Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2171: Decryption scandal

"Hey Missouri, what stupid words are you talking about!" Saratoga stopped doing it right away and yelled at Missouri with her toes jumping: "You're dead, believe it or not, I blow you up on the training ground Can't lift it up!"

Among the names mentioned on the Missouri list, the only ship daring to dare to challenge her is probably only Gaga. Although Saratoga’s performance in the Second Seven-Star Wars was far less than the company’s dazzling, but in the enterprise During the maintenance period, he also once supported the battle of Parkfield Xinghai with Robin from the E-Star field. To a certain extent, he also taught the E-Star field's ship mother how to fight the aircraft carrier.

After entering the third war and fighting against the abyss invasion, Saratoga, who has a large number of aircraft carrier companions, was finally released. Her performance on the battlefield was not inferior to that of the long-known company, the Flame Federation The top three positions in the aircraft carrier ship also have her place.

If it is a one-on-one match with Missouri, Saratoga, who likes to rely on a large number of aircraft carrier teammates to play his full strength, will definitely be hammered. Of course Saratoga was a little lawless in front of Veneto, and she dared to provoke anyone except Lexington who could control her.

Missouri glanced at Saratoga with a headache. She felt that the serious atmosphere she had created was destroyed by Saratoga, but now is not the time to care about these things. Without a word, he made a mistake and turned himself into a shrew who was anxious and cursing.

So Missouri ignored Saratoga’s provocation, and continued on his own: “This list I’m talking about comes from the top-secret database of the old-world A-star domain. In the past, in order to avoid letting some shipowners know this in power, The incident caused revenge, so when it was discovered, it was locked in the archives of the Chongyan Federation. But today I had to submit a lifted look to the Great Presidential Palace. Now everyone present can pass the ship information Retrieve to view this plan."

"This plan is called Operation Crossroads. The former A-Star regime was planned for two Able and Bkaer super weapon experiments in the Bikini Broken Planetary Belt on the eve of the Second Seven-Galaxy War. Nagato and Prince Eugen also include all the old A-class ship mothers above. Because the A-star authorities think that your service life is very long, in order to test the power of the new super weapon against the ship mother, you are included Become the target target ship of the experiment in this list."

"The authority of Star A tries to squeeze the final value of your life, no matter how many merits you have made for Star A, when your service life is about to come to an end, what they are thinking is not to let the heroes of the past have A good destination, but it does not care about your thoughts at all, without any mercy and respect for you, just trying to use all kinds of methods to squeeze out the final value of you."

"In the two super weapon experiments, you will sleep with the enemies in the past and the vast sea of ​​stars, transform your life into a string of cold and ruthless numbers and continue to serve the regime of the A-star territory. It seems that the past life and death fights are only one. A ridiculous joke, as if fate pressed you from the beginning, and you will be encased in despair from enlistment to experimental blasting." Under Missouri's description, all the ship goddesses seemed to have returned to the incomparably dark place for them. In the era of the first time, when the cruel truth was first touched, whether it was on the list or not, the expressions of the ship girls were so incredible, turned into a thick anger, and wished to return to that era. Overturn these guys who treat their lives and happiness like grass and grass.

Missouri’s cold expression didn’t see the slightest emotion, but there was a lot of confusion under the suppressed voice: “I’m not one of you, so I can’t understand what you know now. Psychology. But I was fortunate to have been active in that era too. The past regime’s oppression of the ship’s ladies will allow us to gather so freely in the most luxurious banquet hall of the Confederacy Federation to unscrupulously attack the ruling party’s decision? Even the military port could not leave, and he was kept under house arrest, enslaved and manipulated all his life until he died."

"Operation Crossroads was initially shelved due to the opposition of Admiral Chester William and the abyss invasion, but the President of A Star Territory still did not stop, trying to use it to use the so-called in the final battle between us and the abyssal fleet. 'S super weapon also eliminates the existence of our two major threats to his dominance. Although this great president is dead, many of the politicians who participated in the formulation and endorsement of the plan were still alive and well."

"Wisconsin, they are right behind you at the moment." Missouri pointed directly at Wisconsin and shouted sharply, "You may wish to take out the list of the new A star domain officials you are preparing to form, let us see how many names are on the top. The participants in the development of the crossroads operations are the same."

Wisconsin’s face turned pale for a moment. In fact, she also didn’t know the content of this crossroads operation, so she would not be prepared for the sudden counterattack of Missouri at this time, or if she knew this, then she might not Agree that the banquet was held today.

Those people were forced to change their identities under the wave of the ship’s revolution, from the ruthless ruthless ruling class to the so-called nationalist and patriotic fighters, which seemed to be persecuted by Veneto’s powerful rule to find liberation The road to freedom, but when they once again changed, everything will definitely return to the original point.

"The darkness of the past and the freedom of today are so But some people don’t see this and just want more benefits. Wisconsin, even if you finally succeed, you can Ingenious politicians can do something with your naive experience of political struggle? They will rebuild the power of the old era step by step, deprive us of our freedom step by step, rather than living under the rule of these people, I would rather be Veneto's running dog in your mouth!"

"Using wars spreading all over the world, with the lives of countless innocent people who believe in you, we will usher in an era of inevitable darkness. What can people who do such things not be idiots?"

At this point, Missouri completely disregarded her face and sisters' feelings. After all, she felt that Wisconsin had done something wrong, and it was her responsibility to point out her mistakes and force her to correct them.

The pale-faced Wisconsin yelled, "Navinet is different from them. Now that we have clearly expressed our will to oppose her, wouldn't she just like us Is there a complete erasure?"

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