Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2139: Xiao Yuan scheming

? "Yue Zhong is not on the plane?" Sayaka glanced at all the crew members on the plane. No one would think that Yue Zhong would take the initiative to escape, so no one would think of it in this respect, but consider it more complicated. Other possibilities.

The plane took off from the airport of Xiaomei Manor and arrived in Europe without any stop. There was no report from Sayaka that the plane had been attacked in any way. After inquiring the crew, it was only known that the plane suddenly lost control halfway, but did not Without seeing any attack, there are many possible problems.

"Sorry, before you found Yue Zhong, all of you are suspected, and you need to be detained and investigated separately for the time being." Sayaka was kind to other people on the plane, but the other auxiliary combat troops she brought were not So good to talk, and after Sayaga beckoned, he controlled everyone.

The crew members from Xiaomei’s family did not have any resistance against the other flight attendants. They were even more anxious than Sayaka because they lost the responsibility of the owner and they could not bear it anyway. Perhaps there will be a relatively good ending, but if it is handled by the young master, if they can't find Yue Zhong, they may not be able to live alone.

If there is a ghost inside, they hope to find out more than Sayaka.

Xiao Mei, who got the news on the other side, was far away from Shen Rutie. His sister had taken medicine and fell asleep and arranged for several maids to watch. The strange disappearance of her brother-in-law on the plane and the strange attack of the plane were not planned to tell Xiao temporarily. Meiqing prevents her from being able to rest and recuperate, so all challenges and responsibilities faced by Xiaomei's family now fall on Xiao Meiyuan alone.

The huge pressure made Xiao Meiyuan's spirit extremely tense, but at this time he must not be messed up. After convening all the think tanks to discuss, Xiao Meiyuan immediately issued several orders as the temporary homeowner.

"Control the family members of all the members on the plane, find out all their bank accounts and provide their life history and life trajectory in recent years to Shayega for investigation."

"Take the flight path of the aircraft as the origin, and use the limit distance of the skydiving as the radius to dispatch all forces to conduct a search. The key areas are before and after the accident site. The best mercenaries are hired to search in secret without contacting each other, and a huge reward is sought to find Yue Zhong's whereabouts. "

"All the plans of Xiaomei's family continue, and all the unimportant real estate and the sale of the excess shares under the name will be returned to the capital..."

If someone really started to target Xiaomei's family, the disappearance of her brother-in-law caused Xiaomei's chaos up and down absolutely.

From this day on, Xiao Meiyuan moved into the old house, and within a few days of his sister's cold, he will follow the plan left by Yue Zhong. Although there are many arrangements that Xiao Meiyuan does not understand, Yue The unfathomable weight has already been deeply rooted in Xiaomei's family. Even if it is strange, he will perform it without any doubt, no matter what he is looking for or someone he has never heard of, or let someone who seems unsuitable to do it. There is no need for Xiao Meiyuan to worry about everything in this aspect. What really makes Xiao Meiyuan put all his energy is to search for Yue Zhong’s whereabouts.

The Scientific Research Department of the Magic Girl Headquarters had a new research process a few years ago, and it can be further determined that a large part of the generation of Warcraft is because the Magic Girl uses magic in daily life, so there is a new non-emergency use of magic in a non-urgent moment. The regulations further regulated the actions of the magical girl, including Lumu Tatsuya, who used more transportation on daily trips.

Sayaka of the European headquarters issued an order to press Lumuda also in East Asia, but the current form has already exceeded her expectations. If there is no clue that Yue Zhong is missing, then perhaps only Lumuda A breakthrough was made.

A few days later, the investigation had no results, and even a valuable clue could not be explored. Lumu Yuanxiang, who had been blocked by Sayaka, finally took the flight and went to see Takihara in person.

In the ward where Yue Zhong lived before disappearing, Xiao Meiyuan had sealed off the place and no one was allowed to enter. He alone entered the list of all the items from the medical office and checked them against the above. A little clue.

Immediately, Xiao Meiyuan sent a butler to the Magic Girl Headquarters in person to secretly bring back the aircraft damage inspection report and the loss of items in the cabin.

In the old seat of the old mansion's study Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiyuan looked through the intelligence that he avoided most people's investigation. He felt that he had vaguely found the truth of the matter.

"Brother-in-law, is he really crazy or did it intentionally..." If the brother-in-law had to leave Xiaomei's house for some unexplainable reason, then what he is doing now has more important meaning.

When Li Xiaobei was still there, he always told himself vaguely that in the future, Yue Zhong would never quietly die in Xiaomei Manor. There are many things that Yue Zhong can’t tell him clearly, so when encountering problems At first, you should not be able to chaos yourself. Secondly, you must have absolute confidence in your brother-in-law. Eventually, you must be careful. Find clues from every bit and deal with them according to your own ideas.

"When you can meet my requirements, it will be a qualified Xiaomei house owner."

Xiao Meiyuan looked up and saw the mural of the elder sister and Li Xiaobei in front of the Chamber of Secrets. The list of items was put into the shredder.

The sound of shattered paper shattered, and the shredded paper finally fell into the bottom environmental protection decomposition equipment.

"I will do it." In this way, no one will know the truth of the matter. If someone still knows, then convenience is the initiator of everything.

Xiao Meiyuan doesn’t like Lumuda anymore, but he doesn’t feel that his cultivation mind will directly beat his brother-in-law because of anything: “Now the evidence has disappeared, whether you’re so intentional or not I cleared the asked me not to shoot you, but how can you pass Xiaoyuan if I can't clear my suspicion?"

Thinking of Xiaomeiyuan's heartfelt thoughts here, he had received the news that Lumu Yuanxiang had set off to meet Takihara, and he should have poured some oil on the fire at this time.

He can't control anything else only if Lu Muda is too worried. If the brother-in-law really has something to avoid everyone to do...

Xiao Meiyuan immediately left the study, let the butler arrange a convoy and a large number of bodyguards to accompany, from the entrance of Xiaomei Manor hurried to Lumu's house.

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Chapter 2139 Little Far Away (Page 1/1)

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