Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2132: Real moment

The knight's spear flashes like thunder, which not only pierces the self-confidence and self-esteem of the pan-plane military, but also stirs up the sky of all mankind.

Although the Pan-Plane has been able to tolerate other ideas, no one can stop it when it really wants to do it. The key is that the Pan-Plane military can always use the Thunder like the invasion of the Valkyrie Rangers. The momentum destroys the foundation of a human power, and these human powers cannot threaten the existence of the panplane.

The spear of the head of the large group pierced the pan-plane headquarters area, and was always unable to penetrate the solid defense there, but it swept through a wave of controversy like a revolution. If everyone has the threat to the core area of ​​the pan-plane, In addition to launching a comprehensive reunification war to merge all incompatible ideological trends, it has to resolve disputes more on the negotiating table.

Xiao Meiyan's efforts and impact are actually not as good as that of the big commander's blow, because this time she speared the pan-plane headquarters area, she completely became a banner person in the eyes of all human forces, and people once again Recalling that there is still this Valkyrie among human beings, any restrictions and actions against the universal plane will inevitably come to her first.

For such an existence, the attitude of the ubiquitous military is determined not to allow her to live. Trish also knows that her most important mission is to completely kill the head of the Valkyrie Rangers before other forces react. .

There will be no reinforcements for Tracy. The pan-plane will certainly limit this conflict to the current scale, and the position of First Will is unlikely to change.

But then again, how could the head of the regiment be so easy to kill. In the past, she used her guard force to break into the French court and calmly left. At that time, the ubiquitous military received an order to prevent it unsuccessfully. Although there were many concerns at that time, it was not possible to let it go, but now Tracy The power in his hand is also less than one-tenth of the blocking force at that time. Whether he can kill the long-known legendary Tracy personally is not at all confident.

Nowadays, it can only be done by insisting on the duty of the soldiers, and it depends on whether the destiny cares.

The passive observation of the Eye of the Void is ubiquitous. Unless the leader of the large group ran into the void, she could always receive Xiao Meiyan’s support to provide her with the most accurate information. In the face of the military’s strangulation of ignoring the loss at any cost, great Although the leader of the battle and retreat gradually became embarrassed, there was not much danger for a while.

The knight-like valkyrie strides across the Xinghe Plane in one step. There must be a trembling Xuanyu blast from a spear, and the scars on the black skirt are increasing. She cannot completely evade from the military combat unit. Attacks on other contact surfaces.

"Endless, really want to kill me that way?" In the long and fierce battle, the head of the big commander was still clear and calm, except for the anger questioning the first will of the panplanet. She has always been full. Reason.

There is no absolute invincibility in the material plane, and even a strong existence still has the means to respond to restraint. It is as strong as the big head who was named the Valkyrie tens of thousands of years ago. For a vulnerable individual, she must also fight with the spirit of twelve points in the face of a regular military with rich combat experience and complete logistics support. Any negligence caused by anger or contempt is likely to be fatal.

Trish has always wanted to seize the opportunity of the big leader’s negligence to create a feat of beheading the legend. It is very possible to continue the battle without giving the other person a chance to breathe, but the big leader has Xiaomei. Yan Xiangshou is different.

Every time the intertwining of iron and fire can make the universe burn, there seem to be many opportunities there, but the head of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment has supported it with a perfect response and has been shifting. The possibility that the interpretation of the information from Xiao Meiyan and the rich combat experience of the large group leader has brought the combat strength of the large group leader to another level.

It is difficult for her to have the corresponding logistical support, but Xiao Meiyan has done it with the remaining soldiers of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment.

The leader of the group was not arrogant because of her own advantages. She still clearly realized that she could not destroy this army alone, so her strategy has always been delayed and delayed. She is very sure that Xiao Meiyan will organize Raise a strong reinforcement to thoroughly lay the victory in this war.

The leader of the big group has always had a bad impression of Xiao Meiyan, because she always wanted to leave the Valkyrie Rangers, but when they really became a companion fighting side by side, the big leader trusted Xiao Meiyan, She even felt that she was more reliable than her old men who had followed her for thousands of years.

This feeling reminded the head of the group to always recall those memories that she did not want to remember, and she was so intimate with the first will of the panplanet.

Fortunately, she doesn’t have much time to think about so many things. The battle has never been cut off. Whenever she gets out of the path given by Xiao Meiyan from a sinister battlefield, Trish has already been arranged in another place. A more dangerous battlefield awaits you.

Although the information interaction of the ubiquitous plane is slightly inferior to the Eye of the Void, it is not completely suppressed. The quantitative advantage is enough for Trisi to make more attempts to take the route that the big head may go to. The markers are ready to be prepared. The individual is as strong as a pan-plane military combat unit and the enemy is only a large commander. They do not need to stack too many combat units in a plane universe.

Time and time again, the big commander escaped from his elaborate planning, but this did not shake the will of Tracy. He believed that no one could persevere in such a high-intensity battle, and his time was still ample. of.


Rescue came faster than he thought.

The head of the large group has not yet weakened, and the reinforcements under the command of Xiao Meiyan came out of the nest. It seems that these reinforcements from different human forces, different combat arrangements and compositions, can be integrated without the need for running-in and reorganization. Xiao Mei Homura was so eager and so arrogant that he didn't talk about the haircut and started the attack.

As if in a moment of unpreparedness, all planes in the unit of the Panplanetary Army appeared with coalition figures led by elite troops of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment. They came so swiftly from combat to contact Disengagement is so There is a raging fire all over the place. Every military combat unit has a fierce battle with the enemy. They faced one one at the moment, and they faced another after the moment. .

The figure of the coalition forces flickered across the plane and interspersed everywhere. Like a hundred flowers, it is generally unclear whether it is true or false. They simply have no time to reflect who their enemy is, and they have changed before they can see clearly.

Such a scene is the real flash war in Xiao Meiyan's heart.

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