Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 208: call

Yue Zhong asked meticulously. Many questions had to be solved by Boss Zhou to recall the answer. This is due to the fact that he was curious about the sudden rise of Lan Xiang when he went to see the goods. Otherwise, Yue Zhong would be tricky. He couldn't answer the question.

   If it's normal time, he doesn't need to waste so much time to accompany Yue Zhong to remember the past, who let him happen to have the handle in the hands of others today.

"That is to say, you haven't been able to visit the factory building of Lan Xiang Heavy Industry, nor have you seen the small blue-haired human being." Yue Zhong was a little disappointed. However, this trip is not without gains. Boss Zhou told him that Lanxiang Heavy Industries is developing a new type of engine and intends to cooperate with the country to enter the military industry chain, and he was also lucky to meet Lanxiang Heavy Industries’ technical director Okazaki Mengmei.

"The technical director is very young and beautiful. Although I don't know why I got red hair, but the genius who can get a doctorate in physics before the age of 20 has some quirks. I think it can be understood." Zhou boss said about Gang Qi Mengmei was a bit frivolous, "It's just that some people don't like to take care of others, and they seem to disdain Lan Xiang Heavy Industry's current main product excavator."

The existence of    that can be traversed with the power of science and technology will naturally not be interested in the excavator. Maybe this thing is just a scrap product in her research process and it is thrown out to collect funds.

The most important thing now is the purpose and attitude of Okazaki Mengmei here. If she is a person on the side of Yakumo Zi, then once her industrial system affects the military of various countries, then human power can basically Declared defeated.

   "With her kind of obsession with magic, which is unnatural mechanics, it's really possible to be tempted to GUAI." Yue Zhong decided to go to Shandong. The so-called training and learning dealt with the teacher's problem and it was fine.

   "Wait... Why do I want to control the people in Fantasy Township?" Suddenly remembered that my original purpose was just to live well, but now I was attracted by some special events.

After leaving the construction site, Yue Zhong was stopped by several people before he walked far. One of the middle-aged women spoke before he could speak. His bitter face was very disgusting no matter how he looked: "Yo, Section Chief , My old Zhang Ke is still lying in the hospital, should you continue to pay some medical expenses for your thousand dollars? Your relatives made my old Zhang like this, you give one hundred thousand yuan Even if we don’t have to report to the police station."

   One hundred thousand yuan, there is a figure with immediate vision, but if the one hundred thousand witches are like you, it is estimated that Fantasy Township is really peaceful, and no one wants to cause trouble to cause you, it is really appetizing.

"Is the disability appraisal done? Have you brought the bills from the hospital? When you open your mouth, it is one hundred thousand dollars. Isn't it when I am a stupid B?" what.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged woman who Yue dare to dare to talk back froze for half a moment, as if being stomped on the tail like a man, and splashed, while reaching out to grab Yue Zhong while swearing and profanity, the few people she brought It’s not a good person, it’s as if all Yue Yue dare to dare to resist or don’t agree to their request.

so annoying……

  After two minutes, all the people who tried to stop Yue Zhong fell to the ground. Yue Zhong basically did not move in the process. He wanted to subdue this group of ordinary people with solar power, which was no different from bullying children.

"What's wrong with you, is your foot frostbite? I said that you don't know to wear more clothes in winter, I don't need to call you an ambulance if I have anything else. See you later." Yue Zhong knew there were cameras nearby. His every move will be faithfully recorded. If he didn’t get in touch with these people, they wouldn’t have any evidence even if they wanted to trouble him with this trouble, but if they can point it out, they can still say that the camera I can't monitor the sound. I hope these people know how to do it well after they are so powerful. If they make me angry, please think that you are out of luck. I don't have any spare time to take care of your house.

   Since when, I also have the power to override others... I want to live a normal life, it is indeed a bit whimsical, take a step.

  Meihong let herself go to see her again tomorrow, it is estimated that she was hiding from doing strange things, so Yue Zhong did not plan to go to her house to eat a meal, or say not to fight.

In front of the county government is a small fountain square. There are many shops selling breakfast and lunch nearby. Yue Zhong, who is hungry again, ran here to solve the problem of eating and wanted to study his ability. It has been frozen into an ice sculpture. The fountain is a good choice.

After the winter, the solar terms are not very colorful. Apart from the snowy weather and the dead atmosphere, there are no bright things. This is the purest period of the year. The sky and earth are painted in the same color, and the plants are mostly Withered, the animals have no desire to move, and Yue Zhong can't seem to find the solar power that can be borrowed besides ice and cold in this solar term.

"There are not many things on the ground, so in the sky, the sun passes 285 degrees of the yellow longitude, and passes through the Capricorn constellation. Can I paint my nails red and issue scarlet poison needles?" Yue Zhongnao added a possibility. The strangeness of solar terms without practical reference is because this force does not belong to him. He cannot experience the deeper evolution of solar terms. His ability to turn and brain holes is far stronger than Miyako Saki, but Miyako Saki is definitely better than him. It can make the power of Xiaohan's solar energy more colorful.

   Ice and snow are the medium. Yue Zhong clung his palm to the frozen fountain water. The cold seemed to avoid him deliberately. Under the power of solar terms, the simple coldness would not cause damage to Yue Zhong.

The energy is flowing, even though the liquid water has formed a solid, the molecules in it are still moving, Okazaki Mengmi has been studying the magic of the supernatural physical force, which responds unclearly to Yue Zhong, waiting for him to want When grasping that wonderful feeling, the energy of solar energy scattered away.

Yue Zhong frowned, it felt like insomnia, just found a little drowsiness but always dispelled the drowsiness because of various thoughts, so he devoted himself to the induction and closed Eyes closed.

   "Without distractions, peace of mind, meditation..."

   The most basic coldness in winter gradually came, as if he could command them to carry out various evolutions with a wave of hands. Half an hour later, Yue Zhong just wanted to find a little feeling, but the ice block he touched suddenly blasted to startle him.

   "Humans, are you calling the strongest Lord Qi Lunuo?"

Carrying twelve ice wings floating in the air, Qi Lu Nuo wearing a blue dress is much taller than Yue Zhong expected, ⑨ looked at Yue Zhong proudly with both hands holding his face: "Hey humans, why don't you Speak, I don’t respect the strongest Lord Qi Luno!"

   has doubled his wings, and his height is almost one and a half meters. Although the way he talks is indeed that stupid, it is too inconsistent.

"Wei'an and powerful Bing Jing, I am your loyal servant Yue Zhong. I originally wanted to study the power of Bing, but I didn't expect to surprise you." Yue Zhong didn't want to bring any trouble around him, Qilu. Nuo should have been awakened by her research on the energy of ice. Now let's get rid of her first. "Fearing, give respect to Master Qi Lu Nuo!"

  Virginia's great satisfaction, Qi Lunuo ignored her anomalies, and even neglected her countless powers. Qi Lu Nuo is very pleased with the human being in front of him. No one in Fantasy Township spoke so respectfully. Since he is such a devout believer, he should be rewarded!

   The guy who often hinders himself from freezing frogs is said to be a god, and as an incarnation of ice, she will never be worse than her? Qi Lu Nuo, who wanted to break his head, finally thought of a way to reward Yue Zhong: "Well, humans, for your devotion, I will give you more powerful ice power!"

The originally unpredictable energy of ice rushed into Yue Zhong's body in all directions. Qi Lu Nuo apparently did not adapt to the suddenly powerful ice power, and kindly gave Yue Zhong's power to freeze the other party directly into an ice sculpture, realizing himself The ill-fated Chirono quickly ran away from the broken ice.

   "...... This is really a disaster for nothing."

The ice sculpture that suddenly appeared on the square attracted the attention of pedestrians passing by. Yue Zhong, who was frozen inside, was not directly frozen to death because of his fit for solar terms. Instead, he still had self-awareness, but he did not seem to have the ability to break the ice. Have you been watching here?

   "Sister Red, help me!"

Two hours later, Yue Zhong was finally knocked out by the police uncle who rushed to rescue him. UU reading everyone thought he was dead. When he saw Yue Zhong still jumping alive Still scared a lot of people.

   "Mr. Yue, which one are you playing again?" The policeman was still the person Yue Zhong knew, and asked him curiously.

   "I don't know, when walking and walking, it suddenly freezes into ice. Is there a monster in the city?" Yue Zhong said with a frightened expression.

"Monster..." Because of the change in common sense, the police did not regard Yue Zhong as a neuropathy, but rather thoughtfully, "Someone reported yesterday that a flame-burning phoenix suddenly appeared in the suburbs. Is there really a monster? Come to our little place?"

"Probably, I think it is better for you to report this information as soon as possible." Yue Zhong gave the police an idea and said that he needed to go home to sleep to suppress the alarm. The police did not insist on taking him back to take notes. You should also be unaware.

"Qi Lu Nuo suddenly became so powerful...Yeah, Fantasy Township is such a big place. As an incarnation of Qi Lu Nuo, it is normal to have no strong power in that small space, and this is a complete The world, the South Pole and the North Pole, the Zhugao Snow Mountain, and the Northern Hemisphere entering the severe winter, with the support of countless ice and snow energy, ⑨ is also very normal to become strong." Yue Zhong himself found a reasonable statement for himself, and remembered The power that directly freezes himself into an ice sculpture, most of the energy is absorbed by himself, and the remaining power alone has caused such a strong result. It seems that he really has become a believer in Qi Lu Nuo. .

  Go home and study this power again, don't want to make the striking Yue Zhong embark on the journey home.

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