Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2117: My love

With the absolute support of the large commander and his own commitment to throwing the ground, the voice from the Valkyrie Ranger Group has temporarily subsided, but this is only one of the more difficult problems that Xiao Meiyan is facing. More problems require her to face it in person.

In this vast experimental project, nothing exceeded Xiao Meiyan's expectations, but it has been developing in the direction that Xiao Meiyan least hopes to see and also has the smallest chance of winning. There should be a possible turning point. They were all skipped one by one because of the enemy commander's choice, so that Xiao Meiyan could cope with and prepare in advance.

   After the battle plan, there are other cards prepared by Xiao Meiyan. Xiao Meiyan’s silent delusions from the review meeting have already had a bad hunch.

   Maybe his hole card will be the same as before, and there is no chance to uncover it.

Controlling the Eye of the Void, which has an absolute advantage in information, he has planned hundreds of surprise attacks to lay the foundation for the model of the war. The development of the matter is as expected. Not only did he hit the pan-plane military by surprise, but also let them In the early stage of the war, you can only act passively and prudently, so you should be the one who controls the initiative of the war.

Until now, Xiao Meiyan still thinks so, but her ambition has not been recognized by more people. Xiao Meiyan has not succeeded in suppressing the arrogance and morale of the ubiquitous military with the epoch-making war mode. It was because a momentary and inevitable loss caused a rebound within the Valkyrie Rangers.

As long as the war has been fought along with his own ideas, then it will be himself who will finally win, and the powerful panplane military will also withdraw from the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment due to natural limitations and subsequent lack of success, but no one Willing to trust herself regardless of everything, no one is willing to fight with her to the last moment, even if the support of the head of the big group is only due to her hatred of the general plane, rather than trust Xiao Meiyan without reservation. .

  Compared to the distinguished Trish, Xiao Meiyan has a shallow foundation in the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, and her prestige is entirely derived from the achievements in scientific research. It is a bit difficult for him to take the position of chief commander.

Compared with the head of the large group, Xiao Meiyan is also a character who is not good at showing herself in front of others. She does not possess the personality charm that makes people swear to follow, but only expresses herself in a practical way but ignores not everyone. Can see through the surface directly to the root.

The results of the Guardian Corps, the head of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, are still too small. As long as the pan-plane military bypassed the trap of Xiao Meiyan and successfully launched a full-scale attack, the strategic achievements will easily cover up Xiao. Meiyan still has the advantage.

Trish didn't care about the momentary gains and losses and the sudden burst of opportunity seized the right direction at the most critical moment. He hit the weak point that made Xiao Meiyan the most uncomfortable. He has fully seen Xiao Meiyan's disadvantage. Without competing for a short period of time, history will only remember the last winner, and the people behind the war only need the commander who can bring the final victory. As for who plays better in the course of the war, I am afraid that only Literary and art workers who love to remember the heroes and sadness will pay attention.

Unlike Fan Hanshi, the half-hanger who commanded the war, the genius figures from the pan-plane military are indeed not beyond Xiao Meiyan's rise on a whim. The gap of the eye of the void makes Tracy no longer pursue the magnificence of the scene. Xiao's pragmatism made Xiao Meiyan feel embarrassed.

There is still time for me to reorganize and think for the time being. When Xiao Meiyan returned to the large cosmic astrolabe in Lab 2 and habitually read information to prepare for the next possibility, her thoughts were interrupted without warning. .

  The data in Xiao Meiyan's eyes is no longer just the evolution of known laws, it suddenly becomes like alive because of the unknown, and the final direction of all the calculation results becomes a conclusion composition that Xiao Meiyan cannot understand.

She took this war as an experiment, but at this point in the experiment Xiao Meiyan finally realized that something was wrong, because the subject of her experiment was uncontrolled, and she imposed it on the subject. All kinds of dead objects are not unconscious, they will feel fear and panic, and they will also be uncomfortable and uncooperative. The role that should be played by them will cause unpredictable changes due to emotional fluctuations.

  Everything was messed up. Standing between the piles of ever-changing data, Xiao Meiyan couldn't do anything. She could only watch the chaos continue, and Qingli's lonely figure added helplessness.

Sure enough, I still don't like the feeling of being under the fence. I will do everything I want to do, so it is still too difficult for one person to take care of everything to deal with all kinds of enemies. Xiao Meiyan is not the all-rounder like Li Xiaobei. Genius.

  The Valkyrie Ranger Regiment failed to give Xiao Meiyan any sense of belonging. At this moment, such strangeness and exclusion are also extremely obvious. If he is by his side, things will definitely not look like this Yue Zhong, help me..." If it wasn’t done his best, Xiao Meiyan didn’t want to disturb Yue Zhong’s calm, but Now the only thing she can rely on is him.

The front-line war has never stopped, and the black guards who have come and gone only in an instant are still active on the battlefield of all planes, but they can’t hold back the progress of the pan-plane military, one by one. The plane is still falling, and one leg after another of the conventional legions is still going to destruction under the powerful offensive of the pan-plane military.

Fan Hanshi, who is far away from where he is, is waiting for this moment to arrive, because he wants to seize the true side of the cunning Yue Zhong, and if possible, he should block all his connections with Xiao Meiyan.

The sky in Xiaomei Manor was surging, as if the sky was opened, and the straight line to the world was preparing an ending. Fan Hanshi used all the power in his hands to cut the line, but found that it was stopped anyway. Through all kinds of obstacles, we move forward.

Fan Hanshi saw a light that had never been seen in his life. It permeated the cause and effect, from black to white, and finally became nearly transparent. Since Xiaomei Manor, it penetrated all the things in the world. It finally fell into the endless and invisible void. No trace.

"what is that?"

That was the foundation that Yue Zhong had been trying to hide. It should have been revealed in front of people at the last moment, but when the person he loved in his life issued a lonely call, Yue Zhong could not keep it to the end A moment.

  Fan Hanshi is not nothing, his perseverance makes him really catch Yue Zhong.

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