Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2133: Panic

The coalition composed of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment is still fighting on its own, but because of the unified distribution of Xiao Meiyan, the troops belonging to different forces quickly interlaced between the planes and eventually caught the panplanet by surprise. The strangeness is also the strangeness of the pan-plane military, but if you give the pan-plane military some time to deploy and find out its source, you can certainly develop a corresponding strategy, and you can never underestimate the pan-plane. Background.

Xiao Meiyan is not a professional military strategist, so there are still many areas to be perfected in the flash war she has formulated that she has not been able to notice, but those things are left to be studied by many military experts in the future. It’s enough to put it in today’s form. Xiao Meiyan doesn’t plan to drag the war too long. This battle will be the end of Tracy’s troops.

Scientists come up with theoretical results. As for how to make better use of them, it is not their job. The reason why Xiao Meiyan is so eager is not only to worry that the longer the time will make the pan-planetary military prepare, she also has an inability to Worries about seeking help from others are deep inside.

Yue Zhong’s Tianyan is an unpredictable existence. It is still influencing the situation on the battlefield. It is imperceptible to allow the individual reinforcements who appear to be rusty for the first time to encounter this kind of war to avoid major mistakes and adapt to it as quickly as possible. This is where Xiao Meiyan dared to let the reinforcements launch a counterattack as soon as they arrived. All unfavorable factors will be corrected, and the full form of the war can be perfectly operated in an instant.

But what is the power of this unknown source? He has already been deeply affected by time and he has become so entangled, then will Yue Zhong face the same backlash?

The arrogant pan-plane military hasn’t been so embarrassed for a long time. Under the circumstances of arguing in the pan-plane, they are like an abandoned lone army, unable to count on any rescue or other forms of support, even Many forces that dislike the military hope their defeat.

After all, this is not a justified war. The ubiquitous plane military, which is rarely pinned internally during the war, has encountered an unprecedented mode of war. The coalition forces that turned to attack seem to want to use the Valkyrie Rangers before. The humiliation suffered, and even the hatred of other human forces suppressed by the omniplane are vented at this moment. Even if they are still strong, the victorious balance has been quietly deflected towards the enemy.

It is difficult to support the millions of troops, and it is impossible to breathe and not know where the enemy will come. The double suppression of information and tactics completely disrupted the position of the pan-plane military and participated in the war. They are all veterans who have gone through battles, but they have never had such hopelessness.

Even if you can’t see hope, you have to fight to the last breath. The outstanding pan-plane soldiers have not collapsed under the hood of despair. Everyone is still trying their best to reverse the war situation, but the imprisonment from the dark has already been locked. All their vitality.

Any attempt is useless, the miracle itself has been ruled by a greater miracle, the army of the panplane is generous and tragic in the hundreds of planes towards the abyss of failure, on Tracy’s face, lonely And unwillingness seemed to be the last footnote of this war.

He is not afraid of death, and he has even made preparations for sacrifice for the glory of the plane, but his life is so cheap at this moment. The head of the group did not care about his life and death but bypassed him. In the first will of the general plane, Xiao Meiyan is not obsessed with killing him, but just drove all the soldiers who accompanied him to death in the arms of death.

She doesn't intend to let anyone go, and there is no innocence in her eyes.

Trish’s existence has never been the main target of combat. Under the system of plane-level wars, unless the entire rear is uprooted, destroying the frontline command center simply does not have much strategic value. Terry From the beginning to the end, West made no mistake. He just underestimated the legendary leader and the non-military orthodox Xiao Meiyan.

But even if it was a mortal struggle, Trish will undoubtedly persevere. The general plane military can lose the war, but the military's tenacious spirit cannot.

So he didn't surrender or give up. With all his concentration in the increasingly collapsed command system, Trisi didn't notice that the adjutant came to his side.

"There is news from Fan Hanshi."

Trish still looks dignified. He doesn't think that Fan Hanshi, who is far from the battlefield, can bring him any good news to reverse the situation. Now even the First Will is silent, how can he achieve such a small role?

"Nian." Trish just wanted to hear what Fan Hanshi has done recently. I am afraid that he will be killed in this Xinghai. Then the task of dealing with Xiao Meiyan will fall back on Fan Hanshi's shoulders. I hope he will Not doing nothing.

"Fan Hanshi said to prepare Si Shuchang for retreat, even if this war can't be fought, but we still have a chance to win back in the future, so try to keep the elite with this war mode experience for the future."

Trish realized something vaguely, maybe Fan Hanshi could not prevent Yue Zhong’s Tianyan from being conveyed to Xiao Meiyan’s side, but he should have investigated a lot of valuable things during this time, so it was at this critical time Say this to yourself.

"What is he going to do?" Tracy asked eagerly.

The adjutant just shook his head: "Fan Hanshi didn't explain, but just let us wait for a perfect time to evacuate. He seemed to believe that the enemy troops would soon be in chaos."

"Got it." There was renewed hope in Tracy's eyes. He didn't like Fan Hanshi, who was born in the court, but he knew that the people who came out there would not be The plane transmission information from Fan Hanshi was also intercepted by Xiao Meiyan. After deciphering the message contained in it, she almost instantly changed her direction of attention to her hometown, but when she saw there everything It's all over.

The Tianyan, which has always supported the operation of the war for a moment, disappeared into the eyes of the void in an instant, just like a lifeless extraction from Xiao Meiyan's body, the fear on her face instantly turned into a monstrous sky. Fan Hanshi, who was regarded by her as a defeated player, finally broke the bottom line and started against Yue Zhong, who had been punished by the court.

"All the reserves are all put into the battlefield, I want to pan-plane military pieces of armor not to stay!"

Fan Hanshi, I know the strength of Mei Yanyan’s life, even if I fall into the sea of ​​time and annihilate myself, even if I escape into the void and never return, I must kill you.

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