Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2140: Surrounding Lumujia

After many years, the Lumu family is still in a small building in the row of ordinary residential areas. The raised children have found their own way. The beautiful world of mankind has contributed their own strength, except for the two. Family members let their parents report to their grandchildren. This looks like a perfect family without regrets.

The old deer Kumuji Chikuko and the deer Kumiko didn’t follow their children far away in Europe, and they will be nostalgic when they are older. They have been accustomed to seeing the grass and trees and the neighborhood in this place in Takihara. No matter how willing they are to change, even if the sisters and brothers transfer the high allowances to their accounts that they cannot spend each year, neither of them intends to change a better house to improve the living environment.

Therefore, Lumuda also came back and could only live in a small bedroom of less than 15 square meters. Every time when he returned to Takihara, more or less events would happen, but Lumuda still likes to return to his parents. , Because only here can give him a moment of tranquility.

But today this tranquility was finally broken, or a cycle of causality. Lumu Da, who blocked the door of Xiaomei's house, never thought that one day he would be blocked by Xiaomei's house.

Xiao Meiyuan stood at the door, but said nothing, and the black bodyguards backed up against the black team at once to reveal the aura that no one should enter.

The neighboring neighborhoods have never seen Xiaomei's people so aggressively sent out to find fault, so all the doors are closed and lively, and they dare not look at it. If this time makes the Xiaomei's lawless young master unhappy, It is not unbelievable that ruining a family and even ruining it.

"Tatsuya, what's the situation outside?" Both Lumu's brothers and sisters have a tacit understanding and never told their parents about their grievances with Xiaomei's family. Although they have heard a lot of rumours from outsiders, Lumu smiled all the time I chose to ignore it, and comforted my wife to convince him of the goodness of his daughter and son, but today it’s obviously not a sentence or two that can relieve Lu Muqin's worries, even if he is old, he still lives as a strong woman. Muzizi asked to open the door to meet the young master of Xiaomei's house.

Lumuda also had to run out of the room to stop his mother and said: "It's okay, let me deal with it."

The eyes next to Lumu Xingzi's wrinkles revealed many doubts: "Daya, are you hiding something from me?"

"Don't worry, I can solve it." Lu Muda also hugged her mother and turned around, pushing the door open dignifiedly. He didn't want Xiao Meiyuan to disturb his parents' peace, so he directly cut off the whole family's voice. Too.

After seeing Lumuda also coming out, Xiao Meiyuan raised his head slightly and said coldly, "Lumu Daya, how do you want to treat my brother-in-law?"

"If you are looking for me to fight, then we can change a place." Lumuda did not show weakness at all because of losses, and he knew nothing about what happened between himself and Yue Zhong. I was also used by others, "But please don't disturb my parents' life."

"Ha, hahaha." Xiao Meiyuan said with a smile on his skin: "It's really a filial son, your parents' lives are worth a lot of money, and the peace of my Xiaomei's family is worthless, right? Have you forgotten when Xiaomei Manor forced your sister to come out and face you? You have repeatedly targeted your brother-in-law and Xiaomei's family. Is it a small thing to disappear? All the ups and downs of my family for so many years have all risen because of your unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Seeing your sister’s face, his brother-in-law has tolerated your temperament, but I have no beauty!"

Lu Muda also frowned and said: "Yue Zhong's disappearance has nothing to do with me. He will have an accident and I didn't know it in advance."

"Huh." Xiao Meiyuan uttered a scornful irony, kicked off the mailbox hanging at the door of Lumu's house: "What are you talking about? I just accidentally stretched my legs and didn't expect to kick your home Do you believe it or not?"

Lumu Daye's eyebrows couldn't help but jump, and he was very angry because of Xiao Meiyuan's provocation, but at this moment he could still suppress his anger: "Straight, what are you going to do?"

"Return my brother-in-law and use all your means to heal his wounds." Xiao Meiyuan said politely, "I will then ask the second sister if she agrees to let you go."

"I said, I really don't know why Yue Zhong disappeared, and it's not clear why he changed to what he is now." Lu Muda also said to Shen Rutie.

Xiao Meiyuan's completely unbelievable appearance: "You don't know what will happen, then I'm afraid I won't know what will happen in the future."

"What do you mean?" Lu Muda asked with a stern look.

"See Takihara city was built by my Xiaomei family. I want to let who is here and who can be here. If there are unwelcome people, they will disappear." Xiao Meiyuan said with a sneer, "Just and My brother-in-law."

Lumu Da also smiled angrily: "Are you threatening me?"

"You can think of it like this." Xiao Meiyuan directly lit a cigar, not afraid of the anger of Lumuda, "I know I can't beat you, even if you kill me because I threatened you, it doesn't matter. Sister, she will make you double back."

Lu Muda also looked at Xiao Meiyuan without saying a word. This lawless young master really dared to do anything. At that time, for the sake of Xiao Meiqing, there was a series of tragedies in Tokyo. It's just that Xiao Meiqing was deceived by others. Now that Yue Zhong's disappearance is such an important thing, he will have no revenge on Lu Muda and he dare not think about it.

It may be better for such a dangerous person to really get rid of him... The evil thought flashed from Lu Muda's mind, but he was quickly suppressed by him. His bottom line was always clear, and everything was still there. There is nothing wrong with Xiao Mei, who has provoked himself. He cannot be killed because of his anger.

But Xiao Meiyuan's sense of breath was extremely keen, and after grasping the murder intention revealed by Lu Muda, he said with a smile: "I feel it, do you seem to really want to kill me?"

"Do you really think I dare not?" Lu Muda also threatened with anxiety.

Hearing him say Xiao Meiyuan knew that his purpose of this trip was achieved.

"Lumu Daye!" In fact, Lumu Yuanxiang has already appeared, but now she can't be sure what her familiar but increasingly stranger brother looks like when she is away.

Obviously, Lumu Tatsuya's performance disappointed Lumu Yuanxiang again.

Xiao Meiyuan and Lu Muda also looked around together. When they saw Lu Muyuan's fragrance coming from the street corner, Xiao Meiyuan seemed to be surprised and shouted: "Little Sister...... How did you come back?"

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Chapter 2140 Encircling the Deer House (Page 1/1)

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