Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2170: Stranger sister

Since the establishment of the Double Flame Federation, the seven galaxies have never been threatened by wars and abyss invasions. The material ecological restoration technology has prompted a small number of people to be re-livable due to the erosion of the void in the S star field. After more than two decades of repairing the areas affected by the war, it has long been impossible to see the past.

Many ship mothers grew up in such peaceful years. They have not seen how terrible and devastating the war is, even if they have been enlisted in the ship mother expedition to go to the eccentric plane to fight low-level abyss invasion. The ship’s warrior, the most brutal aspect of the war in their minds is nothing more than the sacrifice that they or their comrades face.

There must be many extraordinary stories behind the girls who have the courage to choose to become the ship's mother. It is impossible to count their lives here, but they do not fear death with such experience.

I have never seen homes turned into ruins, countless compatriots have been displaced, and innocent people have been destroyed for the ambitions of the superiors. War is a game between life and death for them, but it is not a tragedy of civilization.

Wisconsin’s radical ideas are very appealing among some ship maidens. The Flame Alliance has given each ship maiden the right to participate in the direction of a politically dominant country, but many young ship maidens do not know how to use their predecessors to fight for their lives Freedom to come, when Wisconsin tells them that the highest level of decision-making is always in Veneto’s hands, they will feel that their reward for fighting has been violated, but they will not think that the highest-level decision-making does not belong to each. A warship.

Within the territory of the Chongyan Federation, as a ship's mother, you can challenge any law, including the provisions of the charter, and as long as the reason is sufficient, the amendment will be initiated; the ship's mother can directly interfere with the decision of the local planetary government, and can only be denied if it is deemed inappropriate. Any decision of the planetary governor in his hometown. They have extremely high allowances and subsidies, they can buy almost anything they like and live a life of Jinyiyushi...

Wisconsin said nothing about these special treatments, because she knew that many new generation ship warriors took it for granted that they were born with power, but did not know that it was Yue Zhong who led Veneto to unite the seven galaxies. The revolutionary achievements robbed from all the politicians in the past.

Because of Yue Zhong’s wishes before leaving, Veneto did not put his name in the textbook to let every child who grew up in the new era know. After all, Chongyan Federation no longer needs an advisor to let people know that there is such a person. Naveto’s dominance will not be as stable as Taishan, and the people who have been taken away by Yue Zhong in the past are even more hostile to him, so the story about Yue Zhong is locked like a military secret.

Veneto's rule is indeed not perfect. Once it involves Yue Zhong-related matters, she may damage the interests of Chongyan Federation to a certain extent, but is this only her responsibility?

Without Yue Zhong’s cloth, the warships would not have such a transcendent status and treatment. Even the magical girls clearly knew that they needed to thank Yue Zhong, and the ships of the seven galaxies Niang owes Yue Zhong's favor only more.

So Veneto never felt that she was wrong, because all she did was not just a personal emotional conflict, she was also representing the entire ship mother to return to the man who brought them the dawn. Tuozi asked that there was no place to be sorry for the Citizens of the Flame and the ship's mother. And did you really pay nothing to Yue Zhong? Because Veneto has Yue Zhong in mind, Xiao Meiyan will always be willing to provide technical support to the Chongyan Federation, making this new regime rise rapidly in countless civilizations in the pan-plane. What can I get for sacrifice?

Missouri looked at Wisconsin’s provocation calmly. These truths were clear to her heart, but she could not tell others. Not only are many things the top secret information of the Flame Alliance, but also because many ship mothers simply cannot understand this logic, They didn't even know that there was a man named Yue Zhong, the admiral of the big president Vittorio Veneto.

People are always used to seeing their own things more valuable than others, and their rights are the same. There are of course conspiracies that are not humane in politics, but ordinary people who are not self-restrained are eager to use their ignorance to show their own existence and thoughts, then he has already become part of the conspiracy.

The politician's imprisonment and oppression of the ship's mother in the past stems from their fear of this power. It is understandable that they did not allow the ship's mother to have political power. At that time, the ship's mother even survived is a tragedy. Wisconsin brought this concept to the present, equating Veneto’s arbitrary dictatorships to the actions of politicians in the past. Along with her provocative language, she provoked the inner enthusiasm and anger of the A Star Warship ladies in Missouri In his eyes, his sister seemed to have put on the clothes of the politicians of the old age, and she became very strange.

Even if a new A Star Zone is established, a qualified ruler will never be swayed by so many different opinions. She cannot do better than Veneto in that position, and these are incited The ship's mother will also not be given the power to participate in the highest-level decisions.

"Saratoga." When a name yelled out of Missouri, Gaga turned her head to look at the lively and unpromising, and she tilted her head suspiciously. She was a little strange what Missouri did with her name at this time.

But Missouri didn't take care of this girl. Even after so many years, she was naughty like a child who didn't grow up, and naturally she couldn't really enter the decision-making layer of Chongyan Federation.

"Pensacola, Nevada, Arkansas, Salt Lake City, Hughes, Rand, Anderson, Linson..." The names of the A-star ship mothers shouted from Missouri's mouth generously, everyone for a time Her eyes turned to her with the same doubts as Saratoga.

These names are the ship mothers who started active in the Second Seven Galaxy War. They are also the predecessors of Missouri and Wisconsin. Under the preaching of Wisconsin, they are calmer than the new generation of ship mothers~www But recalling the former invincible heroes of A Starland, everyone's heart was somewhat moved.

In the Flame Alliance, they are not so important, and they are no different from most ordinary ship maidens. Maybe they will go back to the past A star domain. Maybe they will be treated like heroes?

Missouri carefully and meticulously read the name of each shipowner, and the juniors who grew up under the care of these shipowners also got up and wanted to hear what Missouri wanted to say.

But they never thought that Missouri would be so cold and biting: "You should have died long ago."

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Chapter 2170 The Unfamiliar Sister (Page 1/1)

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