Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2167: Erased black

Missouri frowned and said: "The maidservant was arrested because of spying on the flames of the federal secrets and the evidence is solid. The Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested her reasonably. Why did you become a malicious political attitude when you came to Wisconsin?"

"The charter of Chongyan Federation stipulates that every shipowner has the right to participate in politics. Is it possible that my sister still wants to deprive me of the power to express my attitude?" Wisconsin seemed to refuse to step back in front of Missouri.

"Today you invited me to come. If you don't want me to go in, if you can't see me, you will be pierced if you think carefully. You don't want to be embarrassed, don't you?" Missouri made Wisconsin non-existent. Continue to take steps.

There is no point in arguing with Wisconsin here. The sister of Missouri has always had a competitive attitude towards her. Moreover, she still does not know what conditions the Pan-planet Joint Intelligence Service has promised her. If you want to persuade you with three words It is impossible for her to change her mind.

Wisconsin squinted at Missouri, who stepped closer to her. She clearly had such a wide door to go around, but she chose to come from where she was, just like she deliberately made a picture to block her. Look in front.

There is no deep hatred between the sisters. In Missouri's eyes, Wisconsin is a silly younger sister who has not grown up. She made a mistake of doing this as a sister to teach, but if there are outsiders who want to use the topic to play Missouri, they are not allowed.

Because she is not only the sister of Wisconsin, but also the leader of all ship mothers in the A star domain, it is the responsibility of Missouri to protect their rights and safety.

Wisconsin was reluctant to give way, which means that she lost to Missouri on the gas field, but Missouri ignored her thoughts. Since Wisconsin did not give way, she directly knocked the other side away and then strode into the red and black banquet hall. Among.

"You, Missouri!" Wisconsin stumbled to the ground, not expecting the other party to be so violent, standing up and chasing it with great force, frowning when he saw Missouri standing at the door.

The red and black banquet hall is a high-end restaurant with rich political colors. It was built before the Second Seven Galaxy War. Red is used as a symbol of revolution, and black is used as a symbol of autocracy. This banquet Behind the hall is the figure of the former president of I Star Zone, where he once met the madman of the former G Star Zone.

After Veneto came to power, the Roman star has undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only has the presidential palace expanded several times, but the central administrative area has also been extended to become the largest area of ​​the seven galaxies, but the red and black banquet hall is in this vigorous construction It was preserved during the movement.

To a certain extent, it also symbolizes Veneto's political domination. Although Veneto has never been to this place, many ship mothers in the former I star domain like to hold banquets here.

Today, it’s the turn of the ship-owner who belonged to the former A Starland, but this place is not in front of Missouri. The red and black styles are distinct, the red line is retained, but the black part is painted white. The lines, blue stripes are printed with white stars spread out.

The red and black banquet hall will naturally not take the initiative to make such a symbolic change. It is Wisconsin that forcibly changed this look to this. In the face of the powerful and high-weight ship mother group, the red and black banquet hall does not have any ability to resist. In addition to reporting the incident to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he remained silent.

Missouri has been a threat to Wisconsin until this is the preparation of Wisconsin. Wisconsin also has a certain degree of influence in the group of A starship ship maidens. Now she uses the reputation of Missouri to call the ship star of A star field to independence. Meeting in the name of Japan and arranging the banquet hall to have such a strong political metaphor, obviously has forced Missouri to a point where it has to make a statement.

If she insists on the original route, it probably means that there is a formal break between the doves represented by Missouri and the hawks represented by Wisconsin. In such a severe situation of the Confederacy Federation, Missouri even had to be the most intimate. The fellow comrades in arms shot to protect those shipgirls who were more inclined to her.

If you agree to Wisconsin’s conditions, although you can guarantee the unity of the former A star domain, the ship’s mother group, you will undoubtedly stand on the opposite side of Veneto and will also face suppression in all aspects and even with the second fleet. In terms of war, and Missouri will also lose its dominance because of this decision, Wisconsin will be able to achieve its goal.

There is no awareness of Missouri. If she can know this operation of Wisconsin early and make preparations, then it will not be as difficult as it is now. With the assistance of the Pan-planet Joint Intelligence Service, Wisconsin has successfully concealed the Missouri development. A series of actions set the tone for this banquet, and Missouri became the last person to know.

"Sister, what are you going to do now?" Wisconsin saw the dignified look of Missouri, and the anger she was hit by dissipated, and asked softly behind Missouri with a smug smile.

"Wisconsin, do you want to make the ship's mother in the A Star Territory irretrievable?" Missouri was really angry this time. Wisconsin's actions clearly exceeded the level of rebellion. She just pulled everyone because of her dissatisfaction with herself. To pay for her ambitions, even if she is her own sister, Missouri will absolutely not tolerate it.

"No, I'm just fighting for what I deserve." Wisconsin said with no regrets, "Missouri, your set is outdated, even if you have always been the commander of the Third Fleet. The mercenary model has already achieved its prestige in the pan-plane, but you can’t invest in the battlefield of the merits to win glory for A star domain. Over time, who will remember you can only fight pirates and maintain the stability of the planet. Fleet Commander?"

Missouri sneered: "You think it's just because you have a short It's just eyes blinded by the interests in front of you, do you think that really everyone is as belligerent as you are?"

"In the end, you are just afraid of Veneto, but the ubiquitous plane has promised to give A Star domain comprehensive technical assistance, as long as we can achieve the same existence as Veneto on the ship, big sister, enterprise, Who, me, Saratoga, etc., will be weaker than Veneto?" Wisconsin said confidently. "We are the pride of A-Zone, but under the dark rule of Veneto, we have not only lost the power of independent choice, Even the kingdom of loyalty has been lost. Has the shame of more than 20 years made you forget the glory of the Tianyou A star domain, have you become a running dog under Veneto?"

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