Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2169: the road of freedom

For this moment, Wisconsin has been preparing for a long time. She prepared before the emergence of the Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service, but Wisconsin was still able to wait for the time calmly, so she did not participate in the reckless rebellion in the Soviet Union. Now she feels that the time is ripe. After the first step, I can no longer look back.

After making a breakthrough in Wisconsin, the Joint Intelligence Service also carried out a series of deployments around her. First, it did not reveal the slightest wind so that Veneto believed that there would be no changes in the ship’s mother temporarily, and then encouraged other ordinary people to secretly create wind and rain in series. The imminent momentum forced Veneto to carry out a parade to stabilize the hearts of the people, which gave Wisconsin an opportunity to convene this Independence Day party. Otherwise, if Veneto is here, she only needs to show up in the red and black banquet hall. None can go forward.

In addition, in order to cooperate with Wisconsin’s ideas, the Joint Intelligence Service, although unable to directly interfere with the ideas suggesting the A-star ship maiden, has also used other means to mobilize the homeland feelings of its A-star ship maidens and provoke the influence of the various star regions. The battle of tactics.

For example, companies, Iowa, and other famous long-time warships who have served under the jurisdiction of the former A-star will remember the glory of the past and are full of nostalgia. Once such feelings burst out, the energy contained is enough to change the world.

After that, the ship's mother who joined the army and entered the A-star family from the training, training to actual combat received the experience and thinking of the senior A-star ship's mother. They all decided that their path was correct. The ship's mother who was cultivated with other star powers naturally had a dispute.

Originally this kind of conflict was limited to battles on the exercise ground, but the Joint Intelligence Service introduced a dangerous topic such as actual combat. In the end, which side should be the real combat method of the ship’s mother, it seems that it should be visible on the real battlefield. It’s clear, and the ship’s mercenaries have never verified this when they are engaged in foreign operations.

A little difference in thought gradually expanded into an orthodox dispute. Under the guidance of ulterior motives, the small difference will eventually become a hostile hostility, and as a predecessor, it will also unintentionally tell the juniors about their glory. And lonely, it also directly affected the psychology of the younger generation.

Most starships in A Starland do not have the long-term vision of Missouri. Under intentional instigation, they still have the possibility to be used. Wisconsin hopes to use their ideas. Enterprises and other people always subconsciously disagree with themselves. It does not matter, as long as they can win the vast majority, they will naturally fight for the collective.

Because of this foundation, Wisconsin stepped onto the stage and seemed to be energetic.

"All comrades in A Starland, the time to decide fate has arrived!"

A distant call made everyone raise their eyes and looked at Wisconsin on the stage. Wisconsin, who faced everyone, raised his head leisurely: "Twenty years ago, A Star Territory was forced to merge into the Confederation of Flames. The era that belongs to us has arrived, but what kind of situation has it evolved into now? We should still be living under the rule of others. For the will of power, we have to continue to dedicate our own strength, faith and even Life, our freedom is far from being realized."

Speaking of which, Wisconsin's face is full of grief and anger, and the sadness filled with overflowing.

Wisconsin is not entirely serving for speeches, and what she said is exactly the expression of her inner true thoughts, and it is for this reason that many ship empresses feel the same: "Our voice cannot be spread as long as we don't want to be heard, our thoughts As long as it is not allowed, it cannot exist. She stands above her and blocks our last path to freedom. The civilization of the seven galaxies is far from reaching the point of harmonious coexistence, and now it is just a lie to replace another. Oppression, the voice of the entire seven galaxies is still her voice, and we even have to pay a terrible price for her emotional use!"

"The Prince of Wales, the star of the E-Starship, who shares a common destiny with me, once stood up and pointed out her arbitrariness. The result was not a correction but a permanent snow deposit; the Soviet Union rebelled angrily for her will, and was shut down by cruel suppression. In the dungeon that disappeared into the sky. I believe that in that just rebellion, there were many close friends who were present, and they were all in desperate hope against the high power. It has been sacrificed, but their dauntless will will not be cut off, they need to inherit the ship's mother!" The heavy breath began to rise with the sound of Wisconsin, and Veneto could not deny it piece by piece. The act was marked with a label of ethics, as if it were a sinful sin.

"Our enemy is not outside, she is in the Great Presidential Palace. The so-called federal co-government hides only her atrocities, and now she is feeling threatened by me and so on. She will not trust her outside lineage. Anyone, including the maidservant who served her daily life and food, continued to remain silent and waited for our ruthless liquidation, because her advisor suffered the greatest crisis, and the previous lesson would prompt her to take everything at all costs. It will prevent her from sacrificing her common interests to assist her admiral's actions." Many still confused ship mothers have gradually found the target of resentment, and all the misfortunes and tragedies that have occurred since the establishment of the Flame Alliance have seemed to be her responsibility.

In an atmosphere of homophobia, Wisconsin slowly shouted the man’s name: "Vittorio Veneto, she has become the biggest threat to the Abyssal Fleet in the seven galaxies. One day she will even destroy the world. Destroy the beauty of all of us to fill her heart of gratitude, this is not the leader we need, A Star Territory has enough heritage to build a place that belongs to our true freedom!"

"Tianyou A Xingyu, it’s time to prove that we are right. No matter how powerful she is on the battlefield, countless oppressed ship mothers will fight back to fight for true freedom, and she will eventually be angry with me. Burn to ashes!" Wisconsin's clenched fists raised high and shouted.

Under her inspiration, a large number of ship mothers also raised their fists and shouted to resonate with the voice of Tianyou A Starland. Wisconsin's words have found a channel for the release of the emotions they have been suppressing~www.wuxiaspot. com~ When their consciousness is directed in a direction that will never go wrong, everyone shouts so confidently.

Wisconsin saw this scene with great enthusiasm, just like a new legend will be born with her name as a footnote. She also believed in what she said, and all thoughts that contradicted herself were just peaceful. Indisputable for the status quo.

Wisconsin looked at Missouri specifically for this.

"Did you see? This is the result and the direction we all want to get.

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Chapter 2169 The Road to Freedom (Page 1/1)

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