Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2116: Offense

Seizing the opportunity of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment's gradual decline, the Pan-Plane Army has shown unprecedented activity. The information blockades of the plane planes have been breached, and all undefended planes are as if they have not invested their troops. The front line broke through in the same instant. Even if many dark mines and hidden lines were ambushed on this road, when the pan-plane military touched it, it would suffer a certain degree of loss, but this kind of war damage has been in the military staff. Within the plan.

When this armed force, which stands for the forest standing on the plane of human civilization, began to wither and decay, it will not worry about it. The attack from the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment is certainly unpredictable, but this pair of general positions The impact of facing the rhythm of the offensive by the military is nothing short of paying.

  Xiao Meiyan had calculated the possibility that the conventional combat corps that had not been put into the battlefield before were also hidden for today. Now is the time for them to play.

Xiao Meiyan feels a little sorry for this. Actually, this army should have been left behind, but Trisi did not give her any chance at all. Now the pan-plane military has firmly established its footing. There is no longer any obstacle for them to enter and leave the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, even if Xiao Meiyan wants to cut off the back road and throw the conventional legion to build a defense line, it can only exist in the imagination.

The defense line constructed by the group of warships like mountains and seas is penetrated by a stunning light, and the firepower delivery attenuation threshold of the ubiquitous plane military warship from 10 million light years upward is tens of thousands of vertical and horizontal. In front of the conventional line of defense of the Cavalry Regiment, special operations units that see the universe as vast as nothing are flashing over the super-galaxy cluster in the observable universe, and the extremely powerful annihilation force can easily destroy the enemy's military composition.

   The universe of different planes has different observation ranges, but in the territory where the human footprints of different planes have reached, the light of human warfare shines.

   The ubiquitous plane-level combat units that were already filled with humiliation in their hearts seemed to tilt all their anger when facing strong enemies far more than their own. Not only did they not be at a disadvantage, but they performed the ultimate art of destruction.

Xiao Meiyan tried to use conventional troops to block and fight for time, and the Panplanetary military also cooperated to spend time to clear every combat power of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment in each plane. The cost of this method can be used. It is too huge. In the past three battle days, the foundation of the Valkyrie Rangers Group, which has been painstakingly operating for tens of thousands of years, has been buried by the war. One-tenth of this result will directly defeat them from the potential plane. The military awakened in the sweet dreams. It turned out that their previous flash war was just a moment of joy. When the powerful enemy was familiar with and controlled their own weaknesses, the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment seemed to be vulnerable.

The reason is because the combat strength of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment is too limited. When the pan-plane military stepped into a battalion, they were still able to cope with it, but when the pan-plane military launched the war completely, Xiaomeiyan no matter how The deployment cannot balance every front.

The results created by the large regiment of the Guards Corps are still significant, and because the pan-plane military no longer focuses on defense and achieved greater results than before, the loss of thousands of combat units in exchange for about five times the battle Loss ratio should have been a proud thing, but many people in the Valkyrie Rangers no longer care about this, because they feel that they can't stop the attack of the pan-plane military.

"At this stage of the war, everything is still under control. The gap between our army and the enemy was very obvious at the beginning. The difficulties today are already anticipated at the beginning and must be overcome. I need more No matter where they come from and at what cost, I only have enough elite force to invest above the battlefield to turn our army's local advantages into victory."

This is Xiao Meiyan's explanation given to the top of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment. Because of the presence of the large commander, no one dared to make a proposal to surrender to the panplanetary military, but against Xiao Meiyan 'S doubts never ceased.

   One of the most important and unavoidable ones: "Our territory is constantly falling, the exposure of the headquarters area may be at the next moment, when the pan-plane military resolves what the headquarters area is where we use to block their offensive?"

Xiao Meiyan also only answered this question: "It's very simple, if they come, they will abandon the headquarters area. At the beginning of the war, all departments have been prepared for temporary exile. Now that all preparations have been completed, the headquarters area can also be evacuated before evacuation. The destruction will not give the enemy any help. Even my No. 2 laboratory can give up. All the information of the Void Eye project is in my brain without worrying about loss."

   "Are we going to retreat all the time?"

  Xiao Meiyan nodded calmly: "Even if you retreat into the void, this war will not end."

When this sentence is spoken, there will be an uproar, but the head of the big head applauds all the voices back. The head of the big head has never liked Xiao Meiyan very much, but today she appreciates Xiao Mei Yan's words.

Just as she would not have any concessions in the face of the omniplane, Xiao Meiyan’s firmness at this moment is consistent with her hatred and beliefs for countless years. Even if she is in the void, she will not bow her head to that person. .

"The huge gap in combat power makes me not believe that this war can be easily But I hope that no matter what difficulties we face, those who are willing to follow me should also go to the end with the enemy. Void The Eye is the only one that gives us pride above the ubiquitous plane. All of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment have an obligation to protect our common glory from being invaded. I’ve done my best, I don’t think I can do better than her, so no one is qualified to replace her to command the battle, then the only thing we can do is to believe her, whether it’s a miracle or a jade burnt in the end, The Valkyrie Rangers will never compromise and never surrender!"

  Xiao Meiyan stared at the head of the large group. She did not expect that the other party would support her to such a degree in advance, and the head of the large group also turned her attention to her.

"Xiao Meiyan, I will do everything I can to fight for the reinforcements you want, but you have to think about how to let the newly joined forces of the battlefield exert the energy you calculated. I can’t give you the war mode you created. Your better suggestion, so you can’t fail my expectations, tell me how you will bring victory?"

"The ubiquitous planes are certainly powerful, but their number is not endless. Now they use comprehensive attacks to speed up the fighting rhythm and loss of our army, but this also gives us a chance to win in one fell swoop, as a plane in all wars. All the units in the war have entered the scale of a momentary battle against endlessness, and that will be the only success I have calculated."...


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