Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 209: Bar!

Yue Zhong, who returned home, took advantage of his parents to play mahjong and carried out his own ability experiment. Compared with the roughness that he could only use a large range of solar terms to attack and defend, he can now improve the strength and fineness of a single ice. It seems that there is no problem with putting the spell card skill belonging to ⑨. The dazzling ice crystal flower was formed automatically based on Miya Youngsaki’s template. He is still far from the level of beauty and strength. It's not unreasonable that Meihong's attack will collapse at the next touch.

"The bad news is that the power of ice given to me by Qi Lu Nuo is based on the winter solar terms. Once in the spring, I will become a war again." Yue Zhong discovered this abnormality in practice. If I use this power in other seasons, I will become an ice sculpture again before I release it."

Yue Zhong, who had the blessing of ⑨, was not too discouraged. He used to come over when he was still in the five slags. His own strength will not affect the overall situation: "Since Qi Lu Nuo has become so powerful, he will be in danger in the future. Is it possible to summon her to fight, anyway, idiot is quite good...but it still has to be done in winter, and now it is less than a month away from Lichun."

  The potential evolution of solar terms is far from what Frost Power can sum up. Yue Zhong felt that he shouldn't be too entangled in this, although he seemed to have no chance to achieve the kind of victory or defeat by force no matter how no matter how he did it.

In the afternoon, when Yue Dad and his mother came back, Yue Zhong told them about their business trip. Yue Mom started nagging him to collect more clothes to keep warm and cold, while Yue Da expressed his sister's secretly. What do you mean.

   "I said dad, are you so stubborn, that guy is a violent maniac." Yue Zhongfu said.

"Your dad, I want someone who can control you. The so-called wise son Mo Ruofu, find a clever one who hasn't been called by you all day. You are so lazy..." Well, the nature of shaking M is Inheritedly, Yue Dad may have had a strong girlfriend before that he has been thinking about.

   "Did my mother be called by you all day?" Yue Zhong expressed dissatisfaction, and pushed your son into the fire pit when you were comfortable with your life.

   "My daughter-in-law is pretty, I have a face!" Father Yue finally told the truth.

   Your daughter-in-law has been chosen...

After talking about these troublesome things, Yue's father began to show off his mother's record of playing mahjong to Yue Ma. By relying on BUG-like assault chickens to kill the Quartet, he won thousands of dollars in the afternoon after playing five dollars, but It is miserable to envy Yuema. Yuema's luck is not good today. She sent more than 200 pieces in the afternoon. Yueda generously counted two grandpa Mao to her. Although they are a family, this kind of harmony and love The atmosphere is warming Yue Zhong's heart.

  The mahjong bar in Guizhou is called a bean. It is not only a big head except chicken, but also a pass for any draw. If it is a flower on the hill, it can basically guarantee a lot of money.

  Think of Yue Zhong's sudden whimsy and his dad to discuss whether he can take him to play mahjong with him at night. He happened to be short of money recently, and has a communication channel with Misaki. It is as simple as eating flowers and drinking water.

Usually Yue Zhong didn't have much interest in playing mahjong, and Yue Dad was surprised when he heard his son's request, but since he wanted to play with him, he took it away, and the family took a la carte at home and ate it aggressively. Mahjong Hall.

The casino police uncle who is not too big in gambling generally seldom asks, unless they have issued the investigation documents, they will start in this kind of place, and sometimes even the boring old lady on the street who has finished the food and is idle. Mahjong has to be managed. There is still some time before the New Year's Pass. The sweep of the year before has not begun. This is why the Yue Zhong family can rest assured to play mahjong.

For the first time, I came to the little teahouse that they are familiar with, saying that no one actually came here to drink tea. Everyone knows this kind of name is Mahjong. This is because of the name of the casino Mahjong. The industry and commerce department will not allow business and issue business licenses to evolve.

   is not as mixed as imagined. Perhaps this small casino is not too attractive to those who are mischievous. The people who come here are basically working-class people, and they can sit together at a table to start a war.

  Yue Zhong observed for a while and waited for his parents to fight in battle, then he quietly asked the boss how much of the biggest card to play here.

"The biggest one is twenty. Those who like to play with it haven't come yet, please wait a moment." The teahouse owner looked at Yue Zhong very strangely, knowing that he was the first time to come to the sidewalk, "Boy, those who play those big names are all Master, do you really want to play with them?"

Twenty-dollar big names... Yue Zhong, who has 100 million units of funds in his hand, really doesn't think this is a big name, but he can't find those places with high gambling funds, and it is not safe to go alone. Although he has the power to bless those things, he will inevitably be noticed by others if something goes wrong.

After waiting for about half an hour, the "masters" mentioned by the tea house owner appeared, and the murderous appearance made Yue Zhong, who was accustomed to the mahjong girl who was selling every day, a little disappointed, but after sitting at the table with them The sense of coordination disappeared.

   The flowers on the ridge from Saki's Super God protect Yue Zhong, who has no penny on his body, to start the expedition. Of course, there is no flowering on the ridge in the heavenly dynasty.

The dark bar is called the dull bean, and each house has twice the total accumulated gold. At the beginning, Yue Zhong gave the three "masters" a dismount. Before waiting for them to react, Yue Zhong opened all the cards in front of him. : "Bangshanghu, 5 times each."

The opening is every grandfather Mao. Yue Zhong, who has received the gambling money, took out 20 yuan from it. This is the tea fee. The gambling table of 20 yuan will be charged 200 yuan for all tea. Twenty, until two hundred.

In the face of the mysterious Yue Zhong, the three "masters" were not intimidated by the momentum of his opening. The disagreement at the start was a more popular superstition. Basically, the eating "masters" saw some stunned heads. It's quite a pleasure to be in the first place.

But soon they didn’t think that way. Although Yue Zhong’s mahjong playing skills were indeed rotten, even Kyotaro could hang him in a variety of ways on the mahjong girl. Even if only relying on the opening bar and card ability brought by the contact channel is enough for Yue Zhong to kill the "masters" in the game.

   "Long, all four golden chickens."

   "Lang...and then, 200 each."


The mahjong "master" who was murderous at the beginning lost his face to green in less than an hour. Where is this stunned head? The flowers on the bar come one after another like no money. Three people were beaten. I didn't have enough spare power to fight back. I saw that the money in the bag was gradually decreasing. After an hour and a half, the time was exactly nine o'clock. Yue Zhong successfully won the gambling money they brought.

   Until now, Yue Zhong was able to understand how sour the famous devil's famous quote was: "It's so fun playing mahjong!"

The "masters" walked away because they lost all their gambling money. They looked at Yue Zhong like a prehistoric beast before they left. They wanted to remember Yue Zhong's appearance and vowed to see him in the future. Go around, absolutely no longer playing mahjong with him.

Yue Zhong sat at the card table and counted the results. A total of more than 27,000 yuan was recorded. These professional gamblers are really dedicated. If they fight with the working class like their parents, they can only play a five yuan deposit. If every family wins a thousand yuan, they will definitely not play with themselves.

The situation here alarmed the owner of the teahouse. He confirmed the situation to Yue Zhong and said afterwards, "The young man is very strong, but after so exhausting and fishing, they will definitely not fight you. People who are scared by you are afraid that you won’t find anyone in the future."

   Yue Zhong waved his hand and said it was okay. He didn’t really want to get rich from this fortune. After stuffing his money into the purse he brought, he went to see his parents’ cards.

   "Why did you come out, son, did you lose, come here to give you five hundred, and then go play." Yue Dad continued his luck in the morning, counted five red grandpas handed to Yue Zhong.

  Yue remade the bag and said: "No, I have already run those few away, and now it seems that I can't make a table, I will go back to my father first."

   "So powerful? It's my Go and see your mother. If she loses, you will give her some points."

   "I will." Yue nodded and exited from Yue Dad's room. When she found Yue Mom, she found that she had lost again. Yue Zhong gave a thousand dollars to her mother and told her to leave first.

  Yue Zhong, who won the money, came back home and wanted to order a few tickets online, but thinking that Meihong was still a black account, even if she bought the ticket, she could not get on the plane.

"Let's make a shuttle bus. Although it takes a little longer, it is the only one that does not check ID cards." Yue Zhong picked up the phone and called his acquaintance at the station, asking him to help him book two of them close to the provincial capital. Ticket.

  After arranging things, Yue Zhong quietly put the bank card given to him by his father in the drawer of his parents' bedroom. There was no need to gnaw after he was rich.

Yue Zhong, who was still early, did not want to go to sleep. He found the long axis of history from the study and planned to go in again. However, when he touched the long axis of history, the scroll that had become abnormally dark was faintly lit. Ice blue light.

"Because of Qi Lunuo's power?" The doubtful Yue Zhong quickly entered the ruined fantasy town, which is still a dark theme with no vitality. After Yue Zhong's careful search, it was hidden from sight. A puddle of water was seen within range.

  Under the desolate environment, the water in this beach puddle is very clear, as if it is independent of the beginning of life of the whole world, even if it is small, it symbolizes infinite hope.

   "If you guessed right, should this be the original site of Lake Mist?"

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