Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 211: give up

The restaurant next to the station generally doesn't taste very good. The one selected by Yue Zhong and Mei Hong is also typical. Yue Zhong, who ordered four dishes and one soup, looked at the Sanxian soup without any oil and meat in front of him for more than half. I haven't seen any other dishes on the table for hours, and even impatiently looking at the door, the girl's sister Hong started to pat the table impatiently.

"Waiter, waiter...boss, boss!" There are no other customers in the whole restaurant. The boss sitting in front of the counter and the waiter sitting on the table and playing mobile phones are as horrified as they can't hear Yue Zhong's shouts. Horror film.

Yue Zhong couldn't sit still, and signaled that Mei Hong would be restless first. He stood up and walked to the kitchen. When he opened the door, he saw two men in chef hats chatting against the stove, and saw strangers. One of them broke in and said, "What's the matter with you, don't you know that the kitchen can't just run around casually, and don't hurry out!"

   What kind of people can you see me? I was so scared that I thought I was pulled into an illusion. Yue Zhong asked unabashedly: "After half an hour, why did you get a soup and the other four dishes?"

   "You ask the boss to go, get off." The chef was also impatient and scolded Yue directly.

   It really is, the treatment that seemed to have met each other, recalling the last scene has been five years ago.

Yue Zhong left without saying a word, and under the inexplicable eyes of Mei Hong, Yue Zhong picked up the bowl of soup and poured it directly onto the wall, with a strange smile on his face, playing with the flowing soup on the wall A big fork.

   "Hey, what are you doing!" Now the waiter and the boss reacted and jumped up like chicken blood.

"I don't care if you collect money for dinner. If you order food for a long time, you won't be able to take care of others. Are you really a bully?" Yue Zhong put the soup bowl back on the table, converging with a calm smile. , "Sorry, my hand slipped."

  Yue Zhong actually went viral? Meihong suddenly had a strong interest. In addition to the facial paralysis on one side, Yue Zhong in her impression was like a small figure who was only promised. Wanting to see the development of the situation, Meihong forgot all the discomfort in her heart and was excited. Watching Yue Zhong perform.

   The boss brought the waiter around at once, as if Yue Zhong did not intend to let him go without giving an explanation.

"My previous life was like this. From the time when the ticket was torn open, I decided to say goodbye to this disgusting and plain, and finally returned after a large circle. Yue Zhong, you It’s really fragile. Even if the experience is painful and desperate, it’s better to be true of discrimination and prejudice.” Yue Zhong completely ignored the hotel staff who kept condemning him, and there was a struggling look on his face. “From the current situation It seems that humble life does not necessarily save my life. Then what else do I need to cover up, then why do I have to force myself to be that kind of empty and powerful force who is willing to be trampled on the head by some scumbag ordinary people? waste?"

   That was once the character I didn’t want to see. Did I say that I would never compromise on this path?

  Yue Chong can live to this day, this powerful mental self-regulation ability is indispensable. At that time, the wishful thinking was burdened by Qi Xiaomeng's deficiencies and sincere and persistent. Since it was untimely, he should face it with a tougher attitude.

  Some developments have long been doomed, and the guidance of destiny has nowhere to hide or to turn back.

  Even after sorrow, is it better to escape

   So easy to adjust your mindset? Mei Hong, who noticed the change in Yue Zhong’s expression, was quite surprised. She had long seen Yue Chung’s botched decadence and disguise. She had originally planned to find an opportunity to preach a good meal. Unexpectedly, Yue Zhong walked out from the shadow to the truth. Step. Although I don't want to admit it, it is indeed stronger than myself.

After a quiet glance around the ugly people all around, Yue Zhong raised his head slightly, and the sun was shining outside the dark environment and the dirty environment... Don’t give up hope at any time, we are not already we have a deal?

   "Shut up." The person who had a lot of blood on his hands was different from the past. This is the person who drunk the empty and shocking people, asserting that he is certain.

All the people who besieged Yue Zhong were like a foreign body stuck in their mouths. They just opened their mouths but could not make a sound. After a brief silence, the chef in the kitchen rushed out: "The boss is not good, the water pipe I don’t know what the reason was because it suddenly iced up and exploded, and the horse was comatose when he was hit in the head by debris."

Seeing that the boss who was in trouble couldn't take care of it and Yue Zhong, whose breath became dangerous, was too entangled, and after making a ruthless statement, Sei Lie ran quickly into the kitchen to check the situation. Anyway, the money had been collected, and he caused damage. Just do it.

   "Let's go, Meihong, go to the city center to eat, there won't be like this one." Yue Zhong said to Meihong and went directly to the door. He had no mood to ask for the prepaid meals, wasting time.

  , who was hungry again, was quite dissatisfied and went out and complained to Yue Zhong: "I came out with you and couldn't even eat enough food, and you were too unsuccessful in mixing."

   "You say that I don't have a face." Yue Zhong rarely smiled in front of Sister Red. The smile is not sunny but has this restrained self-confidence. "Relax must let you eat well. Do you want to eat Western or Chinese food?"

   "I want to eat grilled eight-eyed eel!"

   is really a request that has not been pursued. Fortunately, it is not specified that it is baked by some kind of night sparrow. Otherwise, when they find Mistia, it is estimated that Meihong starved to death several times.

   Roasted octopus eel can't find a place to sell in inland provinces like Guizhou. It seems that Fantasy Township is also an inland area. God knows where Mistya got the octopus eel belonging to the sea creatures as raw materials. Yue boldly guessed, this is definitely Zi Ma contracted the supply of raw materials for the supper shop and got the ingredients from the outside 11 districts.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the two still did not find the place where the legendary grilled octopus eel was sold. Due to the pressure from the belly, Sister Red chose to compromise. She didn't know much about the food of the Tianchao, and finally they came to Yue Zhong's favorite Of a steak restaurant.

  The steak restaurant located in the downtown area is not that kind of high-end Western restaurant with a warm atmosphere, and the charging standard is also biased towards the public. It is not that Yue Zhong is reluctant to take Meihong out of the high-end restaurant. He really thinks the steak here is delicious.

   With a knife and fork skillfully cut the tender and delicious beef in front of him and chewed into his mouth for a while, Yue Zhong asked with satisfaction: "Are you used to eating?"

"It's okay, although the taste is a bit weird." Mei Hong's clumsy learner Yue Zhong finally cut off a piece of beef and tasted it later. "Even if the portion is too small and it's too troublesome to eat, can't you grab it in your hand?" "

  Meihong's appetite is unexpectedly large, basically the same as Yue Zhong, and it is worthy of being pure men. Yue Zhong himself also felt that one steak was not enough at all: "I just need to order another one."

  Midway during the meal, Yue Zhong told Meihong his next plan: "To rest here tonight, every day we take a plane to Shandong to check the details of Lanxiang Heavy Industry."

   "Aren't you going to train?" Mei Hong had already heard Yue Zhong's main purpose of coming here, so she asked strangely.

"what is that?"

   Yue Zhong began to tell cold jokes skillfully again, but Meihong didn't find it funny, she took a sip of the red wine next to her, frowned, and swallowed, saying, "This thing is also wine? Why is it so hard to drink."

   "It's hard to drink, you don't spit it out." Yue Zhong has never been interested in wine. In his common sense, wine is used from abuse.

   "... I spit out the things I didn't like before, and I got used to it after being taught by Huiyin several times." Because she thought of some warm memories, she had a little tenderness in her red eyes.

It was Yue Zhong who broke the tranquility that belonged to them. He only wanted to preserve that unpleasant and ordinary life before. The slightly closed heart and selfishness made him only want to send the sister red away, slowly thinking to understand and today After the catharsis came out, Yue Zhong added a debt to his heart.

   "Sister Red, you can find Huiyin, I assure you."

  I want to take a plane to Shandong. There is a big trouble, that is, Meihong has no ID card, can’t book a ticket, and can’t get on the plane. After Yue Zhong spoke out his concerns, Meihong said she could fly with the plane.

   "Forget it, then you are really popular all over China." Will not cause trouble, let Meihong follow the plane Fei Yue also feel sorry, "I find someone to find a way."

   Yue Zhong spent his college days in the city of Guiyang. The third-rate universities did not attract many students from other provinces, so most of the classmates in Yue Zhong’s class were from the province. After graduation, many people choose to develop in Guiyang. So far, these people have been mixed up and down. Some people have achieved success in shopping malls or workplaces, and some have unknown jobs in ordinary jobs. Working. Of course, not everyone will choose a normal life path. The guy who slept in the upper bunk of Yue Zhong embarked on a different evil path.

   After dialing the other party's phone, Yue Zhong asked, "Nigga, what are you doing for dinner?"

The voice on the phone is quite enthusiastic. Although everyone has less contact after graduation, the friendship in the same dormitory has not been forgotten: "Yue Zhang, you have come to Guiyang? It happened that I didn't eat Are you going to invite me?"

   "Sorry I just ate it."

  After a long silence on the phone, there was a bitter laughter: "You are still so funny, let's find me and plan to do something illegal and disorderly?"

   "I want to help someone get an ID card that can get on the plane." Yue Zhong explained the intention, "How long can I get it done?"

   "You are a bit demanding. Let's take someone to take a picture with me. Let's talk about good friendship first. The cost is indispensable. I also need to get in touch."

   Take a photo...Yue Zhong kept staring at Meihong after hanging up the phone. Although her current dress is already normal, her white hair is still too eye-catching.

  Sister Red, who was staring at the hair, felt uncomfortable and stared back at Yue Zhong: "What are you looking at?"

"Oh, it's okay." Forget it, the common sense white hair of Fantasia Township can also be accepted by people. When you pass, you can ask if you can do it. Everyone knows the shooting of ID cards. Facial paralyzed expression, "Wait for Zhang Xiang, if you are successful, you will be able to fly together tomorrow."

   When taking pictures, Meihong still knows what it means, but she doesn't have any good feelings about it. The crow that has been sneaked around has already instilled the common sense of being photographed into lace news into everyone in Fantasy Township.

   Having said that, since Kappa is very likely to be hidden in Lanxiang Heavy Industry, will Tengu, also a resident of Monster Mountain, also gather in Shandong? Thinking of Yue Zhong more and more felt the necessity of a trip to Shandong.

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