Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2131: Current price

?Thinking this is not because of Xiao Meiyan's own pessimistic vainness, any form of power will have to pay for it. Maybe it was the effort before that, maybe the despair after that.

When the magical girl's fate gear turned, Xiao Meiyan was convinced of it, so she was so crazy to want to become stronger, from a frail and sick, and also delayed her academic eyes. The girl became a human being step by step. The genius scientists who are paying attention are all to make themselves pay the price in advance.

Except for herself, no one will know how many times Xiao Meiyan has experienced setbacks, failures and loneliness.

Now she is still very uneasy, because there is still a careless existence in her body, and this thing has not paid for her.

A moment before leaving the battle with the pan-plane military, the call from time has never been so close to her. Xiao Meiyan's success is inseparable from the separation of time in her daily research work. Now she is getting more and more I dare not face the ability that I have relied on the most, so Xiao Meiyan never thought of using this power before the decisive battle stage. Now I should not use it but I have already used it. The abyss is close to myself, and I will even endure in the future. Can't help jumping in and become Yue Pan's initiative to abandon Yue Zhong as the first will of the panplane.

She is most afraid that she will tell Yue Zhong one day that she can't turn her head back, and even more afraid that Yue Zhong still cares about staying at her side, and it will be a time in a moment.

Time is also equal, how much I have gotten from there, and I will give back in full when the final beauty is withered, to fill up all the time that I have been changed and destroyed by myself. Xiao Meiyan had a premonition about this, it is a There is no consciousness, so you should not look after anyone, just because a branch is triggered by the disordered source system, and then intensify in yourself.

"Where is Xiao Meiyan?"

This is a question that representatives from other human powers must ask in a short time, but they can’t answer them for a long time.

Now Xiao Meiyan is no longer under her control, even the fate of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment and even the head of the Grand Commander is in her mind. Questions and threats to others can only be strong. Come to mediate.

Chia early dynasty only hopes that Xiao Meiyan can escape alone as feared by the might of the general leader, and now she has lost the protection of the chief, including the Valkyrie Rangers including her All high-level leaders are as at a loss as if they have lost their elders. This is an emotion that can never be felt without leaving the head of the group.

Fortunately, Xiao Meiyan reappeared soon, and the dark-haired girl with a heavy frost on her face walked through the crowd to the center of the command center. For the military commander who had threatened himself, Xiao Mei Yan now has full confidence to face.

"If I don't come out, are you going to destroy the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment?" Xiao Meiyan glanced at her for a long time, and continued to say indifferently, "But it doesn't matter to me, they have a favor for me." But without feelings, I will avenge them but not feel sad for them."

Seeing Xiao Meiyan appear, everyone's hearts are certain. As for her sarcastic words, no one will care. Naturally, she will not even care about this face when she is needed.

"Ms. Xiao Meiyan, we have negotiated and we are willing to send troops together to help the Valkyrie Rangers regiment defeat the pan-plane army. It only needs a little benefit from you."

Xiao Meiyan turned around and left, she had never liked bargaining, but now these people still intend to test themselves, and they can see that they haven't known Trish yet.

Because of the arrival of Xiao Meiyan, Qianzao Yudai and others suddenly found their backbone. Maybe the leader of the group is correct. The leader of the group is too strong. No one wants to be independent of her will, so we will be at a loss after leaving a banner benchmark, only for the Valkyrie Rangers. Feeling and always relying on himself to carry all the hardships and difficulties Xiao Meiyan is suitable to lead the direction of the Valkyrie Rangers during the absence of the large commander.

"This is the previous condition, but now the cooperation is at another price." Chizao Yudai has settled his mind. She knows that Xiao Meiyan means to leave this matter to herself. In fact, Qianzao Yudai Xiao Meiyan could not rest assured to discuss with these people, as long as she had enough chips to sell the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment.

"Don’t forget that your big regiment still faces the endless pursuit of the pan-plane military. Without our reinforcements, you have no hope of defeating the pan-plane military!"

Qianzao Yiyi raised his eyebrows and said tit-for-tat: "The head of the group attacked the Pan-plane Headquarters and its first will. Now I am afraid that all civilizations composed of human forces know this. Some people are willing to come to the icing on the cake. There is no shortage of you. These reinforcements."

"Aren't you afraid that we'll put you under house arrest first?" Radical military commanders glared.

"You try." Chiu Zao looked at him with mischief, as did the other military commanders around him.

Everyone wants to do it, but no one dares to do it, because the person who made the first bird will definitely be attacked by the group. Important.

"Then your condition is?" The radical military commander is not a fool. He was speechless when forced by so many eyes, and immediately another person asked the condition on his own initiative.

"The Valkyrie Rangers Regiment needs to be rebuilt, so we need a lot of scientific research talents and infrastructure materials..." Qianzao's generation of family members reported a lot of conditions, and finally she turned back to find Xiao Meiyan's body.

At the entrance of the command center, Xiao Meiyan, who had just walked there, still listened to their bargaining: "I want an elite force equal to the number of pan-plane military, whoever comes first If you can participate in this war, you can only use it as a reserve if you have more.

The frontal combat in the real sense of the war mode has not yet been carried Having seen the heroic counterattack of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment during the preview battle, I believe that a place to participate in the war will have extremely high value.

The interim command center became the interim Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he signed with the military commander who was eager to participate in the war to sign a less equal alliance agreement.

Everyone seems to think that it is impossible for the ubiquitous plane to go to war, so nobody cares that the ubiquitous plane will revenge in the future.

Unless it is the first will of the panplane that really changed its position to support the military's expansion, then which human power can survive the entire material plane group?

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