Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 210: journey

"Xiaomeng, you said it might be possible for me to get them back. Is it enough to bring the people and monsters belonging to Fantasy Township back here?" Qi Xiaomeng spent most of his time before dying to evoke Yue Zhong to live. Hope, if Yue Zhong can express in advance, she may be able to tell him some more detailed information, Yue Zhong now does not need to be confused to explore on its own.

Yue Zhong always felt that Qi Xiaomeng’s dissipated soul was hidden in this dead fantasy town. As a pseudo-house, he wouldn’t feel awkward if he wanted to talk like this, just like when Xiao Meiyan died It's the same: "You must have guessed it for a long time. I can't feel at ease to adapt to the ordinary life. Even if it is one in 10,000 possibilities, I will look forward to the day when I will find you back."

   The calmness of the windlessness is extremely suffocating, and calmly speaking, Yue Zhong does not like this environment, but here is the place where the girl he owes is dissipated, and here he is not qualified to express any negative emotions.

Gong Yongsaki did not know what method was used at that time, not only cut off the communication channel between Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, but also cut off his special connection with the Spare Tire Major League. The Fetal League has given up on itself, and the hope of resurrecting Qi Xiaomeng with the supernatural science of the general plane is too slim, even if the only one who has established a communication channel with him, Gong Yongsaki, is very difficult to see him. .

After staying in the ruins of Fantasy Township for more than two hours, Yue Zhong estimated that his parents were about to come back and went back to sleep in his room. Tomorrow, he will take a car to Guiyang, the provincial capital. The road from his hometown is not too much. Okay, it's hard to drive for more than five hours.

On the second day, Yue Zhong got up from the bed early in the morning, and it was extremely cold in the winter morning, but this did not have a great impact on Yue Zhong. Because of the blessing of ⑨, the chill of ordinary weather will be natural Avoid Yue Zhong's body.

Yue Zhong was a little surprised when she found Meihong, because the other party actually replaced her nondescript white shirt and bloomer and put on a light-colored casual dress. All the bows on her hair were taken off, and her long straight silver hair was natural It fell to the calf, and at first sight it would be as good as the gentle and charming little family jasper if you didn't look at the pair of provocative eyes.

   "Are you afraid of fire?" Yue Zhong still remembered how she answered Meihong the last time she changed clothes.

Meihong is not too accustomed to wearing it. She pulls the chest of the bottoming shirt awkwardly, and Yue Zhong, who has sharp eyes, sees the mark of the small hood inside: "Look at the fart, you are really uncomfortable wearing the bra wrapped cloth on your side What do you think I’m busy doing all day yesterday? I finally found some materials and made them into fireproof stitches. I didn’t make them until late at night."

   "How come you think of changing clothes?"

   "Every day when I go to the street like being seen as a monkey, I can't stand it anymore." Meihong said impatiently. "If you feel ugly, just say, I won't hit you."

   Yue Zhong quickly shook his head and said: "It's not bad, just like this, otherwise I will be treated as a monkey by someone else when I walk with you."

   "Then what are you doing for a long time, aren't you going to a big city, don't you go?" Mei Hong slammed the new security door of the landlord's aunt.

  Yue Zhong's friend booked a ticket for him at 9:30 in the morning, and now it is still early for the two people to have time to eat something and then depart.

   Although she changed her clothes, her bright silver hair still attracted attention, but she has never been pointed like the previous two days. The life law of Fantasy Township stays in ancient times, so there is no such thing as three meals a day, but two meals a day, so naturally there won’t be any early days. For the new world, Mei Hong, who likes to be early, still likes it and devours it. After stuffing more than a dozen fritters and two bowls of soy milk in her mouth, Mei Hong sat tightly on her stomach and left the early stall. The setting of not eating any fat would be really good.

After one person took a bottle of mineral water, the two finally got on the bus to Guiyang. The position was the two seats next to each other in the third row behind the door. There is no seat number in these buses. The convention is Which one is the first to come first?

   has been curious about this moving big iron block sister red for a long time, and took the opportunity of this personal experience to say: "How did this thing move, is it also a product made by the gang of Kappa?"

  Is Karl Benz or Henry Ford turned out to be Kappa...

He Meihong explained that it took a long time for her to understand that the car and the TV she watched the anti-war movie at night were the products of human science. Not only did she have nothing to do with the gangs, but most of the technology products produced by Hetong were from the wandering. It is borrowed from the human products in Fantasy Township, of course, except for some unique black technologies such as cucumber guns.

   "I thought the gang of Kappa was so powerful. It turned out that many technologies were copied and sold so much in Fantasy Township." Meihong's income level is estimated to be similar to that of Lingmeng. It can be said that it is basically a farewell to high technology.

The two murmured and spoke in a common language. The passengers around didn’t understand what they were talking about. Yue Zhong gave Meihong no worries, but Meihong questioned how fast this thing could run. : "It's impossible, this thing called a car looks very cumbersome, even if it is specially made, it can't run faster than the fairy dream."

   "If you can find Yaomeng, take her and Bibi to see if you don't know." Yue Zhong was originally just making an analogy, and the sister red who had a big curiosity always stared at these details.

In the first hour after the departure of the bus, Mei Hong was still excited and kept asking questions like a primary school student, but her interest came and went quickly. There was no other way to sit on the bus. Mei Hong quickly yawned, it seems that she Last night, making clothes late into the night was not a joke.

Soon Meihong fell asleep by the car window, Yue Zhong saw her hand quietly reaching into the long strip-shaped backpack on the ground and taking out the long historical roll that he brought out to take a look at it, making him a little strange. Meihong is by her side and the long history has not responded at all. Is it really necessary to bring Meihong back to the fantasy town ruins?

   "It shouldn't be that way, Qi Lu Nuo just gave me the power to cause a long history of the reaction." Yue Zhong thought for a moment and came up with a possibility, "Is it based on a sense of identity?"

   The bus seemed to bump after passing a deep hole, and Meihong, whose head was leaning against the window, bumped into the glass with a bang. With her hands over her head without the large bow, Meihong opened her eyes confusedly and found that there was nothing wrong, she immediately fell asleep again, but this time she did not learn to lean on the car window. Instead, he subconsciously leaned on Yue Zhong's shoulder.

The sunlight in the winter is not too warm on the body, but this is more comfortable than the cold sky. The light coming through the car window sparsely varies in size in Yue Zhong's sight The ring-shaped light spot shone on the sister's red and white face, and the sleeping girl with her eyes closed appeared serene and sweet. After changing her clothes, Yue Zhong couldn't find a little tomboy in her.

Putting the long history back in his backpack, and after looking seriously at the sister red who entered the dream, Yue Zhong slightly adjusted his sitting posture: "Sleeping face is the true portrayal of the bottom of my heart. It should have been in the endless fighting years. The girl who has become ruthless and ruthless can regain her inner tenderness in Fantasy Township, I am afraid Huiyin is your credit."

Unconsciously, Yue Zhong fell asleep. When he woke up after feeling that the bus stopped, the journey had reached the end. Yue Zhong rubbed his eyes and looked at the sister red around him for the first time, and got a rather fierce. Responded with emoji.

   "I'm not going out soon, everyone is gone." Mei Hong said a little guilty, actually fell asleep by this guy, it was really shameful.

The station is located in the Baiyun District in the north of Guiyang. The bustling crowd when she got off the bus opened her eyes. No matter whether it was in Kyoto or Fantasy Township, she had never seen such a dense crowd, and this is not yet a grand event. Look.

Guiyang puts it in the country and is not a first-class big city, but it is a hundred times stronger than the small county town of Yue Zhong’s hometown. The world that I thought I was already familiar with has suddenly become strange, and my sister’s red eyes are standing dull. Looking at the plane that happened to fly by the bus.

"What are these..." Yue Zhong couldn't help but laugh when she looked silly and stunned, and the mocked Mei Hong immediately gave Yue Zhong two fists and got ~I laugh at you again! "

  Yue Zhong held the attacked chest for a long time before breathing out: "Okay, okay, don't laugh at you anymore, sister red, have you sensed the familiar breath, just like you found me before."

   "No, I can't feel anything here except you have the unique breath of Fantasy Township."

  That is to say, Guiyang may not find any useful information or familiar characters?

  Although a little disappointed, this is also Yue Zhong's expectation. The composition of Fantasy Township is basically free of monsters from the heavens, except for the carp that sells Meng at the gate of the Hongmengguan.

To be honest, Meihong actually happened to be near Yue Zhong and the time was so close. This matter has long aroused Yue Zhong's doubts. Looking at the current situation, there must have been a period of time when Fanxiang Township has arrived, so Meihong is late and What would be the purpose of deliberately arranging her to himself, I am afraid that it is not a matter of a moment to complete the resurrection of me through a long history?

After casually finding a restaurant at the gate of the station and sitting down, Yue Zhongzheng asked: "Sister Red, will you suddenly feel a feeling at some point, like being kept being implied to do something , Like killing me?"

"Don't I want to kill you before? Although I don't deny that I just wanted to beat you up at first." Mei Hong looked absently outside the restaurant, "but I'm really angry when I'm playing, if not you Threatening Huiyin to threaten me, I'm afraid you have been burnt to dust by me now."

  I can also be called a threat. It is more appropriate to describe it as begging for mercy...If I really want to further confirm the status quo, I am afraid that the trip to Shandong will be inevitable.

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