, would you consider the safety of this house." Yue Zhong's words made Mei Hong's momentum stagnant, but she recovered in a flash.

When will I consider this kind of small problem, it’s enough to go to the mountain and build a log cabin by myself: "Do you think I’m a person like you, treat people with rancid blood with humility, just to be able to live. You want Die, I will fulfill you!"

   is fierce as the sun, and the serious shot of the sister red did not stay at all, pointing at Yue Zhong's direct declaration: "Aging, Yue Yanli's curse."

  If Huiyin and they are really dead, then you go to the funeral, do you think the little grace can touch me, and still talk to me in such a rampant tone!

Yue Zhong has never been in contact with the Fuka. The flat barrage in the game corresponds to a normal person, and the Meika that broke out within a narrow range such as a rental house is inevitable in his eyes. If you face it as an ordinary person, you will certainly die.

"Guessed that with your temper, you definitely didn't intend to listen to more nonsense, but I said I wouldn't agree with you to kill me, for this..." Yue Zhong felt the burning breath roasting the five belly and six internal organs, The deadly barrage responded before hitting itself. "Winter, my body is probably still on the sky tower. It stands to reason that the alienation drive tower was destroyed. The special power network should no longer exist. , But it doesn’t seem to be the case, Saki!"

Around the nineteenth day after the winter solstice, the extreme cold of the three-nine days has already reached the entire northern hemisphere. Yue Zhong did not change the intensity of the solar terms, but in the corresponding solar terms, the strength obtained through the communication channel can still play a role. .

The invasion of common sense made Yue Zhong aware of the sense of crisis. In order to survive, he had to solve the problem of Meihong as soon as possible, and he had to use the power that he thought he would not use again. It was more appropriate to contain the flames that destroyed all the flames. The wind of snow, the scattered sparks condensed the flower of energy under the sudden cold, and the room was full of ice and flawless.

To deal with Yue Zhong’s weak existence, Mei Hong naturally would not use her full strength. When she saw her smash card was broken, she subconsciously stopped her hand, but the deceptive anger soon occupied her mind, and the more powerful flaming flames Burned, Meihong disappeared into the phantom of the undead bird: "Aren't you ordinary people!"

The power borrowed from the contact channel will be weaker than the original version, plus Yue Zhong is not good at using the winter chapter of Gong Yongsaki. If Meihong is serious, it is definitely not an opponent, but it is enough for him to take this short gap. Everything is explained.

   "If I were an ordinary person, how could your fantasy town be destroyed by me. Meihong, if you kill me, you will never be able to go back."

   "Go die!"

The flamed body rushed towards Yue Zhong, seemingly intending to die with it. Of course, Fujiwara Meihong, who is a Penglai man, will not die. This is just the common moves she often uses. Yue Zhong seems to be able to control the ice and snow, but his Ontology is extremely fragile. With rich combat experience, Mei Hong keenly perceives this, as for the consequences... let him win first.

Yue Zhong’s combat experience couldn’t be compared with that of Mei Hong, and Mei Hong’s choice also made him a little panicked. He immediately subconsciously mobilized all the borrowable forces to the front, reflecting a bright dazzling under the deep red fire. The flower of ice crystal, he wanted to block the menacing girl red.

The first time in the winter, Yan Yan shattered with the flame of the undead bird and smashed it immediately. Meihong’s flame body failed to burn Yue Zhong, but instead broke the charming and fragile ice and snow with this collision force. Knocked the other party out of the window.

   Looking at the broken glass, Mei Hong also jumped out of the broken window.

  Meihong’s rental house is on the second floor, and even if you fall from the top, it will not be dead, but the premise is not to directly twist your neck first.

Yue Zhong was lucky. When he fell to the ground, only his right palm was pierced by a piece of broken glass. He didn’t have time to lie on the ground and rested. He rolled directly on a little glass **** for two laps, and the next sister red jumped from above. Landed in his position just now.

There was no way to approach between the flames, Mei Hong didn’t have that time to launch the Spell Card Declaration to attack Yue Zhong. In her view, the simplest and most direct attack was more effective. The result showed that her choice was correct. Under the repeated attacks, she controlled Yue Zhong, who is not his own ability, became more and more embarrassed, and the clothes on his body were continuously burned out of the scorched hole, and the burned skin on the back was directly exposed to the air.

   "How about you?"

  Taking advantage of Yue Zhong's flaws, Meihong deceived herself, and lifted him up with his hand in the neck: "Is there any last word?"

   "Sister Red, talk less when fighting." Because he was stuck in the neck, Yue Zhong's voice was very serious.

Gong Yongsaki's arbitrary adjustment of solar terms and mixing and stacking means that Yue Zhong can't do it. Even in the adapted solar terms, it is impossible to complete Meihong by unfamiliar means, but so far, Yue Zhong felt that the other party should have enough to vent.

   The provocative words made Meihong involuntarily want to add gravity, and Yue Zhongbiao said before this: "They are still alive."

The suddenly given hope once again made Mei Hong's hands soft, and the power clenched in her palms was unwilling to dissipate. She replayed Yue back to the ground, and the wings composed of the flames of the undead bird's flames surrounded Yue Zhong like a cage. : "Do you still want to lie to me?"

"Maybe most of the people in Fantasy Township are dead, but in this world, they will all live in other identities. Do you think the Kappa will be as immortal as you?" Yue Zhong's words vaguely revealed New information came out.

  Meihong asked anxiously, "What do you mean?"

I sorted out the clothes that had been turned into beggars, but I didn’t feel cold under the wings of the undead bird, but Yue Zhong said sweating on his head: "I still can’t determine the reason, but according to my speculation, the original There is no reincarnation in the world, and nature does not have a large enchantment that can accommodate supernatural and magic. You can feel it, Meihong, is your power a little weakened here, is it different from Fantasy Township? If it is denied, In the world of you, even if you still have the ability to control the flame, it will not be as easy as in Fantasy Township."

Mei Hong, who was suppressed by nothing, did not understand these things very well, and she did not know much about the Great Enchantment. What Yue Zhong said might make sense, but the focus of her attention was not here, and Mei Hong was immediately vicious. Staring at Yue Zhong said: "Explain to me, I don't bother to control other people, as long as you give the reason why Hui Yin can live, I will not kill you."

"If it is Huiyin, it is not clear whether I can survive the cover with the same ability as my friend, but as a more important monster in Fantasy Township, her existence must be in the plan of Yakumo Zi. There is no time span between the destruction of Fantasy Township here, and the possibility of reincarnation is not very high. It is more likely to be transferred in other ways. My idea is to change... I am about to explain to you, don’t do it." Yue Zhong Looking at the incomprehensible sister red, she raised her fist again and quickly stopped, "You may be more aware of the power of Yakumo Zi than me. It can basically be called the omnipotent state ability. If you want to resurrect some people, just She will spend that energy and it’s okay."

"You can guess what the old lady is thinking? Don't joke, I will burn you to ashes without giving me a reason to believe." Mei Hong also hopes that things will develop as Yue Zhong said, however She did not intend to let the other person go so easily.

"My information is enough to explain this problem. If the common sense of Fantasy Township completely replaces the common sense of the world itself, she will still take the monster Gouyan residual breath and then there will be ghosts." Yue Zhong looked directly at Meihong Road, "Because In this way, I don’t plan to continue to hide anything from you, so as to avoid the occurrence of things that I cannot control. Finally, give you a reason to keep me alive, I can help you find Huiyin."

What Ba Yun Zi planned to do with Mei Hong didn't want to control, Yue Zhong could not wait to confirm after saying what she cares most about: "If the old lady really let Hui Yin survive and want to use her, how can you find it? "

"I won't hold her back, because Fantasy Township is not a united Do you think those big monsters will obey Ba Yunzi's orders?" Yue Zhong confidently shook his head, "She will let them Self-defeating, self-sustaining monsters will definitely challenge the order of human beings. It is only when they experience the suffering that Bayu Zi takes the opportunity to take advantage of this time. We have the opportunity to find Huiyin."

   "Humans can make monsters suffer? I haven't found any power here to deal with monsters." Mei Hong added a look at the water stains left by the ice after melting, "Of course you are excluded."

"You are too small to look at the potential of human beings and our technology. Why was it possible for humans to drive monsters to Fantasy Township, and why did the monsters fail to launch a lunar war?" Yue Zhong sneered, "Single alone Fighting monsters cannot win, even with common sense asylum similar to the big enchantment."

  To put it this way, the impact of the destruction of Fantasy Township is not very large. On the contrary, for many monsters, it is a development that is blessed by disaster. As long as Huiyin is still alive, Meihong has no determination to kill Yue Zhong’s revenge. Although everything is just one aspect of Yue Zhong’s words, Meihong has to choose to believe, at least willing to believe in her heart. Don't let Yue Zhong take a horse.

   There was a question, sister Hong couldn't help but ask: "Now you are the most authentic? I feel that the only way that Novo looks like a domestic servant and a paralyzed face is your disguise."

Due to Meihong's reminder, Yue Zhong realized that he had entered into a familiar state unconsciously. I wondered if it was a cover-up: "You think too much, I just want to live. If you don't show up, I can I have lived so peacefully."

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