Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2168: Get together

Missouri doesn't yet know how Wisconsin has prepared. Her words are nothing more than trying to provoke herself into chaos and don't know how to respond. Missouri hasn't known how many times this trick has been experienced.

But such remarks came out of her sister's mouth, which will undoubtedly make Missouri very uncomfortable. Perhaps what she said is not only provoking her provocation, but also contains the real thoughts in her heart.

"Wisconsin, you are the first person among the so many ship mothers in the Federation of Heavy Flames to be persuaded by Panplanetary Joint Intelligence. Even Liaoning, who is armed with heavy soldiers, is still watching." Missouri has seen the elder sister Iowa still Some companies are walking towards themselves, and perhaps there are many doubts in their hearts that they want to ask themselves.

It should be clear to them that it is not Wisconsin’s self-intention, or that it is a fait accompli.

"Then, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. The first person who makes a sound of revolution will be the real banner. I will not only regain our glory from Veneto, but also kill the competitor Liaoning. Step on your feet." Wisconsin's eyes flickered wildly.

"No, it's just that you're the least stable. What does A Starfield Glory have to do with your Wisconsin? In the past wars, your performance was lackluster. You think I've become Veneto's stooges. Then why don't you pan? The Leading Party of the Planar Joint Intelligence Service. Do you think our conversation will be evidence against the Pan-planet Joint Intelligence Service?" Missouri sneered sneerly, and then looked at Wisconsin before it became angry. Welcome to the company that has arrived.

She didn't know how to resolve the crisis just now, but a confidential data file was suddenly transferred into her information terminal through the database of the Presidential Palace, Missouri until someone had found the answer for herself.

"Missouri, what's going on?" The enterprise raised the question immediately, because no matter what the reason was, the arrangement in the red and black banquet hall seemed so abrupt. If Missouri meant it, her character should be Discuss with them instead of suddenly imposing your decision on everyone in this way. If not, what would be the reason?

Before the rise of Veneto, aided by Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, no one in the Seven Star Seas could match the merits of the enterprise, and the myth of the enterprise vs the joint fleet could not be copied. No one can surpass the legend. Even when the enterprise was still active against the Abyssal Fleet, people seemed to have become accustomed to the legends she created, so the response to her record was not as enthusiastic as the sudden outburst of the shipowner with a poor record.

With so many glorious auras, the top three companies of the Flames Federation's combat power have a pivotal position in the group of A Star Warships. At the beginning of the founding of the Flames Federation, she was not able to serve as the chief commander of a fleet. For the sake of political balance, she gave her the position she deserved to Missouri.

She will not fear war, but she needs to know why she is fighting.

The arrival of the enterprise gave Wisconsin a dignified look. She knew that if she could not persuade the legend, her plan would have no chance of success.

"Yeah, what the **** are you two little guys doing?" The big sister Iowa from Missouri and Wisconsin stood out from the back of the enterprise, and her presence could not be ignored either.

As Missouri was about to speak, Wisconsin said first: "Sister, enterprise, it's time to change, Veneto will no longer tolerate us, the ship mothers who lived from the old times to the present, threaten her dominance. , And there is no better time to resist."

"Oh?" When the company saw the impatient Wisconsin, it just smiled heartily, then looked at Missouri and said, "Missouri, what do you think?"

Missouri searched for all the ship's figures present, but said strangely: "Why didn't you see Lexington?"

"She asked for leave to take care of the sick admiral, so she didn't come today." Chester William has already retired to the second line, but they are still used to calling him advisor, after all, Veneto himself has retained this habit, naturally They are not qualified to control them to do so.

"I think it's useless to find her. We don't need to ask the Admiral's opinion on this matter, and Lexington will not agree to let the Admiral be involved again." Iowa said with a smile.

Missouri nodded slightly: "Indeed, this is just our business."

The neglected Wisconsin looked at the three people talking and laughing, and had a bad hunch in their hearts. It seemed that they didn't agree with their decision after listening to their tone...

After a few words, the company almost figured out what was going on, but she was not good at making crucial decisions, otherwise she would not take the initiative to let Missouri’s upper representative represent the entire A Star Warship Group: "If I have been engaged with Veneto, and I am 50% sure that the ship class is not much different."

"I only have 30% here." Iowa said truthfully. "The same battleship ship mother, she is indeed stronger than me."

Suddenly, Feng Yi transferred Wisconsin a little bit puzzled, but soon she reacted, and her influence was minimal for the three of them. If the final decision was made by them, then she had no chance of winning.

Only by holding the will of the people can they change their attitudes... Wisconsin said immediately: "I know it's a bit of a sudden to let everyone resist the rule of Veneto, but A Starland has always been a free country. Such an important decision Should everyone be involved?"

"I have no opinion. If you really make me feel that it is necessary to resist Veneto, then I am obliged." The enterprise raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that the two of you have different opinions, so let everyone tell you what you think. A starship ship must be a whole, and no one can be separated from it." Yi Ahua looked at the two younger sisters In the heart of the battle, she said helplessly that she could only blame her sister who was too Otherwise they wouldn't make it to this day.

Wisconsin breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Missouri with a provocative meaning: "Then you or me first?"

"You are the younger sister, I will let you again." Missouri said generously.

Wisconsin is also welcome, striding on the podium of the banquet hall.

The four of them have gathered together to attract all the ship's eyes, and Wisconsin came out alone, so does it mean that a decision has been made?

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